The Stone Front

The “Stone Front” is the name Al Robbins has given his new saloon on 3rd Street. It opened for business Monday. The structure is a “brick” for beauty and finish, being a 25×60 feet two stories, and an addition will probably be added in the future for hotel purposes. Mr. Robbins is an old resident in Bemidji, and his many friends will doubtless keep him busy in his new business. (Bemidji Weekly Pioneer, October 26, 1899)

This saloon was located on the southeast corner of Third & Minnesota at 222 Third Street on Lot 12 of Block 17.

Susannah Carson and G. M. Carson, her husband, sold Lots 11 and 12 of Block 17 of the original townsite of Bemidji to Mary Kelleher of the County of Crow Wing for $4,000 on August 28, 1899. This was the SE corner of Minnesota Ave and 3rd St.

James Kelleher of Brainerd is one of the non-resident investors who has confidence in Bemidji. He was early in the field in Bemidji and bought ground and constructed a nice two-story business building on Third Street. He also bought the Northern Hotel property at the corner of Third Street and Minnesota Avenue. During the winter of 1899-1900, he had the building raised and a higher foundations made and has had it improved throughout and fitted up in first class style. A. Z. Robbins now occupies the building. (January 1900)

This building was destroyed by fire in January 1912.