606 America Avenue

The house at 606 America is no longer there but it had a long history while it existed.

In 1899, Fred Rhoda purchased Lots 15 and 16 in Block 4 of America Avenue for $800. Just months later, in January 1900, W.M. Ridenour bought Lot 16 for $25.

The property at 606 America Avenue became home to Sherman and Susan Bailey by 1904. Sherman, who served as Chief of Police in 1905, worked for the Minnesota State Land Department until retirement. His wife Susan was born in Iowa to Irish parents. Their son Earl, born in South Dakota along with younger brothers Claude and Leslie, lived with them while working as a timekeeper for the Central Lumber Company. Earl served as a wagoner in France during WWI. His brother Claude worked as a bookkeeper for Krueger Lumber and lived nearby at 605 Minnesota Avenue with his wife Hazel.

The house, documented as a two-story dwelling in the 1914 Sanborn Map, was a social hub. The Pinehurst Club of the Pythian Sisters held meetings there, including one hosted by Miss Ida Bailey and Mrs. S.C. Bailey in March 1909. Sherman Bailey passed away at the home on May 9, 1937, from myocarditis. The property then changed hands several times: Elliot Burton (1939-40), Archie Stecker (1953), and Lyle Lortie (1982), with a period of vacancy noted in 1978

Susan Bailey with family pet outside the house.

Susan Bailey with pet outside family home.

Earl Geil with parents Susan and Sherman Bailey