317 America Avenue

This was the home of John and Mathilde Thompson in 1910. John was a bartender for Ole Anderson in 1910. Ole Anderson and John Croon were early partners in the Lake Shore Hotel. Mrs. J. A. Thompson (Mathilde) advertised in the Bemidji Pioneer in 1911 that she would do child care for children up to ten years of age.

An eight-pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ashby of Fowlds this morning at Mrs. John Thompson’s maternity hospital, 317 America Avenue. (Mar 18, 1913)

The Ladies Aid of the First Scandinavian Lutheran church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs. John Thompson, 317 America Avenue. (June 20, 1911)

By 1915, the home was owned by Arthur and Laura Smith. A. W. Smith was the representative for the Pierce Chemical company of Chicago which manufactured toilet articles, and soaps of every description. Mr. Smith moved to Bemidji about 1900. A news clipping from January 1910 said that he expected to make Bemidji a shipping point for the Pierce Chemical company but would fill orders at that time from 1313 Irvine avenue.  There were three men out on the road taking orders for this company under the direction of Mr. Smith.  Mr. Smith planned to open up town quarters for both office and jobbing purposes.

On Oct 21, 1918, a ten-pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Rich of Island Lake, formerly of Duluth, at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W Smith, 317 America avenue. At an auction on Aug 8, 1920, A. W. Smith purchased lots 36 and 37, block 3, of the Lake Park Addition but did not move there.

On March 8, 1921, a number of ladies surprised Mrs. Smith at her home at 317 America avenue, the occasion being Mrs. Smith’s birth anniversary. A delicious lunch was served at six o’clock. Music, conversation and a number of interesting diversions assisted in passing a very pleasant evening. The ladies presented Mrs. Smith a beautiful bouquet of American Beauty roses, as a token of their esteem for her.

The Smiths rented out rooms in the large house and ads appeared in the newspaper offering single rooms or a furnished flat for rent at this address.  Some of the lodgers over the years were Mr. and Mrs. Ganter, Olga Wallin, Mrs. Nellie Cattien, Delbert and Leslie Campbell, Bertha Hendershot, Emma Moe, and Henry Smith.

When an officer of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic visited Bemidji In 1922, Mrs. Smith hosted a dinner at her home.

“Mrs. Kittie Coyne of St. Paul, department president of the G. A. R. Circles, spent yesterday in Bemidji. A special meeting of the Circle was called by the president for 2:30 at the Moose Hall for the purpose of inspection. An interesting meeting was held and a short talk given by Mrs. Coyne on the Old Ladies’ Home at Anoka. Following the
business session the members of the Circle were escorted to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, 317 America avenue, where a 5 o’clock dinner was served to about 22 guests
Bouquets of purple and white chrysanthemums were used as table decorations, and a very pleasant social time was enjoyed.” (Nov 7, 1922)

The Smiths continued to live at this address until the death of Laura Smith on July 20, 1947. A.W. Smith died three years later in 1950 and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery.

311 America Avenue

The west side of America Avenue was residential but also offered lodgings over the years.  The first residents that we know of are Anton and Kate Aller who ran the Bemidji Hotel on Third Street very early in Bemidji and resumed ownership in 1904. The hotel  burned in January 1906. Mrs. Aller, on behalf of her husband’s estate, then sold the lot to Fitger Brewing Company which erected a new two-story brick building on the lot in 1906.

William P. Barnes and Miss Annie Aller, daughter of Kate Aller, were married in St. Philip’s Catholic Church May 14, 1910. The young people made their home at the Aller residence on the corner of Fourth Street and America Avenue. Mrs. Kate Aller, and William Barnes lived at this address from about 1910 until about 1920.

This was the residence of Duncan and Elsie McDougal in 1920. Elsie McDougal ran a boarding house at this address, while Kate Aller moved in with her daughter and the Barnes family who lived next door at 315 America Avenue. The house was up for sale in May of 1922. The Barnes and Aller families took over the boarding house again in 1922 and ran it until Katherine Aller died on Sept 4, 1930 at the age of 65. The Barnes family moved to Washington, D. C.

The house was occupied by Charles Beard in 1931-32.  Several of the lodgers in the 1930’s were Arthur Johnson, William Hedge, John  J. Riley, and Cora Beckon. William Lefaive lived there from about 1939-42. Frank Dewey and his wife Manda lived here from about 1951 to 1970.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewey were pleasantly surprised on a Saturday evening in 1962 when a group of neighbors and friends gathered at their home at 311 America Ave. to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey were married in Bemidji Feb. 28, 1912 and lived in Bemidji practically all of their married life. Mr. Dewey was engaged in the furniture business for many years. Mrs. Dewey died on July 11, 1969. Frank Dewey died unexpectedly at his home on March 5, 1973. He had been a resident of Bemidji for 66 years.

The building became Kirkvold’s in 1973 and Kirkvold’s Boarding house in 1975. It was Aultman’s Boarding home in 1980. It has continued as an apartment building.

321 America Avenue

Amanda Grodland lived at this address in 1910. Joseph and Alvina Wells lived there in 1912-1913. Mrs. Wells had worked as a cook for Joe Blondo at his Third Street restaurant, and in September 1914, she sued him for compensation for half of her salary during the ten week’s period while she was suffering a sprained ankle and was unable to perform her duties.

Mary McDermid (widow of Peter McDermid), and sons Judd, Simon and William McDermid lived at 321 America in 1914-1915. She previously had a restaurant at 304 Third Street, and her son William was the cook. Joe Blondo bought out the McDermid Restaurant and ran it until 1917. Mary McDermid continued to live at 321 America Avenue in 1916-1917. Duncan McDougal lived at this property in 1922-23. Mrs. Lillian Pettingill ran a boarding house at this address in 1927. William and Ethel McDermid offered lodgings in this building from 1930 to 1940.

McDermids also owned Cabin-Inn Café and the McDermid Hotel on Third Street. The building continued as a multi-family dwelling offering rooms and apartments to the present day.

321 America Avenue (March 2013)


401-403 America Avenue

The interesting yellow brick house at the intersection of America Avenue and Fourth Street was built by Frank Silversack. He was born in Wisconsin, homesteaded in Koochiching County and then became a saloon owner in Bemidji. In February of 1900, he was among the first to donate to a purse made up to defray the burial expenses of his bartender Bennie “Frenchy” Moore who was murdered on opening night at the Olympic Theatre. The Silversack saloon was located at 322 Minnesota Avenue and was named  the City Hall Saloon.

Silversack purchased the corner lot on America Avenue on May 27, 1900 from W. F. Street. He built the house for his mail-order bride Louise Pennison Silversack. She was not happy with her husband’s occupation or the rough and tumble life of Bemidji, as her interests were much more literary and in line with the arts.

Their beautiful new home was struck and badly damaged by a severe summer storm on July 29, 1902. Lightning penetrated the roof in several places tearing holes several feet in length, and followed the walls to the cellar where it struck the brick foundation and destroyed it. Posts and boards were smashed into kindling wood. Frank Carson and George Harvey were doing carpenter work in the house at the time and the lightning’s course came within two feet of where they stood. They received a shock; Carson was taken to the hospital but he soon recovered.

Silversack ran afoul of the law a couple of times for selling liquor to a minor. He was first arrested in June 1904, and again in May 1905. Two men were charged with assault at his saloon over the Fourth of July 1905. The next month Mrs. Silversack was arrested and charged with two counts of arson – one for attempting to set fire to the saloon and the second for attempting to set fire to the livery located behind the saloon. Silversack discovered the fire in the stable and managed to put it out before it spread to the rest of the building. Silversack swore out a complaint against his wife and she was placed in the county jail and held until the Grand Jury met in September 1905.  She was indicted for arson but furnished bonds and allowed her liberty until the spring session of 1906. No further mention is made of the case, so perhaps the charges were dropped. By November of 1906, Mrs. Silversack was advertising three well-furnished, steam-heated rooms for rent at this location.

By 1910, there was only unhappiness and dissatisfaction in the Silversack house. Mrs. Silversack sought an absolute divorce and alimony from her husband. He answered the complaint by filing a cross complaint asking for divorce. The testimony was exceedingly pithy, and the couple split and went separate ways.

On September 12, 1911, Frank Silverack sold the City Hall Saloon to the Bemidji Brewing Company. He also traded his house at America Avenue for the Louis Lauritzen farm about seven miles west of the city. He planned to move to the farm and live an independent life, while Mr. Lauritzen moved his family to the city and occupied the splendid home vacated by Silversack. Lauritzen was a mason by trade and formerly followed this trade while he lived in the city. Frank Silversack remarried twice after that, died in 1930 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery.

401-America-AvenueHarry and Jennie Mooney were living in the house in 1921 and the house was sold to Mary Jane Mooney on September 10, 1923. Harry was an employee of the Crookston Lumber Company and later was engineer at Bemidji State Teachers College. They had a son, Ernest Lisle Mooney. In 1940, Fletcher Grimoldby, Deputy County Treasurer, was living there as well. He was Harry’s brother-in-law. Harry died in 1943, and Jennie died in 1959, and ownership of the house passed to Lisle Mooney. Upon his passing on April 8, 1965, the house went to Florence Jeanette Owen. Robert and Joan Bernstrom bought the house from the Owens and turned it into the Catalyst Bookstore, which many people still remember. On April 12, 2000, Ron L. Anderson purchased the house from the Bernstroms with the intention of creating a spiritual place for people to lead healthier lives. In honor of his late wife, he restored the building to its original splendor that we see today. On July 15, 2007. Sanya Mortenson purchased the building with the dream of a permanent home for the Bemidji Health & Wellness Center, and made it a beautiful and welcoming building. It is currently the site of  Lashes by Leah (2023). 


314 America Avenue

Two hotels once existed on the east side of America Avenue between Third and Fourth Street. The Minnesota House at 314 America Avenue was operated by G. O. Bang in 1910, then by Jens Johnson and then by Joseph Blondo.  Blondo purchased the Minnesota House, remodeled and refurnished it in 1921.  Opening day at the Blondo’s Hotel was December 1, 1921. He advertised beds for 25¢ and 50¢ a night. The hotel ran on the American plan. Meals cost 25 cents. Blondo had previously run the West Hotel and also the City Hotel. This address was not listed after his death and the building is gone.

310 America Avenue

The Trondhjem Hotel was operating at this address as early as 1904, owned by H. M. Johnson. Ole Erickson purchased it and renamed it the Erickson Hotel and operated it from at least 1912 to about 1920. Oscar Kranz was the proprietor in 1920 and Olson Brothers were the proprietors in 1922.  In 1922, Joe Blondo purchased the old Erickson Hotel and carried out extensive repairs. The rooms were all redecorated and greatly improved. The Doran Plumbing company had the contract for installing a heating plant and plumbing in the hotel. This gave Mr. Blondo 22 modern rooms. Joseph Blondo died in March 1928 and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery. Olson Brothers were listed as proprietors again in 1928, and the hotel operated until about 1960. The building is gone.

406 America Avenue

Agnes McConnell Robinson lived in this house for 42 years until her death on May 5, 1941. Samuel and Agnes Robinson built the house about 1898. Their daughter Ella Robinson was born in 1898. On the 1900 census, Samuel and Agnes have four children, Mable, Effie, Elliot and Ella living with them.  Agnes was the mother of the three youngest children. Judge Spooner granted an absolute decree of divorce to Mrs. Agnes Robinson from her husband, Samuel Robinson on June 5, 1905, and she was allowed the custody of two children, a boy of eight and a girl of five, presumably Elliot and Ella. On the 1910 census, she and her three children, Effie, Elliot, and Ella, were living at 406 America Ave.

