Toboggan Slide 1917

Tonight will see the formal dedication of the new Carnival association toboggan slide at the foot of Tenth Street and the lake, and the event promises to be a “humdinger” in many ways. All members of the association are urged to meet promptly at the Markham hotel at 7:30 o’clock and march in a body to the toboggan and take part in the evening’s festivities. There will be coffee and light refreshments served at a nominal cost and no discomfiture need be experienced on account of the cold. E. E. McDonald, president of the association, will be in his glory and Mayor Vandersluis is authority for the statement that President McDonald his cohorts can go just as far as they like, and the turn to the left. At any rate, it’s going to be “some night” at the new toboggan. (Jan 17, 1917)

The members of the carnival association marched to the toboggan slides last evening, headed by Chief Ripple and C. A. Parker as drummers. The association now has four drums, but only two were used last evening. These drums will be used by the ladies’ drum corps. After visiting the slides, a large number of the association enjoyed lunch in the basement of the Catholic church, served by the young ladies of the church.

The toboggan slide will be closed on and after Friday, Feb. 23, to all persons except members of the Bemidji Carnival association, their families and guests. (Feb 20, 1917)