Boston Block

F.D. Coleman & Co., General Merchandise (Nov 27, 1902)

Dr. A. Ray, a dentist of Minneapolis, was in town this week, and has secured rooms in the Boston block for a permanent location for his line of business. He comes highly recommended as a practitioner of the modern art of dentistry. (March 27, 1902)

J.C. Moore, Sales Agent for Bemidji Townsite & Improvement Co. (1902)

E.H. Winter & Co.; Chester McCuzick; E. F. Crawford; Dr. J. B. Smith;  Edwin H. Smith, physician and surgeon; E. H. Jerrard (1904)

Bemidji Pressed Stone & Tile, Ben Erikson, W. A. Boyd (1904)

This block was occupied by the Security State Bank from at least 1910 until the block was destroyed by fire on Jan 17, 1935.