Edward Joseph Brouillard was born in Crookston and moved to the Bemidji area in 1917. He was a private in the infantry in World War I. Upon his return, Ella Robinson and he were married on Sept 25, 1919 and he moved into the Robinson home. During his career, he worked for the Crookston Lumber Co., the Bigelow Lumber Co., Robertson Lumber Co., and for E. E. Kenfield & Sons. He was a member of the Ralph Gracie Post and the Bemidji Fire Department.

Agnes died in 1941 and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery. Edward and Ella continued to live in the home. Edward, retired, and Ella were still there in 1964. They moved to the Northland Apartments after they were opened in the fall of 1968. Edward died on Dec 24, 1970 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Ella died in Indiana in 1976.

407 America Avenue

In 1905, this house was occupied by Richard O. Richardson, and it was also the residence of Dr. G. A. Jones, a practical chiropodist, who advertised that his office was at his residence at 407 America Ave.

Richard O. Richardson was born in Norway. He came to Bemidji before 1905 and went to work for the Crookston Lumber Company. He and Ella Richardson had two children Robert and Ella. Mrs. Richardson entertained the Norwegian Ladies’ Aid at her home periodically between 1912 and 1925. They lived in the house until 1925 when Mrs. Richardson died. Dick Richardson stayed in the home for a few more years. He died April 1933 in Olmstead County.

Hjalmer J Erickson and Matt Reed lived there in the 1930’s. Einor Kristofferson and Melvin Iverson lived there in 1946.   (1934-35)

The house is no longer there. The area is a parking lot.


415 America Avenue

The first mention of this residence in the newspapers is an announcement of the upcoming marriage of Otto Johnson and Miss Lavinia Arnitz. Their marriage took place on October 17, 1905. The ceremony occurred at St. Anthony’s hospital and Rev. Father O’Dwyer officiated. Clyde Hollingshead was the best man was and Miss Florence Huck was bridesmaid. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bisiar, where they received the congratulations of about 60 of their friends after which a sumptuous wedding supper was served and then dancing was indulged in until a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were well known in Bemidji and had many friends who wished them a long life of happiness.

Several children were born while the Johnsons lived here: Lawrence, Vincent, Francis, Wilbur and a fifth child born Jan 21, 1916. Otto was appointed agent for the School Farm about 1916 and they moved to a home on the school farm on Irvine avenue.  Mrs. Johnson fell ill on January 21, 1916 and died from an attack of bronchial pneumonia and other complications on March 1, 1916.

415-America-AvenueAccording to a 1914 Sanborn map, the dwelling was set back from the street, with  one small building on the alleyway. The house was next occupied by Harry Crusberg, Salvation Army (1917 -1918); then by C. L. Arnold, patrolman and wife Myrtle (1920-21); and then by B. H. Hunt (1927-1938); and by Maurice Madsen (1934-35)

After World War II, the house was again occupied by Otto Johnson and the  Vince Johnson family. Vince Johnson attended school in Bemidji and worked as a salesman in clothing stores most of his life. He married Myrtle V. Enstad on Jan. 5, 1936 in Bemidji. For a time he sold boots for the Chippewa Boot Co., then operated his own clothing store for several years before returning to Patterson’s. He was a salesman for clothing stores most of his life. He retired in 1970.  Mrs. Johnson worked at O’Meara’s Clothing Store for 21 years. They raised four daughters in the house.


904 Mississippi Avenue NW

904 Mississippi Avenue

This house was built  in 1900. The neighborhood got a little attention in the fall of 1912 when two three-year old boys were lost for several hours and caused their parents some worry. The boys were Julius Venne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Venne, 904 Mississippi avenue, and Ralph Quenneville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Telesphore Quenneville, 1005 Mississippi avenue. They were found late in the afternoon wandering down the Great Northern yards. (Sept 14, 1912)

This was the home of Sigvard M. Koefod and his family in the late 1920s and into the 1940s. Mr. Koefod was Judge of the Probate Court.

Mrs. Dorothy Schauls lived here from at least 1970 – 1982.


201 Irvine Avenue South

E.J. Swedback was the first resident at 201 Irvine Ave S. Swedback moved that house to the corner of Eleventh and Bemidji and remodeled it for his home in 1913. A. J. Naylor purchased the lot, and the Bemidji Pioneer socials noted on December 26, 1913 that A. J. Naylor “has the outside work of his new home completed and is occupying it. Mr. Naylor will complete his home gradually, and, when the interior work is complete, will have spent $2,000 on it.” The Naylor family owned the home until about 1960, and the house is still an attractive structure.

1001 Mississippi Ave

1001 Mississippi Avenue

AYB 1920, EYB 1983

Miss Vera Campbell entertained a few friends at a fudge party at her home, 1001 Mississippi Avenue, Monday evening, and a pleasant social time was enjoyed. Those present were: Misses Kate Hines, Martha Maag, Esther Bendickson, Bertha Davies, Ruth Martin and Miss Owen. (Sept 29, 1921)

Unfurnished Rooms for Rent (1921, 1922)

Jas Smith, Mrs. M. E. Jones, Ernest Wilett, Napoleon Stone (1927-28)

Sever Flom died at his residence at 1001 Mississippi Avenue on Dec 31, 1930. Retired farmer. Came to Carr Lake 12 years earlier.

Mrs. Idella Connick, Hector Landry, Wm. Sommers (1934-35)1001-Mississippi-Yes-Croppe

Etta Mae Vedder, widow of Charles Vedder (1939) (1942)

Theo Bruers (1956)

For sale: 10 Room House, 1001 Mississippi Avenue. (May 19, 1966)

Bangerter Foster Home, Russell Bangerter (1970)


823 Mississippi Avenue

Elmer Heggie married Dorothy Waldron on June 11, 1939. He built this home and they lived here from 1939 until his death on May 20, 1976. He worked in Greenland in 1950 and 1951 and also worked on the Iron Range but this was home. They had two children Darrell and Joyce. It is one of the smaller houses in Bemidji.

706 Fourteenth Street

This neat little home was built about 1910. It had a series of owners until owned by James Heggie.
Benjamin Erickson (1910-1911)
Henry Revoir (1916-17)
Pauline Kramer, widow of Nicholas Kramer (1920-1921)
M. O. Bredeson (1924-25)
E. E. Polkinghorne (1927-28)
Roy P. Hendrickson (1934-35)
Glen Saddler (1942)
James A. Heggie served in the army from 1942 – Oct 5, 1945. He married Margaret Hufnagle. He was a truck driver and drove for Giles Transport in 1960. They had two daughters Glenda Kay and Roberta. They lived here from 1946 to 1986.
The house changed owners in 2008, 2012, and most recently in 2018.

808 Park Avenue NW

F.A. Beroud, a single man residing in Bemidji, transferred this property to Nels Loitved for $150. Nov. 7, 1912.

No Listing in 1916-17.

On July 17, 1918, Martin Dunn, the first party, received $1 from Anna Dunn and transferred the mortgage made by Telesphore and Hosanna Beaudette to her amounting to $824.00 plus interest of 8% from July 17, 1918.

Nothing was listed on this block of Park Avenue in 1920-21 except at the corner at 823 Park Ave.

Ole Theodore Haugen moved to Bemidji in 1919 following his service in WWI. He was listed among the sick/wounded who returned to the U.S. in 1919. This full Norwegian, born in Erskine, married Edith O’Grady on June 7, 1920. In 1940, the family included eight children: Leo, Lowell, Betty Lou, Lyle, Lola, Gladys, Laurence and Norbert. Ole worked mainly in logging. Edith died in 1969. Ole died at his home on Oct 3, 1972. Both are buried in Holy Cross Cemetery.

Leo J. “Bud Haugen” continued to live here. He was the eldest son of Ole and Edith Haugen. He graduated from Bemidji High School, then worked in the WPA. One of the projects of which he was the proudest was the split-rock observation platforms on the west and south shores of Lake Bemidji. He worked at his father’s tavern, Ole’s Poor Air-Conditioned Tavern, for several years. He served in the Army from December 1942 to November 1944. He particularly enjoyed playing the harmonica and camping. He died in 1998.

The property was purchased for $59,700 on December 2, 2005. The home changed ownership again in January 2020.

1202 Bemidji Avenue

The house was built about 1910. Karen Rood, widow of Edward Rood, and her son, Ludvig Rood, who was a traveling salesman, were living here in 1916-1917.

Mrs. John Claffy was here in 1918.

Robert Laughlin Given moved here from Lake Boulevard and were living here from 1920 to 1931. Robert was the president of Given Hardware in 1931.

Robert Deuser and wife Cecelia were renting a home at 1321 Bemidji Avenue in 1930 but had moved to this house by 1934. Cecelia died Feb 4, 1935. Robert Deuser and his son Worrell lived here in 1939. Mr. Deuser then married Nova Hand on Dec. 26, 1944 to at St. Philip’s Catholic Church. He was a long resident of Bemidji, In 1934 he became associated with Leonard and Cyril Dickinson where he managed the sales department for five years. The Dickinsons then sold their interests in the lumber yard to Standard Lumber Co. and Deuser remained manager until his retirement in 1968. At the time of his death in 1977, Mr. Deuser was an appraiser and compliance inspector for the Veterans Administration which he had been doing since 1946.

Mr. Deuser was very active within the Bemidji community, having memberships in the following organization: Elks Lodge, American Legion, which he was a board member, local and national Association of Retired Persons, Beltrami County Historical Society, Bemidji Civic and Commerce Association, which he was also an officer, and Bemidji Town and Country Club where he served as a board member.

He was also a past member of the general advisory committee of the Bemidji AVTI, and while being member of the Rotary Club served as president.

Mr. Deuser was active in St. Philip’s Catholic Church, serving as trustee and participating in the Knights of Columbus.

Nova Deuser was born in Bemidji. She attended elementary school in Shotley and Saum, Minn. In 1930, she moved to Bemidji. She worked for the Hartz grocery store for seven years, J.C. Penney’s, and was a florist at Francis Allen Flowers on and off for 15 years. She was a member of St. Philip’s Catholic Church, Catholic Order of Foresters, Bemidji Women’s Garden Club, Hospital Auxiliary and she was a Girl Scout leader of two troops for several years. I remember her as a lively member of the Does organization of Bemidji Elks Club. My mom often spoke well of Nova. I liked her unique name! In 1980, Nova married Tom Roberts of Bemidji.

Robt Young and Hollie Young lived here from at least 1982-1998. He was president of Young and Davis Drywall Inc.

The house was updated in 1998. It changed owners in 2005, 2008, and in 2013. It is still a well-kept private home.

Adam Wick (2013)

1212 Bemidji Avenue

This house was built by Charlie and Delores Yost. They were parents of Georgia, David and Jim. According to real estate records, the house was built in 1965. They rented the basement to college kids. They had previously lived at 1107 Birchmont Drive,  Charlie worked for the Bemidji Candy Company and Dee was a stay at home mom making delicious cinnamon rolls to enjoy school. From here they moved to a house on about 26th and Bemidji Avenue.

Later this was the home of Ralph “Oscar” Zachman and his wife Mary Anne. He lived here until his death on March 11, 2009 at the age of 80.  His obituary contained many interesting details about his life in Bemidji.

Ralph joined the US Navy out of high school near the end of World War II, and served as FC2 onboard the destroyer USS Kenneth D. Bailey (DD-713) and Essex-Class aircraft carrier USS Boxer (CV-21) over the course of the Korean War. While in the Navy, Ralph experienced a personal audience with Pope Pius XII, played on the Navy South Seas basketball team, and survived a catastrophic ship-wide hangar fire that the USS Boxer sustained during combat operations.

