1311 Bixby Avenue

George W. Slater bought lots 7 and 8 on Oct 7, 1911 for $350 from Townsite Company.

George Slater, an employee of Ottertail Power, and his wife Addie lived at this home until 1944. One of their sons lived in Ohio and they  moved out there to live with him. Addie died in 1946, and George Slater died in 1947.

Slaters sold Lots 7 and 8, Block 9 to Verland and Onolie Allen on Oct 2, 1943.  The property was transferred Oct 12, 1944.

Verland and Onolie Allen sold the lots to Harry and Harriet Moore on Aug 15, 1947; filed and transferred Sept 18, 1947

Harry Moore lived there from 1947 to 1957. Harry Moore was an agent for Standard Oil Company.

Moore transferred the property to Hon. Frederick Weddel and Ruth Weddel on Dec 4, 1957. They owned it for at least ten years. 1311-Bixby

It was then owned by Robert Eudeikis, professor of Bemidji State College,  from at least 1970 through 1989. Mrs. Barbara Eudeikis was a teacher for District 31.