Pioneer Saloon

A stalwart woodsman was put down and out in one of the fastest rough and tumble events which has recently occurred at Jens Hansen’s saloon, early this morning. Henry Hopis, the bartender, did the job, and an iron cuspidor was the medium. The bartender and the woodsman became involved in a dispute over the payment of drinks. The woodsman stepped up to the bar and laid his money down for a long chance, when the wall flowers promptly lined up and the bar boy served all hands around. The woodsman did not feel it his duty to settle the bill and a dispute followed in which both were quite aggressive. The woodsman started to take the bartender into camp and the latter struck him a vicious blow over the head with a cuspidore. He was unconscious for some time and the blow was at first believed to be fatal. Dr. Morrison was promptly summoned and by prompt work succeeded in stopping the flow of blood from the wound. He will suffer no serious effects aside from an ugly scar and is resting easily at present. Hopis paid his doctor bill and was in police court on a charge of assault, where he paid his fine of $25 and costs. Hanson’s place is the Pioneer saloon next to the Lumbermen’s bank and it has been notorious for some time. The council is expected to take steps to revoke his license at once as complaints against the place have been too frequent of late to warrant a further show of leniency. (Bemidji Pioneer, April 9, 1904)