Honorably discharged from the Navy, Ralph wed Mary Anne Zapf at St. Mary Cathedral on June 27, 1953 in St. Cloud, MN. Ralph began his career working for Northwestern Bell Telephone Company as a lineman, eventually working his way into management. Turning down a promotion that would have moved him to a large metropolitan city, Ralph and his wife chose family values and the life a small town offers over monetary concerns to raise their family of 8 children and made their home in Bemidji. Over his career of 36 years, he watched as Northwestern Bell split into AT&T. Shortly thereafter, Ralph retired early from his supervisor position.

He successfully ran a campaign for Bemidji City Council in 1982 and served the people from Ward 1 for more than 20 years. Ralph was instrumental in many public works while in office. He took satisfaction with his role in the success of the Bemidji Airport Planning Commission, the New Public Library, Water Treatment Plant, and the annual Bemidji City of Lights Christmas display (Ralph’s ‘Blue Light’ pine tree was a tree he sponsored every Christmas). He was especially proud of the enhanced safety provided Bemidji residents by the “Alley Lights” program that placed lights in all of the alleys city-wide.

Ralph was a member of the Bemidji Rotary Club (serving as president in 84/85), was an active member of the American Legion, and VFW, and was a member of the League of Minnesota Cities and Greater Minnesota Cities boards.

Ralph enjoyed watching his kids play sports and continued being involved in his grandkids’ sporting events. He particularly loved watching hockey and was known as a “Hockey Grandpa”. Neighborhood kids would often stop by and talk with him while he was working in the yard, where he’d assign them nicknames and invent games for them to play.

After his morning workout at BSU, Ralph enjoyed meeting with friends at Hardee’s for coffee. Well-known for his humor, he often would share a joke or wry observation with friends and strangers alike.

He took pride in his yard, his city, and his country, and proudly displayed the American flag. He loved woodworking and became an expert in restoring antique furniture. Summers were enjoyed sitting “out back” in his yard with Mary Anne while they listened to the Twins. He had a reputation for being a master at grilling.

Ralph had a keen appreciation of Nature (except perhaps for squirrels) and shared his love of it with his kids during outings to their “Lake Lot”. He took pleasure in hunting deer and partridge and relaxed on the lake while fishing. He also delighted in putting up his ever-growing Christmas lights display each year.

1101 Minnesota Ave

George Smith purchased Lots 11 & 12, Block 4 and also Lots 11 & 12 in Block 3 for $470 on June 20, 1904. I don’t know what happened to the original house, but according to the realtor’s records, the current house was built in 1968.
George Smith and family lived here at the time of the 1905 census, along with youngest daughters Edith and Georgia. He was listed as a contractor.
In the fall, Mr. and Mrs. Galchutt were living there. “The one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Galchutt, 1101 Minnesota avenue, died yesterday morning, the cause of the death being convulsions. The funeral will be held tomorrow, and the remains will be interred, in Greenwood cemetery.” (Oct. 8, 1905)
This was listed as the residence of George and Mary Smith until his death in 1920, although others lived here from time to time. He was a Civil War veteran, born in 1840 in Maine, so they were already an elderly couple in Bemidji.
“Fire of unknown origin at two thirty o’clock this morning caused nearly $1,000 damage to the home of George Smith, 1101 Minnesota avenue. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Botting who suffered a big loss on account of damage to furniture. The entire inside of the house was gutted. Mr. and Mrs. Botting were not at home at the time the fire was started, having been called to the home of Mrs. Botting’s mother, Mrs. H. J. Lawler, who was sick, a short time before the fire was noticed. An unknown person who was passing the house discovered the fire and reported it to Mr. Smith who lives next door. The fire department was called and did good work. The entire inside of the house was burning when the department was called. The loss is covered by insurance.” (Nov 22, 1915)
George Smith died Mar 4, 1920 and his tombstone in Greenwood reads 1st Sgt. Geo. Smith, Co. H, 15 ME, INF. Prior to his death he was a local president of the G.A.R. Mary died in 1925. He and Mary had 5 daughters, Mabel, Mary E (Smith) Woodbury, Harriet T (Hattie), Edith E (Smith) Hand, and Georgia Ora (Smith) Cummer.
For Sale: Beautiful bungalow, large living room, dining room, kitchen pantry, 2 bedrooms, bath, closets on first floor large bedroom and 3 closets on second floor concrete basement, garage and wood house. Lot 87.5 ft. by 140 ft. Corner Minnesota Avenue and 11th street. Price $5,250 (1920)
J. C. Coe lived here in 1921-1922.
Valentine H. Detling and wife Agnes Detling lived here from about 1924-1928. He was a carpenter. They moved to America Avenue before 1930. Their son Daniel was murdered in 1927 in Iowa. His marker at Greenwood Cemetery reads “Corp. D. H. Detling, Co. K.
206 Inf.”
Eugene Olson (1934-35)
Tillman L. Harris (1946)
Jerry W. Shanahan (1953)Jerry and Ruth Shanahan lived here in the 50s. Jerry was part owner of the Hamms beer distributorship. Ruth was a talented pianist and gave lessons from her home. 
Vacant (1956)
This property was owned next by Gilbert Neumann. He is first listed here in a city directory in 1958. He was employed by the state of Minnesota as a driver’s license evaluator in Bemidji from 1954 until he retired in 1981. He remained in Bemidji where he loved to hunt, fish, travel with his motor home and spend time with his family. His wife Lucille worked as secretary to Smith, Carpenter, Petterson & Bailey.
Richard and Denise Gotaas (1995)
Ellen and Virgil Lannas (1997

1023 Minnesota Avenue

This was originally the home of Melancthon and Gertrude (Colby) Ibertson from 1910 to his death in1939. She continued to live here until her marriage to Andrew Lundgren in 1946, and then they lived here.

Ibertson’s was the pioneer furniture and undertaking establishment of Bemidji, and their stock consisted of everything in this line, from a baby carriage to leather upholstered lounges. Mr. Ibertson was a licensed embalmer and undertaker, and his stock of funeral furnishings and funeral clothes served many, many families. In 1908, he was elected coroner on the Republican ticket. The Ibertson funeral home figured prominently in early Bemidji history. He died on Dec 3, 1939.

In the fall of 1941, Mrs. Ibertson hired D & H Machine Works of Bemidji to service and replace a heating unit on the premises. Gertrude M. Ibertson married Andrew G. Lundgren on July 17, 1946 in Polk County.

Andrew Lundgren (1946)

Harold D. Searls (1953)

Wm. Drummond and his family lived here from about 1954-1978. He was a respected teacher and was on the faculty at Bemidji High School for 18 years. Bill Drummond served as a pilot in WW II from June 7, 1941 to Oct 17, 1945. William and Charlotte Drummond were married on June 14, 1945, in Phoenix, Ariz. After their marriage, they made several moves before coming to Bemidji. He was a commander of the National Guard for 26 years. He was a pilot with the Civil Air Patrol. Bill Drummond died in 1972. His students published a tribute to him in the Bemidji Pioneer which included references to his love of his Irish blood and told many stories of his native Boston. He shared his enjoyment of sports, especially baseball. They wrote that he displayed an excellent sense of humor when he often told them, “I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong.”

After her husband’s death, Mrs. Drummond continued to live in this house and worked at Bemidji State University for several years and then North Country Regional Hospital for 12 years. She enjoyed having her grandkids visit, reading and watching the Twins and Vikings. Their family consisted of a daughter Charlotte and four sons Joe, Chuck, John, and William Jr.

William Drummond, Jr. was accepted into the Master’s degree program in comparative and international politics at the Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies in California in Dec 1974. His area of study was Russian, and he spent two months in Russia earlier in the winter of 1974.

Keith Johnson (1982)

This property was last sold for $92,000 in 2007

Northwestern Motors, Inc

John W. Wilcox had the first agency in Bemidji for Overland cars. His agency was in Room 1 of the new Troppman Block in May 1916.  Wilcox attended the convention of Overland salesmen in Toledo, Ohio in Dec 1916.  There was no further mention of the agency until a new agency opened in Bemidji at the end of WWI in the building formerly occupied by the J. C. Penney store at 209 Third Street. George E Keenan was put in charge. The agency changed hands on March 1, 1920 when Ray Kaliher and J. A. DeLeuil took over the agency. A car load of new model Overland cars were received at the sales station at 116 Third Street in the building formerly occupied by the George T. Baker jewelry store n March 15, 1920. Kaliher was well known in Bemidji. DeLeuil was an expert from the Overland factory.  The company soon added Willys-Knight automobiles, and Ray Kaliher dropped out of the partnership, The company was doing very well. DeLeuil and the board decided to build a large garage and service station on Eleventh Street between Beltrami and Minnesota Avenues. The concern operated under the name of Northwestern Motors. Mr. DeLeuil was electrocuted while responding to a fire at the Hansen house in April 1922. He saw a loose wire and attempted to cut it off and was instantly killed.

Northwestern  Motors, Inc., agency for Willys-Knight and Overland Automobiles then moved to 109-113 4th Street. The board was composed of C. J. Rygg, president; Newman Hanson, vice-president; A. W. Worth, secretary and treasurer.  

305 Park Avenue

This was the site of Bemidji’s Light and Water Plant (1904)

In 1908, the steel water tower at the end of 3rd Street was built along side of Warfield’s light and water plant.

The current building was built about 1940.

Glendenning Mtr Ways Inc (1956)

Bemidji Distributing Co. storage Grain Belt Beer and Olympia Beverages (1970) (1974) Bemidji Distributing asked for a lot variance in 1974. Added an addition to the rear of the building for storage and for loading trucks for the company. (1974)

Bemidji Distributing Co. distributed Grain Belt beer in Bemidji since 1933. In 1975, they celebrated their 42th year in the business. They were one of the oldest wholesalers in Minnesota and the oldest in Bemidji. In April 1974, they introduced Olympia beer in Bemidji. The company thanked its friends for its loyalty to the company. Signed by Cort Langdon, Pat Kirt, Chuck Trog, Glen Bridgeford, Darrel Lauderbaugh, Walt Rucinski, Ron Coons, Chet Wilander, Dave Sievers, Mel Christenson, Jim Kilek and Sandy Soboy.

Honest Oly’s Used Can and Bottle Lot was at the Olympia Recycling Center on the 305 Park Ave. property in 1975.

Bicentennial pledge to community to buy any and all crushed aluminum cans returned to the Recycling Center for 15 cents a pound.

A break-in at the Grain Belt warehouse on June 14, 1977 Several beer cans were found 100 yards from the warehouse that reportedly belonged to the burglars as well as a length of metal pipe.

The Joseph Schlitz brewing Company was appointed the wholesaler for its Schlitz and Old Milwaukee products in Nov 1977.

Michael Bakke, Commercial Remodeling permit to revamp the old Grain Belt Beer warehouse as a Mexican restaurant. (Dec 1980)

Mark Haluptzok Restaurant (T. Juan’s) Macho Nachos! The restaurant was closed in November 2009.

Building sat empty for over ten years until remodeled and opened as the Hair Affair Salon and Spa in 2023,

813 Irvine Avenue

This property originally belonged to C. F. Ruggles, who owed back taxes on it for 1908. Whether a house was ever built on it or not is vague. The lot seems to have remained empty for decades.

In the spring of 1967 R. M. Baumgartner requested permission to move a building from 413 Bemidji Avenue to 813 Irvine Avenue. The city council recommended approval and it was approved by the Planning Commission.

In the fall of 1967 Jay and Jane Johnson moved from LaCrosse, Wisconsin to Bemidji. He was the industrial arts teacher at the college. Mrs. Johnson reported the theft of a new red Sears tricycle from their yard in 1968. On April 30, 1970, someone stole a vinyl covered nylon pickup box cover from the home. Theft of a 20” Huffy bicycle from the yard in August 1972. A $150 outboard motor, belonging to Jay Johnson, was stolen from the property in 1976.

Mrs. Johnson was a nurse for Planned Parenthood in 1978. Jay Johnson became an assistant professor at BSU in the 1980s. They moved before 1982.

By 1989, it had been divided into apartments. The house was last sold in 2015. Currently a Tri-plex, with two apartments on main floor and one apartment upstairs.

610 Irvine Avenue

With a year of construction listed as 1896, this had to be one of the oldest buildings in the area even though it was remodeled in 1953. It was first owned by E. A. Trask and Mrs. Helen Trask in 1904.

FOR RENT—Furnished room. 601 Irving avenue. (Nov 26, 1909)

Edmund J. Gould and his wife Angelina lived here for a few years from 1910-1914. He was a confectioner and clerk of the City Water Board. The home held many adult family members: Arthur N. Gould sold cigars, tobacco and Indian curios. Beatrice Gould was an employee of Miss Wallsmith (a milliner). Charles T. was a clerk for his father, the confectioner. Dana Gould was a clerk for G. A. Hanson, who sold drugs, stationery and ice cream. Edmund P. Gould was a mail clerk at the post office.

House was purchased by Albert J. Phelps of the Phelps Insurance and Real Estate Agency sometime before 1920. His wife was Augusta C. Phelps. They had children George, Louis, Viola, Lawrence, Edith, and an adopted daughter Pearl. A son Lawrence, clerk of A. J. Doran, boarded with them. He married Vivian Heberg in 1919. Mr. Phelps died in May 1934.

Other residents were:

Sidney J. Strong (1934-35)

Charles Widen (1937-38)

Henry Carlson, Alvin Clark (1939-40)

Roy Sether (1941-1942) His father Andrew lived there also. Andrew Sether died after falling down the stairs of the Vickers Café. Likely cause of death was a heart attack in 1941.

The next owners were Karl and Cora Fugli. They owned it by 1946. Mrs. Fugli moved to Bemidji while her husband worked in Alaska. After her husband’s death in 1952, she remained in Bemidji where she was a landlady, renting out rooms in her house to make ends meet. She lived here until her death in 1998. The neighborhood all knew her and her son Norman “Bob” Fugli, who was a butcher at Luekens and in Nymore. Bob gave many of us rides in his car to the high school on cold winter mornings. There was no school bus from our area and it was about a mile to walk, or we had to catch the city bus on Beltrami Avenue. He was also an avid curler at the nearby curling club. The house was removed to make way for Northland Apartments.

519-521 Beltrami Avenue

When looking at a street corner today, it can be difficult to remember what was there previously.

In April 1901, Matt and Mary Phibbs purchased the corner lots on the southwest corner of Beltrami Avenue and Sixth Street for $550 from the Bemidji Townsite Co. Two years later, Matt Phibbs purchased the old Achenbach house and moved it to the rear of his residence property. He may have set this up as a rental behind his family residence. The Phibbs family owned these corner lots for several decades.

Matthew Phibbs was full Irish, but born in Canada in 1862. On December 14, 1896, he married Mary Dudley, who had been teaching in Fosston. They homesteaded near Blackduck until June 1897, when they moved to Bemidji and became permanent residents. Mr. Phibbs was in the real estate business and was appointed Register of Deeds when the county was organized, holding that position for several years. He was a trustee of the Methodist church and Mrs. Phibbs was also very active in the organization. In 1900, with one child, they actually had a servant living with them.

He was generally well liked, but subject to a practical joke like many others. In 1901, Phibbs has been workine like a horse and was reminded of the fact by a painful numbness in his right shoulder. Some cute friend recommended Dr. Spaulding, who could cure him in a hurry. He followed the advice and called at Jinkinson’s barn to learn that the new doctor only cured the ills of horses. Phibbs said, “This was another horse on him.”

In the 1920s, Matt and Mary Alice Phibbs moved to their farm in Rockwood township for a few years, then built a home on Birchmont Drive where they lived until Mrs. Phibbs died in 1938.

In 1925, Hans Mittet leased the Phibbs house and moved into it. He also bought a strip of land next to the telephone office building and on this strip of land he put up a brick building 8 ft by 24 ft in size with a plate glass front for his shoe shop.

I remember walking past this shoe shop on the way to and from St Philip’s School. It always seemed dark, but with no windows except across the front, he had to depend on overhead lighting for his work. The place smelled of leather, of course, but he fixed belts and boots and shoes for us for years.

He advertised his place as Hans Mittet, Shoe Rebuilder from 1925 to at least the late 1940s. He was still a Norwegian citizen in 1940, but became naturalized, probably during WWII. He was retired and no longer able to work in 1950.

By 1927, the Phibbs’ house was removed, Hans and his family rented a house at 510 Beltrami, and the corner became the site of Ray Kaliher’s Leader Oil Company. By 1953, it had a handsome building on the corner; it was the garage and sales room of Ray J. Kaliher, Pontiac dealer.

In 1956, Northwestern Bell Telephone remodeled the former Kaliher Motor Company building into its new business offices. Howard Menge was the manager at the time. The site housed Northwestern Bell until 1988-89 when it became U.S. West Communications.

423 Beltrami Avenue

Julius Miller purchased Lot 1, Block 11 for $600 from the Bemidji Townsite Co. on Nov 4, 1901. I doubt that he ever built anything on that corner, as he built a cottage for him and his wife at the corner of 10th and Beltrami. In 1905, he went to Rochester to consult the Mayo brothers about stomach trouble and learned that it was cancer and that an operation was too unsafe. He died a year later.

In May of 1905, the newspaper reported that the Bemidji lodge of Free Masons had decided to build a two-story structure on the corner of Fifth Street and Beltrami Avenue. They planned to rent out the first floor for store purposes and use the second story as a lodge room. Plans for the building were that it would be 24 feet in width and 90 feet long and would be provided with all modern conveniences, including steam heat, electric lights and water works. The proposed cost was $5,000, but when completed, the total was $8,000.

Masonic Lodge was tax delinquent in 1908, owing $197.85 so perhaps they were struggling a bit. By 1910, the building housed the Crookston Lumber Reading Room and a Turkish Bath on the first floor.

When the Masonic Lodge constructed its grand new building on the corner of 5th and Bemidji Avenue just a block away, the Bemidji Pioneer moved into the ground floor of the former lodge.

On July 3, 1920, the Bemidji Pioneer reported:

MOVING PLANT TODAY: Owing to the necessity of dismantling the large paper press so that it may be moved this afternoon, the Pioneer has been reduced to a four page paper today. The entire news plant of the Pioneer is being moved to its new location in the former Masonic block between noon today and Tuesday and the daily paper will come out on Tuesday as usual. The readers of the Pioneer are asked to bear with any omissions or delays for the next three of four days and are assured every effort will be made to get into smooth running condition as the earliest possible time.

The Pioneer stayed in the building for over 50 years. About 1975, it became Q’s Hallmark Pok-A-Bout cards & gifts and then Julie’s Hallmark Shop until at least 1999.

I don’t recall all the businesses since then. I think it was a bicycle shop and at one time a computer business. A’ sign in the window today says that it will soon open as a Thai Massage Spa.

1119-1121 Birchmont Drive

To the best of my knowledge, 1119 was a family home and 1121 was an apartment house since the 1930s. Arvid Carlson and his wife Emma lived at 1119 in the 1930s. Carlson owned and operated a variety store from 1912-1927 and then operated a hardware store in Bemidji. He was listed in Who’s Who in Minnesota in 1945. The large building next door has always been an apartment complex. Ruth Brune, Calvin & Dorothy McClintock and Clara Schuster lived there in the 1930s. All were teachers at Bemidji State College. In 1946, the house at 1119 belonged to Roland W. Henrionnet and the apartments next door were known as the Henrionnet Apartments. From 1951-1970, at least, the small house was the home of Wm. J. Wilson, asst postmaster, and his wife Edna. The apartments next door at 1121 were listed as the Wilson Apartments from 1951 to at least 1989. The buildings changed ownership in 2004 for a tidy sum.

924 Beltrami Avenue

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, built in 1911-12. According to the Bemidji Pioneer in a front page article in 1911: “Bemidji is to have a new Episcopal church to cost between $3,000 and $4,000 completed and ready for occupancy by November 1 next, according to plans announced by Archdeacon H. F. Parshall, while in Bemidji yesterday. Plans for the new edifice have been completed and the contractor will begin work in the near future. The structure is to be built on Beltrami avenue at Tenth street, where the foundation has been in for several months. “I earnestly believe that we will have our new Bemidji church nearly completed by the first of November,” said the archdeacon. “Experts have examined the foundation which was laid some time ago, and announce that it is in fine condition.” (Bemidji Daily Pioneer, Aug 12, 1911)

The church was finished and used for the first time in August 1912.

” Sunday morning, the entire structure of the Episcopal church will be used for public worship for the first time. While Bemidji is not a churchless city, yet the completion of a new structure, especially one as beautiful as the one to be opened tomorrow, is material evidence of the religious life that is sometimes not always evident on ^ the surface. To build a church, it is necessary for every member of the congregation to put his shoulder to the wheel. The Episcopalians and their leaders, Archdeacon Parshall and Reverend Harris, are to be congratulated, not only for making the effort but on the results obtained. (Bemidji Daily Pioneer, Aug 17, 1912)”

701 First Street, Nymore

On the Street Where You Live

701 First Street – Nymore

This was the home of Frank and Mary Attridge in 1920. The children were Frederic, Francis, Thomas, Florence, Mary, and Bernice.

Mr. Attridge was a tallyman at the sawmill in 1910, but later went to work for the railroad and was working at the roundhouse in 1920. in 1915, he was part of a team of men from Nymore who competed in a 4th of July Tug-O-War against a Bemidji team. The Nymore team was composed of E. Moucha, H. Sodberg, Pete Edd, R. Edd, F. Attridge, C. J. Wilson, Ole Paulson, John Moberg and L. S. Shadlow. The Bemidji team was made up of H. Anderson, P. Swanson, A. Sellness, Carl Holson, Nels Olson, Martin Brown, Andrew Halseth, T. Nelson, Theodore Hagen and S. O. Neland.

In 1920, Florence held a party at the house in honor of her brother Thomas who was home on furlough from the Great Lakes Training Center. The guests were Misses Agnes and Lillian Parker, Betty Swanson, Dorothy Cole, Dorothy Masterson, Myrtle McCullough, Anna Knutson, Hazel Anderson, Elsie Manick. Martha Mickelson, Alma Elmquist, Mary Kirschbaum, Ellen Ohmgren. Lester Kiehl, Lloyd Bly, Justine Peterson, Bill Holiday, John Swanson, Elmer Wold, Joe Steele, Clarence Bly, Reuben Olson, Leonard Alton, Jefferson Masterson, and Foster Taylor. Bet they had fun!

1324 America Avenue

This house was built for Oscar Stai in 1955. He owned it for about 25 years. Later owned by James Wambach in 1982; Murry C. Smith in 1989, and then by the Hendricksons.

2524 Calihan Avenue

2524 Calihan Avenue, built about 1955 for Alvilde and Viola Haukness. They owned the Haukness Shop at 504 Beltrami Avenue from about 1953-1966. The shop sold Infants’, Children’s, and Women’s Apparel.

817 Minnesota Avenue

Zelotis Henry Haney purchased these lots for $50 each on Dec 9, 1899 from the Bemidji Townsite Company. He may have already built his place on them in 1898, as the written transaction sometimes postdated the gentlemen’s agreement. He didn’t get around to filing the deeds until Feb 2. 1903. He probably had to catch up on the paperwork so that he could sell the property to James Cahill.

James Cahill came to Bemidji about 1900 and was the father of Sheriff John Cahill. He was originally a cruiser for some of the timber companies. In 1908, he was appointed Warden for the State Game and Fish Commission. In 1910, he was appointed Deputy Sheriff. He and his family lived at 817 Minnesota Avenue from 1904 – 1910. They moved to 1006 Doud Avenue (Birchmont Drive).

J. C. Courtney and family lived here in 1911-1912. Mr. Courtney was employed by the Charles Nangle Department store. They moved to 411 Minnesota avenue in August 1912.

There were several quick changes in occupants as indicated by the social notes in the Pioneer.

Mrs. A. A Kruger, who has been confined to her home, 817 Minnesota avenue, by sickness, is reported unimproved. (May 25, 1916)

Mary Montague, widow of John (1916-1917)

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gray and family have moved to 817 Minnesota avenue from 523 Minnesota avenue. (Oct 22, 1917) W. A. Gray and family will move from 817 Minnesota avenue to 506 Beltrami avenue, the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards. (Dec 8, 1917)

Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus N. Shannon have leased their farm to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Charboneau and are making their home at 817 Minnesota avenue. (Mar 18, 1918)

The Shannons stayed for about three years. Their daughter Marjorie was married at the home on May 16, 1920. Marjorie graduated from BHS with the class of 1916 and worked as a stenographer for the Northern Grocery Co. The groom, R. George Mawhinney, was an employee of the First National Bank. After the ceremony, a buffet luncheon was served and the couple were escorted to the depot, and took the noon train for Deer River, Mr. Mawhinney’s former home where they attended the marriage of his sister, Miss Mary Mawhinney.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownlee, 125 Mill Park, purchased the residence in October 1921. He was a watchman at the lumbermill in 1920. Their daughter Pearl married Clifford Montague on Nov 28, 1920. The house was then shared for at least 20 years by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownlee and by Clifford and Pearl (Brownlee) Montague. Clifford Montague was President of Palace Meat & Grocery in the late 1930s and died Nov 23, 1940. Mrs. Pearl Montague lived until Sept 29, 1983, although not in this house.

Kathryn Montague was born April 25, 1922 in Bemidji to Francis and Pearl (Brownlee) Montague and grew up in this house. She attended Central Elementary School and graduated from Bemidji High School, then attended French’s Business College in Bemidji. She married Jule “Red” Basinger Nov. 28, 1945. In 1972 she and her husband began construction of the KOA Kampground in Bemidji and moved to Bemidji upon its completion and opening in 1973. They had owned and operated it at least until her death in 1995 and received numerous awards through the years for the campground and their work there.

Harry W. Curran and wife Laura. He was an agent for the Socony Vacuum Oil Co. (1953)

Melvin Pollish (1956-1958) At the time, he was manager of the F. W. Woolworth Company in Bemidji.

Mr. and Mrs. James LaMont owned the house by 1960 [Bless the old Bemidji phone books!]. He was manager of the Paul Bunyan Rural Telephone Company. Jeri Fuller, a later owner, said that Mr. Lamont worked for the telephone company & there was a phone in EVERY room even the bathrooms.

In 1966, Mrs. James LaMont accepted the keys to her new Mustang from Harvey Groslie, co-owner of Groslie-Lowth Ford. Mrs. Lamont was named a regional winner of the auto in a Bubble Up national contest by guessing closest the number of lemons and limes contained in the auto. Looking on through snow at the presentation were Glenn Stevens, owner of Bemidji Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Bubble Up distributors in the area, and Ken Dunlap, Groslie-Lowth salesman. (Dec 22, 1966)

James LaMont died at Bemidji Hospital on Feb 29,1976. Mrs. Evelyn Lamont lived in the house until her death in 1988.

Doug Fuller (1990-2002)

Doug and Jeri (Hakala) Fuller (1995 –2002)

Non-Homestead, Residential (2020)

200 Third Street

What has come to be known as the Dalton building was built in 1894 by O. P. Carson and M. E. Carson for a general store in the pioneer days of Bemidji. Indeed, it was advertised as Carson Brothers’ Pioneer Store, “We came first and will stay to the last.” It occupied ground space 25’ x 90’ even before Third Street was officially platted. The building was sold in 1899 to Edward Rose who remodeled this building and the one adjoining it – the Bemidji Hotel. That hotel building burned in January 1906, but the firemen were able to confine the fire to just the one building.

John A. Dalton established the Dalton Hotel on the corner on Aug 14, 1906. As his business developed, Dalton took the stable area, remodeled it and added a restaurant to his hotel facilities. He did a thriving business during the years that followed. The two buildings were sold to Mr. and Mrs. Willliam Sanderson in 1909. The Sandersons were from Rusk, Wisconsin, and they made the deal through Attorney G.W. Campbell, for the sum of $10,000. The property was composed of a lot, 140’ x25’ feet and two two-story frame buildings, one occupied as a saloon; and the other as Dalton’s restaurant and lodging house.

On May 16, 1912, J. A. Dalton became the owner of the building occupied by his hotel and restaurant. Always aware of the danger of fire in Bemidji’s frame buildings, contractors installed a new sheet iron roof on the Dalton building in April 1913. Two years later, the Dalton Hotel suffered a $4000 fire. A few weeks later, a chimney fire was discovered, but this time only slight damage was done. Despite precautions, on December 21, 1916 the original Dalton Hotel burned to the ground. The members of the fire department had a major challenge. The fire hose was ice coated and wet; all the apparatus used to combat the blaze and the men also wore shimmering coats of ice. According to the Pioneer, the boys were wet and cold and tired out and were thankful no more alarms came in to disturb their slumbers the following night.

Soon after the destructive fire, Mr. Dalton commenced to figure on a new building to replace the one burned, but with the outbreak of the war, he decided to take his time. In February 1918, Jack Dalton announced that he would erect a handsome two-story building and basement on the corner. The contract was let to Edward Jackson, with plans drawn by a Duluth architect. The structure covered ground space of 25’ x 140’ and cost around $125,000. The south portion of the building hosted a restaurant, 26×70 feet, and the front part of the first floor was arranged for a business house. The. upper floor was arranged for rooms on the European plan. The building was rebuilt of brick and was reopened in August 1918.

George T. Baker, the jeweler and music dealer, immediately moved into the business section of the Dalton block. Mr. Baker’s music store covered the entire front of the handsome new Dalton block. The front consisted of a large plate glass window set in copper. The corner display window was one of the largest in the city. The floors were of hardwood. It had a steel ceiling and an indirect lighting system. Special oak fixtures were made by the St. Hilaire Lumber company, in addition to the regular oak equipment. Arthur W. Peterson, an expert jeweler and watchmaker, was a member of the store staff.

Then what happened? Of course, another fire!

Fire of unknown origin, discovered at midnight on Nov 1, 1920, caused a property loss estimated at $5,000 to the Dalton hotel and the Baker Jewelry store in the Dalton building. Damage by fire was confined to the source, the stairway leading to the sleeping rooms on the second floor, but damage by smoke and water was considerably heavier. The Baker stock on hand, especially the stock of phonographs for the Christmas trade in the basement and the workshop in the rear of the store was almost completely destroyed and the loss to watch repair tools was heavy. Patrons of the Dalton Hotel made their exit from the second floor by means of windows since the burning stairway blocked the only means of passage to the floor below. The quick work of the fire department held the fire down and the loss was not as heavy as it might have been under more drastic circumstances. Considerable difficulty was experienced in locating the origin of the blaze but as soon as it was found it was quickly extinguished.

Mr. Dalton died in 1921, leaving Mrs. Dalton in charge of the hotel. Dalton Hotel sold by Mrs. J. A. Dalton to E. P. Jester of Austin.

G. T. Baker and Company remained in the Dalton building until June 1933. He then moved to a new location at 417 Beltrami Avenue. He wanted to add a new line of stock and carry a different line of merchandise at a fresh location.

Abe Patterson leased the Dalton store building on the corner of Beltrami Avenue and 3rd Street in January 1934. Mr. Patterson had been a resident of Bemidji since 1916. Following two years in the military service, he returned to his position with Abe Grossman until he started the Toggery in 1924. In 1928 he purchased Mr. Grossman’s interest in The Hub where he continued until a fire there necessitated his removal. Mr. Patterson stated that every item of the stock in the old store had been disposed of and that when he opened in Jan 1934, he had enough new merchandise to satisfy the immediate needs of his customers. “The store will be open though we will be doing some remodeling and arranging. I am buying complete new stock which will be ready in a month or six weeks. While the fire was decidedly unfortunate, it gives me an opportunity to put in a completely new stock of up-to-date merchandise.”

When Ron Patterson returned from the Korean War, he went back to working in his father’s clothing store. As his father, Abe, worked less and less, Ron took over Patterson’s along with his wife, Ralyhe. Together, the two continued making the men’s clothing store a staple of the downtown shopping area. I often thought of Bob Wilson and Ron Patterson as a pair of businessmen who served us well in Bemidji. They were both active and involved and both loved Bemidji. One could add the Gills, the Sumans, Lloyd Lind, and the whole Third Street crew. They all made shopping on Third Street fun!

Steve Patterson, Ron’s son, came back to Bemidji in 1974 and began working at the downtown store with his wife, Sally, just as Ron had done with his father Abe. In her time helping the family with Patterson’s, Janet would help customers in the building’s lower level called The Dungeon, which was all young men’s clothing.

In April 2018, Steve and Sally’s daughter, Molly, and her husband Jeff Miller took over the business, becoming the fourth generation to run Patterson’s in downtown Bemidji. The top part of the building still says “Dalton” and the awnings advertise “Patterson’s”

901 Minnesota Avenue

This home was built about 1920. August E. Ellison, salesman for Swift and Co., and his wife Inga lived here from about 1924 to his death in 1938. He was united in marriage to Inga Dullum at Brainerd in 1906. He traveled for Swift and Company for 36 years and was a charter member of the Bemidji unit of the United Commercial Travelers. He had been suffering with heart trouble for some time when he collapsed on Mar 15, 1938. He was piling wood in his basement as it was sawed outside. His wife and the sawyer, Charley Trodler, found him covered with wood. Dr. D. F. McCann was called, who in turn called County Coroner Dr. Charles Vandersluis. He was 60 years old. His wife Inga continued to live here until she remarried on August 6, 1945 to John A. Carlson.

Leo T. Kennedy and his wife Lillian, owners of Bemidji’s Nehi Bottling Company on Midway Drive, lived here briefly. They were the bottlers of Royal Crown Cola and Nehi beverages. Patricia, a daughter perhaps, was bookkeeper for Nehi Bottling. Did you know that In the early 20th century, the national advertising logo of Nehi was typically a picture of a seated woman’s legs, in which the skirt was high enough to show the stockings up to the knee, suggesting the phrase “knee-high”, to illustrate the correct pronunciation of the company name! These were the heyday years for Nehi beverages with many references in movies, and it was linked to some top names in entertainment like Bing Crosby, Joan Crawford and Bob Hope . When I hear of Nehi grape, I immediately think of Radar O’Reilly on Mash and the many episodes on TV that we enjoyed.

Albert Melvin Erickson and his wife Ella lived here from about 1950-1963. Mr. Erickson worked for the Bell Telephone Company from 1923 to 1963. He started with the telephone company in Thief River Falls, doing clerical work. He was promoted to installer repairman and then to manager of telephone offices in Wadena, Buffalo, Appleton and Grand Rapids. He completed his career in Bemidji where he held the position of service supervisor.

Adren Mann and Evelyn Mann lived here from 1963-1968. He was an insurance agent for Wausau insurance. Evelyn retired from Bemidji ISD#31 after 25 years in the lunch program. She and Adren were also the owners of Morell’s Trading Post until 2000. Evelyn loved the casino and bowled on Monday Night League for many years. Their children are Roxanne, Julie, and Sandra.

Another Bell Telephone company family moved here in 1968 and lived here from 1968-1983. Daniel Theodore Donahue served in the US Navy during World War II. He married Rosella Genette on October 8, 1949, in Faribault. He retired from Northwestern Bell after 35 years, having worked in Faribault, Owatonna, and Bemidji. They moved to St. Cloud in 1983. Children Diane, Steve and Benjamin. Steve was a pitcher for the American Legion team in the summers of 1970 and 1971.

Mrs. Donahue competed with her partner Miss Nancy May in the blind partner tournament of the Ladies Division at the Bemidji Country Club on June 23, 1971. Mrs. Donahue must have had a terrific temperament to be able to play golf only four days before her daughter’s wedding. Diane married David Collins in a nuptial high mass at St. Philip’s Catholic Church on June 26, 1971. I would have been a wreck! The next spring Steve came home for an Easter visit from Mayville State College in 1972.

Other owners were:

Thomas Larson, owner (1989)

Twyla Suomala, new resident (1995)

Changed owners in 2010

Geri Anne Ellison (2014)

239 Mississippi Ave SW

This home was built about 1920. August E. Ellison, salesman for Swift and Co., and his wife Inga lived here from about 1924 to his death in 1938. He was united in marriage to Inga Dullum at Brainerd in 1906. He traveled for Swift and Company for 36 years and was a charter member of the Bemidji unit of the United Commercial Travelers. He had been suffering with heart trouble for some time when he collapsed on Mar 15, 1938. He was piling wood in his basement as it was sawed outside. His wife and the sawyer, Charley Trodler, found him covered with wood. Dr. D. F. McCann was called, who in turn called County Coroner Dr. Charles Vandersluis. He was 60 years old. His wife Inga continued to live here until she remarried on August 6, 1945 to John A. Carlson.

Leo T. Kennedy and his wife Lillian, owners of Bemidji’s Nehi Bottling Company on Midway Drive, lived here briefly. They were the bottlers of Royal Crown Cola and Nehi beverages. Patricia, a daughter perhaps, was bookkeeper for Nehi Bottling. Did you know that In the early 20th century, the national advertising logo of Nehi was typically a picture of a seated woman’s legs, in which the skirt was high enough to show the stockings up to the knee, suggesting the phrase “knee-high”, to illustrate the correct pronunciation of the company name! These were the heyday years for Nehi beverages with many references in movies, and it was linked to some top names in entertainment like Bing Crosby, Joan Crawford and Bob Hope . When I hear of Nehi grape, I immediately think of Radar O’Reilly on Mash and the many episodes on TV that we enjoyed.

Albert Melvin Erickson and his wife Ella lived here from about 1950-1963. Mr. Erickson worked for the Bell Telephone Company from 1923 to 1963. He started with the telephone company in Thief River Falls, doing clerical work. He was promoted to installer repairman and then to manager of telephone offices in Wadena, Buffalo, Appleton and Grand Rapids. He completed his career in Bemidji where he held the position of service supervisor.

Adren Mann and Evelyn Mann lived here from 1963-1967. He was an insurance agent for Wausau insurance. Evelyn retired from Bemidji ISD#31 after 25 years in the lunch program. She and Adren were also the owners of Morell’s Trading Post until 2000. Evelyn loved the casino and bowled on Monday Night League for many years. Their children are Roxanne, Julie, and Sandra. They moved to 901 Minnesota Avenue.

David Farr lived here in 1967.

Another Bell Telephone company family moved here in 1968 and lived here from 1968-1983. Daniel Theodore Donahue served in the US Navy during World War II. He married Rosella Genette on October 8, 1949, in Faribault. He retired from Northwestern Bell after 35 years, having worked in Faribault, Owatonna, and Bemidji. They moved to St. Cloud in 1983. Children Diane, Steve and Benjamin. Steve was a pitcher for the American Legion team in the summers of 1970 and 1971.

Mrs. Donahue competed with her partner Miss Nancy May in the blind partner tournament of the Ladies Division at the Bemidji Country Club on June 23, 1971. Mrs. Donahue must have had a terrific temperament to be able to play golf only four days before her daughter’s wedding. Diane married David Collins in a nuptial high mass at St. Philip’s Catholic Church on June 26, 1971. I would have been a wreck! The next spring Steve came home for an Easter visit from Mayville State College in 1972.

Other owners were:

Thomas Larson, owner (1989)

Twyla Suomala, new resident (1995)

Changed owners in 2010

Geri Anne Ellison (2014)

809 Minnesota Avenue

Lot was sold by the Bemidji Townsite Company to Judson J. Cameron for $250 on Nov 29, 1907. The house was built about 1910.

Henry Daniels and his wife Lydia were residents of the home in 1910. He was a partner in the Daniels & Pierce meat market.

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Adams returned from the Twin Cities where they have spent the past week on their honeymoon trip. They will go to housekeeping at once at 809 Minnesota. (June 24, 1912)

A.E. Nelson, residence (1913) The Sanborn insurance map shows the residence with a separate building at the back of the house in January 1914.

The Spanish Influenza killed Albert Streiber, of 809 Minnesota Avenue in Nov 1918. He was only 34 years old. Mr. Streiber had been in the employee of the Crookston Lumber company for the previous twelve years and was a setter. When the mills closed down here, he went to Virginia to work in a mill. He was not feeling well when he left Bemidji, and upon arriving in Virginia and working just one day, his condition became serious and he died. He left a wife Alice and three children at 809 Minnesota avenue.

Anton H. Doehle, bookkeeper for American Cedar Co., wife Mary (1920-21)

F. R. Bost (1922-23)

In 1924, Judson J. Cameron and Emma V. Cameron, of Duluth, transferred the property to A. T. Guisness. (Oct 4, 1924)

Paul Brouillard (1924-25)

F. H. Peet, meat cutter; Mrs. Ila M. Peet, nurse (1927-28)

Floyd and Paul Prawalsky, 809 Minnesota, entertained fourteen friends, the occasion being their 9th and 13th birthday celebrations. (Mar 26, 1928)

Edgar Jahr (1934-35)

A.T. Guisness and Arville Guisness of Beltrami County conveyed the property to George Kootsikas on. Sept 26, 1935. Kootsikas conveyed it to Rinehart Peppel the same day.

Rinehart Peppel and Ana Peppel conveyed this lot to Edith Arnold as an exchange of property on Oct 7, 1938.

Wm E. Arnold and his wife Edith owned the home in 1939-40. He was 82 and retired. He was married to his first wife Nettie Chittenden in 1908 in Michigan, and they came to Beltrami County. She died in 1923. Edith Arnold and William Arnold were married in 1927. They conveyed this lot to DuWane Leslin on Mar 13, 1946.

It was then owned by Bertrum and Ellen Gaetke, who sold it to Roxie Gray on July 11, 1950.

Lyle Wilkey, of Wilkey Sign Service, was a resident in 1953-1956.

The property was then a part of the estate of Roxie Gray in 1957.

Vacant (1963)

Mrs. Georgia Anderson (1964)

1967 – Not Listed in city directory

Edward and Merle McLaurie moved to Bemidji in January 1968 and owned this home. He was a veteran of World War II and a member for the Bemidji VFW. They were married after the war in 1946. Edward died in June 1985. Merle did housekeeping at North Country Regional Hospital and was a volunteer at the Bemidji Senior Citizens center. She continued to live in the home until her death in 1999.

The property changed owners in 2005 and in 2015.

807 Minnesota Avenue

William Sherwood bought Lot 9, Block 5, First Addition on April 3, 1900 from Bemidji Townsite Company for $50. Although the taxes were assessed against Frank Sprague for the home’s first years, it was occupied by the Robert Clark family (1904-1907). Mr. Clark was the assistant postmaster.

“A number of the little friends of Merideth and Mercedes Clark. the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, gathered at their home on 807 Minnesota avenue yesterday afternoon and spent several hours very pleasantly, as guests of the Clark children. The occasion was a birthday party, being commemorative of the birthday anniversary of both children, whose anniversaries are nearly on the same date, although born different years. The little folks had a fine time.” (Mar 19, 1907)

In 1910, it was owned by Vinton L. Ellis and his wife Florence. He worked for the T. J. Miller Co. which handled real estate, loans, and insurance. He died in 1912 at the young age of 31. He received a huge funeral. Pallbearers were his brother Elks. The entire Bemidji band attended the funeral and accompanied the body to Greenwood cemetery. The band played a funeral march while accompanying the cortege. Bemidji printers, the band, and Elks each placed floral pieces near the casket.

H. E. Stevens (1912)

Emmet Burns, Residence (1913)

J. P. Risberg tax delinquent for 1914 owing $42.23 on lot 9.

Cornelius Burns and Marie Prokop were married in Bemidji on Mar 3, 1916. They returned from a short honeymoon in the southern part of the state and made their home at 807 Minnesota avenue. (1916-1917)

The home was occupied for the next few years by the E. L. Simenson family. The Baptist Ladies Aid society met there in June 1919. A very pretty wedding took place at the Simenson home on Saturday evening, Nov 15, 1919, when Miss Susan Mae Simenson became the bride of George Andrew Sthol. The bride was attractively attired in taupe satin and carried white bride’s roses. Little Helen Simenson carried the ring in a rose. The only guests were the immediate families of the contracting parties, and Rev. and Mrs. Warford. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sthol moved into the house next door at 805 Minnesota avenue.

The home became the property of Charles A. Wagner and his wife Nora for the next ten years from 1922-1932. Mr. Wagner worked for the M & I railroad. They moved to Los Angeles about 1932.

Odvin Mossefin, Wm. Walker (1934-35)

Mrs. Louise Schwandt (1942)

Harry and Margaret (Heath) Pearson moved to Bemidji in 1943 and lived here until 1997. He worked for the county highway department from 1936 until retiring in 1975. In the 1950s, Margaret went to work for Otto Erickson at Model Dry Cleaner in Bemidji, retiring in the mid-1970s. The home was the scene of an open house on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. They raised four sons, Charles, Stanley, Raymond and Clinton.

Their son, Charles Pearson, was a Green Beret in the U.S. Army with 21 years of service.

Harry Pearson died Jan 1984. Mrs. Margaret Pearson died on April 4, 1997.

Not listed (1997)

1110 Minnesota Avenue

1110 Minnesota Avenue – Christianson Home

Albert Halverson moved here to 1110 Minnesota Avenue before 1910. He & Hattie Halverson were already living nearby in 1905 at 1215 Beltrami Ave. He was working as a teamster for a retail grocery in 1910. They had two children, a son William or Wilton and a daughter Luella. He was a clerk for C. E. Battles in 1912. They moved to 1209 Bemidji Avenue before 1916 and to Bend, Oregon before 1920.

Carl and Alice Rygg were listed as owners in 1920-21.

For Sale: Good warm, 6-room house at 1110 Minn. Ave.; partly modern, 2 lots, good location. (October 11, 1923)

Philip H. Thomas and wife Rose lived here from about 1924-1935. He was the proprietor of the Bemidji Monument Works in 1927 and later he was an insurance agent. A midnight fire caused considerable damage to the P. L. Thomas home at 1110 Minnesota avenue in July 1934. They moved to Odessa, Minnesota before 1937.

William & Olga Christianson were owners in 1939-40. He and Olga Krog were married in Beltrami County in 1907, so they were long-time residents of the area. He was an auto dealer and proprietor of Christianson Motor Company at 321 Bemidji Avenue from at least 1927-1939. Harry and Dagny (Christianson) Flint were renters at 1110 ½, so it was a two-generation home. William died Dec 19, 1939 and is buried at Greenwood.

Mrs. Olga Christianson lived here until her death on May 19, 1962. Harry & Dagny Flint (1946) (1953) Harry Flint died in 1957. Mrs. Dagny Flint, widow of Harry, continued to live here for another thirty years. She was a clerk for the US Selective Service Beltrami County Board. She was an active member of First Lutheran Church in Bemidji and was also a member of the Eastern Star and White Shrine. In 1989 she moved to South Carolina, so she had lived here fifty years, first as a daughter, and later as a wife, and then as a widow.

Vacant (1995)

No Listing (1997)

It was last sold on Jan 11, 2018.

It is currently a single family residence.

1410 Irvine Avenue

This house was built in 1946. The first owners were Simon and Leora Lee. Simon was a full Norwegian born in Wisconsin. He was a very early resident of Bemidji. His marriage to Leora Edmond took place in Bemidji in 1909. Mr. Lee was engaged in construction work and helped construct the Paul and Babe statues on the lakefront and the Fireplace of States. His wife Leora Lee died Feb 16, 1959. He died in 1972.

They had eight children. Helen, Edmond, Dolly, Grace, Faye, Harry, Manfred, and Richard.

Helen married Joe Walters. Manfred Lee died on Aug 2, 1923, only three years old. Their son Edmond Andrew Lee was just a schoolboy when he died of complications following scarlet fever on Aug 7, 1923.

Dolly married Harry Schussman.

Faye Lee married Pete Strowbridge. She died in 1968, and Pete married her sister Grace.

Grace Lee married Charles Koenig. After his death in 1967, she married Pete Strowbridge on July 19, 1969.

Mrs. Florence Gillman lived here from about 1964 to her death in 1976. She and her husband farmed in Dassel for twenty years and then moved to Nebish in 1938 where they lived until moving to Bemidji. Edward Gillman and Florence were living in this house in 1964, according to the city directory. In 1967, they were joined briefly by their son Howard, his wife and son Perry, when he was transferred by the Minnesota Highway Department from Willmar to Bemidji. They intended to purchase a home in Bemidji. Edward Gillman died in 1968 and Florence lived here as a widow. Mrs. Gillman hosted the Missionary Sewing group of the Baptist church here in 1971. She died Oct 1976 in the hospital at Hibbing. Her daughter Viola Mohawk lived in Hibbing.

Vacant (1977) A burglary was reported to the police by Gary Mohawk. The residence was broken into by smashing in the back door sometime between March 8-13, 1977, when the house was vacant. A stereo, color TV, and food were taken and were valued at about $400.

Regina Gonshorowski, a student, granddaughter of Alexander Gonshorowski, owned the house in 1978.

Alexander Gonshorowski (1984-1994) He lived in Bemidji for about ten years. He moved to Moorhead about 1994 and died there at the age of 92.

Changed owners in 1996

Clayton and Ruby Madson owned it from 1996 to at least 2003. Clayton moved to Bemidji In the summer of 1966 and worked for C.D. Haugen as a truck driver until he retired in 1991 so it was during his retirement that he lived here. He died in May 2000. Ruby lived in the house until at least 2002, possibly as long as 2005 when the house changed owners again. They were the parents of four sons, Jerrald, Ronald, Chris, Steve and a daughter Jodi, who married Lyle Lortie.

Elizabeth Kangas lived here in 2005-2007. Ashley Elliot lived here from 2006-2007. It is currently a rental home.

621 15th Street NW

This handsome house has a great deal of history. The property was first owned by Mary Wagner, widow, who sold the property to Levi Price for $75 on July 1, 1905. He was an early resident, having moved here with his parents, James and Rose Price before 1900. His father and brother were both carpenters.

Luvina Carner was married to Henry Levi Price in Bemidji Nov. 25, 1905. Even as a teenager, he only used his middle name, so most of the records indicate his name as Levi Price.

Levi Price started to build his house in 1908, as the records show that there was a lien filed by the Douglas Lumber Co. against L. Price for $19.17 for lumber, lath and shingles furnished to erect a building at this address. The materials were delivered in September 1908. A mechanic’s lien of this type was common. A second lien was filed by St. Hilaire Lumber Co. for materials furnished to L. Price which were used to construct a building at this address. Materials were delivered between June 27, 1911 and Sept 11, 1911. Levi Price was a housemover and a carpenter.

On Feb 14, 1907, Mrs. Levi Price presented her husband with a family valentine in the form of a bouncing baby son, Lloyd. Levi Price was a delegate from the Third Ward to attend the democratic county convention in 1908. He was an avowed supporter of Governor Johnson. On the 1910 census, he and Mrs. Luvina Price and son were living on 14th or 15th Street. The census taker first wrote 15th Street, crossed it out, and wrote 14th Street. They also had two daughters Vada and Vera.

On the 1910, 1920 and 1930, this house was listed as 621 14th Street, Bemidji Township. There obviously was a shift somewhere of one block. I’ve always been confused by 13th street north to 15th St. I would love to have someone explain to me why there was this shift in street designations, or am I confused? Nothing is listed on 15th Street in the early city directories, but this house is listed as 621 14th St. in Bemidji Township. Perhaps the boundary line was here between the village of Bemidji and Bemidji Township. I believe I saw some controversy over this boundary in reading about the history of the Northern School.

Reynolds & Winter advertised a five-room house for rent on 15th and Park Ave. for $15 a month in 1917. Probably this was the house.

Levi and Luvina Price moved to Alvwood east of Blackduck in 1919, where they homesteaded, and rented out this house to other residents.

.George Titus and wife Louise resided at 621 14th St. in 1916-1917. He was a stationary engineer, defined as a technically trained person who operates, troubleshoots, and oversees industrial machinery and equipment.

Louis C. Coe, tailor for P. Brosvik, resided here with wife Eva in 1920-1921. Mrs. L. C. Coe, 621 Fourteenth street, entertained at 6 o’clock dinner last evening in honor of her daughter Marcia’s birthday anniversary. Pink and white color scheme was carried out throughout decorations and menu. Miss Coe received a number of useful and pretty remembrances from her friends. Those present were Misses Ruth and Marie Rice, Delia and Hilda Martin, Edith Berglund, and little Miss Alice Catherine Coe. (Nov 8, 1921)

H. J. Saar (1924-25)

Geo. Grover (1927-28)

According to the city directory, Levi and Luvina Price were back here again in 1930-31, along with his parents James and Rose Price, and were still here in 1934-35. Levi Price’s occupation was listed as a general contractor. They moved to Birchmont Drive about 1935 and were still there in 1940. Mrs. Price worked in the Bremerton Navy shipyards during World War II. He died on March 6, 1951. His wife continued to own at least part of the property. She lived until 1973 and died at Blackduck.

Daniel G. Crossley was the chief engineer for Bemidji State College. He was a widower from England with at least two daughters, Juanita and Sylvia. They lived at 1111 Lake Blvd. in 1940. He married Ito Larson in Cass County in 1941, and they moved here and were residents in 1942.

Oscar Swenson, 621 15th St., left last weekend for Chicago where he will enter Hines Veterans’ Hospital for treatment. (Sept 29, 1944)

Harold J. Larson and wife Vera Larson lived here from approximately 1946-1951. He was an engineer employed by Bemidji State College. They lived in the neighborhood on Park Avenue before moving to this house.

Clarence A. Glassman & Petra Glassman were listed as residents from 1953 to 1967. In 1958 and 1960, he was a counter clerk for Bemidji Auto Parts. Burma Glassman, my ’57 classmate, was working for the Markham Hotel. Seaman Recruit Michael Glassman was undergoing basic training in 1966 in San Diego. Burma Glassman was the vocalist and Karyn Glassman was maid of honor for the wedding of Joanne Lauderbaugh to Gary Hanson in November 1966. Petra Glassman died on Aug 24, 1964. Clarence married Alice Fox in 1967 and they moved to Grace Lake.

Mr. Price died March 6, 1951. Mrs. Price moved to Bemidji in 1952. Luvina M. Price, a widow, sold 75 ft. of Lot J to Janet M. Gould, on Feb 23, 1960.

Jim Aakhus grew up in the neighborhood in the 1960s thru 1974. Mrs. Diane Aakhus was employed by the Bemidji Pioneer as the classified clerk in 1967. This home was listed as her residence. The younger generation of the family consisted of Jeff, Jay, Jim, Pam and Greg.

Jim Aakhus reported the theft to a blue 20 inch Schwinn Sting Ray Bicycle on July 15, 1971. Mrs. Max Wolfe reported the theft of two bicycles from their yard on Hwy 2 as well.

Jeff Aakhus was among thirty who appeared in court on speeding charges and forfeited a $20 bond in Sept 1972, but I don’t think this was on a bicycle. A garage sale in October 1972 included the sale of a Conn trumpet. Jim, was this yours?

William Easton married Ina Diane Aakhus on May 20, 1972 and moved into the home.

William Easton, a journeyman serviceman for Ottertail Power, was in critical condition after being burned in an electrical accident near Clearbrook on May 31, 1973. Easton had been with Otter Tail Power for 17 years. He was working alone but managed to make his way to the highway where a passerby picked him up and took him to the hospital.

Son Erik William Aakhus born Sept 22, 1973.

Three-bedroom house with recreation room was for sale by owner in October – Nov 1973.

“Babysitter wanted for three-month old, my home weekdays. Jan 1974.”

Home for sale in June 1974 because the owner transferred.

Roger and Patricia Edlund took over ownership in the 1970s. He was a teacher and she was a librarian aide in 1989.

1216 Bemidji Avenue

This is a single family home built in 2012. The property, however, has some interesting older history. Sally Darst purchased Lots 17 18, 19, & 20, Block 8, Third Addition for $650 on Aug 2, 1910. She must have lived a quiet life, because there is no mention of her in the newspapers except for rejection of an application she made for an abatement of assessed valuation on her property in February 1922. Was she perhaps related to Eldon Darst of the Red Cap Dairy and the Fleet Store? I haven’t found a tie yet.

A second house was built on the property about 1940. Mrs. Gina Grothe, resident of this address passed away on March 3, 1944, after an illness of about five years. Her husband Andrew and she had moved from Northern to town in 1943.

Mrs. Josephine (Knutson) Carter was a longtime resident of a house on this lot. She and her husband Cass Lake Carter moved here from 1018 Bemidji Avenue about 1950. Her husband was an Equipment Operator for the R.E.A. They were married on October 22, 1929 and lived for a time at 1111 Lake Blvd. He was reputed by his family to be the first white child born in Cass Lake, and consequently named Cass Lake Carter. Cass Carter died on Mar 5, 1952. She was a saleswoman in a retail store in 1940, and later was bookkeeper for the Lutheran Hospital for many years. She died as the result of asphyxiation, carbon monoxide and smoke inhalation as occupant of burning house at 1216 Bemidji Avenue on Nov 9, 1981.

Edwin M. Knutson (1982)

Todd Grimes (1989)

A new home was built here in 2012 and owned by Dwayne Weiher.

1405 Calihan Avenue

This was the first house built on Calihan Avenue. It may have been built in 1915 but does not show up in a city directory until 1920. Hector M. Brown and wife Irma lived here in 1920-21. He was a salesman for G. T. Baker & Co.

G. H. Slosson, piano tuner is listed as the occupant in 1924-25 and the 1927-28 directories.

Wm. J. Krouse and wife Mae moved into the house and lived here from 1930 to at least 1935. He was a fireman on the railroad. They moved to Bemidji Avenue.

Darius Lalonde married Catherine Gilmore on Oct 7, 1937. He was a sales representative for a life insurance company. They lived here until about 1940 when they moved to Hibbing.

