407 America Avenue

In 1905, this house was occupied by Richard O. Richardson, and it was also the residence of Dr. G. A. Jones, a practical chiropodist, who advertised that his office was at his residence at 407 America Ave.

Richard O. Richardson was born in Norway. He came to Bemidji before 1905 and went to work for the Crookston Lumber Company. He and Ella Richardson had two children Robert and Ella. Mrs. Richardson entertained the Norwegian Ladies’ Aid at her home periodically between 1912 and 1925. They lived in the house until 1925 when Mrs. Richardson died. Dick Richardson stayed in the home for a few more years. He died April 1933 in Olmstead County.

Hjalmer J Erickson and Matt Reed lived there in the 1930’s. Einor Kristofferson and Melvin Iverson lived there in 1946.   (1934-35)

The house is no longer there. The area is a parking lot.