
The Mayflower has begun its regular ferry trips to the head of the lake. (May 2, 1901)

Some invited guests were generously entertained by the host and hostess of Hotel Markham on Sunday last. Music was furnished by the Andrew Kimmons-Prince Co., guitar and mandolin players. In the afternoon the Mayflower was chartered and a pleasant trip around the lake was indulged in. (Sept 26, 1901)

About two years ago Captain Benner of the Mayflower was caught in a severe storm on the lake here, of which the sudden squall Sunday evening reminded him forcibly. This time W. F. Street, son and daughter, Mrs. Wood, Miss McMahon and William Kaiser were with him, and they are willing to testify that it is not always necessary for a boat to capsize to prove that the water is wet. (Bemidji Pioneer, Sept 26, 1901)