Great Northern 1898


Dec 4, 1897 The Great Northern Extension. Bemidji, Minn., Special, Dec. 4. —The construction work on the Great Northern in this county is now about to actually begin. The first twenty miles out of Fosston in this direction has been sublet by Guthrie &Co., and other contracts are now in hand that will be closed up within the next ten days. Charles Folliet, Guthrie’s superintendent ot construction, is here with some under-contractors, and the contract for their portion of the one eastward from here to Cass Lake will probably be let to them. Hauser Bros, of Chicago secured the contract from here westward for ten miles and are expected in here in a few days to set up camp. The utmost expedition is promised in the construction of this new line, and there is every prospect that July 1 will see it completed into West Superior.— St. Paul Pioneer Press.