Northern Bible Chapel

The work at Northern was started in 1928 when Oak Hills Fellowship entered the willow grove area, four miles northwest of Northern. Ten years later, because of shift in population, services were held in the Northern schoolhouse. As Sunday School attendance began to soar in 1940, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conat gave the land on which the present building is located.

At a meeting in May 1941, plans were made for the actual building and donations included the land by the Conats, gravel and stone by Lee Worth; logs by Earl Moutuon, lumber by Roy Jackson and pledges amounting to $300. The first service was held on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 26, 1942. Vernon Bliss was the first pastor called in 1942 and when he left to become an Army Air Force chaplain in 1943, Robert Page, who had been serving Solway for six years, replaced him. At the conclusion of World War II, Mr. Bliss returned to Northern and the Pages moved to the Carr Lake field. Mr. Bliss gave his farewell sermon June 15, 1952 and Thomas Cairns filled the pulpit until September 1952.

A new 40 x 50 addition was started in 1962 and was dedicated on July 12, 1964.