Harold G. Steffen and wife Helen lived here from at least 1946 to 1951. He was a manager for Western Oil in 1946 and salesman for Parker Book and Stationery in 1951. They moved from Lake Boulevard to this home.

Vacant (1953)

Oscar Buckmaster lived in Bemidji from 1954 to 1968. Wife Ruth, daughter Janet. He retired in 1968 after 30 years of employment with the state of Minnesota. He was a founder of the Mississippi Headwaters Blood Bank in Bemidji. Members of the Men’s Garden Club put on a farewell party for him at the home of Sam Back in July 1968. He and his wife Ruth moved to Seattle, Washington. Ruth died in 1970 and Oscar died in 1972.

David Nelson (1970)

Pat Doyle (1974)

Richard and Jeannine Vogel owned it in 1978. Richard was a psychologist at BSU; Jeannine was a blood bank aide at Bemidji Hospital and Steven was also a nurse aide at the Bemidji Hospital.

Susan Hagen (1982)

Greg Biskup (1989)

Changed owners in 2007 and in 2009. The house was described in 2009 as a charming home with solid maple floors, updated kitchen, and 3-4 season porch complete with a gas stove.

The home is currently a rental with two or more apartments.

711 Twelfth Street NE

This house was built about 1909.

Mrs. Selma A. Tolman received a check from the county for relief and care of the poor outside of the Poor Farm in 1909. She lived here in 1910-1911. The rent for living here was $10 a month, and M. E. Smith received a check for the rent from Jan 4 – Feb 4, 1910 for Mrs. Tolman to live here. She moved to the corner of Norton and 11th St. by 1912. She married Charles Sandrin on June 24, 1912. “This afternoon at 2 o’clock in the office of the judge of probate, occurred the marriage of Mrs. S. A. Tolman to C. J. Sandrin, Judge M. A. Clark performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sandrin will make their home here in Bemidji and they have lived here for some years.” (June 24, 1912)

Charles H. Fullerton, brakeman for M & I, wife Edith M. (1912) (1912-13)

Frank Cumber (1914-15)

J. W. Billings (1916-1917)

Adrian Stewart (1918-19)

J. A. Dawson (1920-1921)

L. H. Chounard (1922-23)

E.E. Lauderbaugh (1924-25)

W. H. Thole (1927-28)

Lloyd Estabrook (1931-32)

Vacant (1934-35)

Henning Thompson (1942) (1946) Henning Thompson served in the U.S. Army in World War I. He was married to Hilda Larson in Bemidji in 1930 and she preceded him in death in 1951. Mr. Thompson was employed for several years by the Witting Potato Chip Factory. He was a member of the American Legion and the V.F.W. Wife Hilda (Ness) Thompson died in 1949.

Ralph Fredrickson married Betty Jane Lewis in 1952. They lived here from at least 1956-1967.

Vacant (1970)

Albin Gillstrom (1978)

This home is currently a rental that has one bedroom on the main floor and a lofted type bedroom upstairs. It is cozy but cute with a nice sized backyard. Unpretentious.

1207 Minnesota Avenue

In 1905, Pearl D. Davis was a bartender; wife Lizzie. They lived here in 1912.

For sale: five-room cottage, A snap. (1913)

For Sale: Five-room bungalow, 1207 Minnesota avenue. (Feb 3, 1913)

Capt. E. H. Denu served in the Tenth Battalion Motor Corps in 1918-1919. In 1920, he and his wife Anna were lodgers at 1002 Beltrami Avenue. He was manager of the Bemidji Pioneer. They lived here in 1924-25.

The next owners were William and Esther Abell, proprietor of Bills Eat Shop, with their three children: Earl, Betty and Enita. They were here from about 1927-1931.

Harold W. Dickinson (1934-35)

Wm Webb (1953)

This was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walling from about 1956-1970. Mr. Walling opened the Index Stationery store at 505 Minnesota Avenue on April 16, 1932. Prior to opening the store, he had been a salesman for the A. C. McClurg stationery company for several years. He died March 26, 1965. Mrs. I. E. Walling sold the Index Book and Stationery store to Hugh McCormick as of March 1, 1968. I loved that store and spent lots of time in elementary school admiring the fountain pens. To this day, I still like the feel of well-balanced pen.

James Walling graduated from Oak Hills Bible School and then attended Columbia Bible School in Columbia, S.C. (1967) Son Doug Walling was a wrestler for the Bemidji Lumberjacks in 1959 and a graduate of BHS in 1960. He was married in 1965 and served in Vietnam.

The house was for sale by Dickinson Realtors in 1974.

James Gavin (1982)

1407 Beltrami Avenue

Felix Barthelemy moved to Bemidji in 1936 to open his own fur shop. At first, he and his brother Richard lived at the Lakeview Hotel. He married Marie Maude Decker June 3, 1940, in Bemidji and they settled in Waville. By 1946, they had moved to this address. He was a charter member of the Lions Club and a member of the Jaycees, where he held a director position on the board. He was a lifetime member of the Elks Lodge and served on the Bemidji City Council in the 1940s. He had a program on KBUN radio from 1942-1950. He was a member of the Bemidji Fish Fry Crew for 32 years and served as its head for several years. He was an avid golfer and won the Bemidji Country Club championship title for many years. He was never at a loss for a joke or a good story.

I remember accompanying my mom each fall and spring to his shop on Beltrami Avenue to either drop off her mouton fur coat for storage or to pick it up. I was so impressed with the beautiful furs. I hate to offend anyone, but I always wanted to own one. It never happened.

Marie Barthelemy came to Bemidji in the 1930s where she taught at Central Elementary School until 1940. After she married Felix, she continued to substitute teach for many years. She was a member of Minnesota Teachers Association and St. Philip’s Catholic Church. She had been an avid sports enthusiast and participated in golf and bowling activities. Two sons, Pete and Bill; four daughters, Nanette, Vicki, Marie, and Elizabeth.

In March 1967, Bill Barthelemy reported that the right front window of his car had been broken by a snowball. In October of 1967, his car was damaged by an unknown driver while it was parked in the alley behind the Bemi-Tonka Trading Post at 203 3rd St. Damage amounted to $50.

Vicki Barthelemy and Joan Hubbard, students at Alexandria Technical College attended the Post Secondary Division National Leadership Conference of the Distributive Clubs of America. (DECA) in Houston, Texas, held on April 28-30, 1968. The girls were among 45 Minnesota students chosen to attend the conference.

Cars driven by Linda Topping, Harlan Johnson and Marie Barthelemy collided at the corner of the 9th and Beltrami on Oct 18, 1971. The Barthelemy car was a total loss.

Home of Arlo Feiock, pastor of the Lutheran Fellowship in 1973, 1975, 1982, 1984.

Larry Odell (1988)

No Return (1989)

The property sold on August 13, 2008 for $95,000.

900 Irvine Avenue

Oscar Benson purchased this real estate for $425 from the Bemidji Townsite Co. on Nov 2, 1916. The house was built in 1917. Mrs. Oscar Benson entertained the Swedish Lutheran Unity Club at her home at 900 Irvine on June 20, 1918.

Oscar Benson and wife sold the property to Ida Ketten for $2,800 on Apr 23, 1920. It became the residence of the Ketten family until Ida’s death in 1949. John Ketten was a blacksmith by trade. They had three daughters, Adele, Emma Lu, Bernice, and a son Kenneth.

The Epworth League met at the home of Miss Bernice Ketten on Oct 3, 1921.

Miss Emma Lu Ketten, who has been visiting at the home of her parents since last Thursday, went to Pleasant Valley Monday to take up her school work again. Miss Ketten is one of the teachers in the consolidated school at Pleasant Valley. (Mar 1922)

A very pretty home wedding took place in June 1922, uniting the lives of Miss Emma Lu Ketten and William Gordon Gardner, Dr. G. H. Zentz officiating. The immediate relatives and a few intimate friends witnessed the ceremony. The bride wore a becoming dress of white organdie and was unattended. The home was prettily decorated with peonies and roses. After congratulations, a wedding supper was served the guests. The bride has taught at the Pleasant Valley school for the past year. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Z. Gardner, Pleasant Valley, and is favorably known here. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner left for a short wedding trip to Itasca State Park.

John Ketten, a resident of Bemidji for 18 years, died at his home in 1938 after being in poor health for several months. Funeral services were held from the St. Philip’s Catholic church. Ida continued to live in the home and died in 1949.

Reinholt Ophus and wife Ruth. Bemidji Office equipment Co. (1953)

Donald Schulze (1956)

Roy Danielson (1958)

James W. Gorman, bartender for the Municipal #2 liquor store. Wife Elizabeth. (1960-1964). Eliz moved to Dewey Avenue by 1967.

Ed Colliton, a New Yorker, moved to Bemidji on Dec 1, 1964, the day after he retired as a Lt. Col. with the USAF Strategic Air Command. They lived in Nymore for two years and then purchased this home at 900 Irvine Avenue. He took an intensive teacher training course at Bemidji State College, and was hired as a teacher at St. Philip’s Catholic School. Wife Barbara was an instructional aide. They had sons David, Edward and daughter Edith with them in Bemidji. Two older children lived in Illinois and New York. Ed Colliton ran for the Bemidji School Board in 1970. They were active with the Community Arts Council and hosted meetings at their home in 1969 and again in 1971.

House was listed for sale in August 1974 by Jaranson Agency but did not sell until 1975 when it was purchased by Linda and Jay Petterson. They moved to Bemidji from Moorhead. He joined the law firm of Smith, Hilligan and Carpenter in July 1975. was an accountant, and she was a nurse for Head Start.

Janice Moen (1982)

Michael Terres and wife Sheree. He was the kitchen manager for Perkins. (1989)

Clayton Tanney, Matthew Prost (1997)

In 2020, it is a rental.

1222 Minnesota Avenue

This house was not listed in 1911-1912 city directory or on the 1920 census. The first residents that I located were the Henry Arnold Toensing family.

H. A. Toensing, right hand man at Carlson’s Variety Store, moved his family this week from 1219 Park avenue to the house on the corner of 13th and Minnesota avenue, where they will make their residence. Ladies Aide at home of Mrs. Toensing (1922) Mrs. Toensing and her daughters were very active in the Trinity Lutheran Church.

H. Arnold Toensing (1924-25) (1927-1928) Daughters Beatrice and Anna. Beatrice was an assistant to R. E. Richardson, the photographer. Mr. Toensing came to Bemidji from St. Paul and appears to have moved back to St. Paul by 1930.

Geo. C. Baxter, wife Lottie (1934-35) (1942) Salesman for the Williams Hardware Co. They moved to 305 15th Street by 1946.

Carl and Maxine Matala, owners (1946)

Thos. W. Barker (1953)

Wm. Bittan (1956)

Richard Beitzel (1960) (1964) asst professor at BSC. Wife Josephine

Linda Kanrud (1970)

Owned by Ruth Birr in 1974 (a student)

Owned by Steven Hine in 1978 (a student)

Vacant (1982) (1989)

Daniel and Robert Eckstrom (1997)

2511 Calihan Avenue

This litte house in the woods on Calihan was built by Theo and Jean Gunhild Larson. They moved to Bemidji in 1938 and built this home in 1941. Doran Plumbing installed plumbing in the summer of 1947.

What apparently was an attempt to set fire to a house at 2511 Calihan avenue was reported to Bemidji police. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Larson returned home to find a gallon jug of fuel oil had been poured over the screen door, porch and steps and that burnt matches and paper had been scattered around. (April 26, 1956)

Theodore Larson died Jan 31, 1964. Mrs. Larson posted an In Memoriam ad in the Bemidji Pioneer every year on the anniversary of his death. