321 America Avenue

Amanda Grodland lived at this address in 1910. Joseph and Alvina Wells lived there in 1912-1913. Mrs. Wells had worked as a cook for Joe Blondo at his Third Street restaurant, and in September 1914, she sued him for compensation for half of her salary during the ten week’s period while she was suffering a sprained ankle and was unable to perform her duties.

Mary McDermid (widow of Peter McDermid), and sons Judd, Simon and William McDermid lived at 321 America in 1914-1915. She previously had a restaurant at 304 Third Street, and her son William was the cook. Joe Blondo bought out the McDermid Restaurant and ran it until 1917. Mary McDermid continued to live at 321 America Avenue in 1916-1917. Duncan McDougal lived at this property in 1922-23. Mrs. Lillian Pettingill ran a boarding house at this address in 1927. William and Ethel McDermid offered lodgings in this building from 1930 to 1940.

McDermids also owned Cabin-Inn Café and the McDermid Hotel on Third Street. The building continued as a multi-family dwelling offering rooms and apartments to the present day.

321 America Avenue (March 2013)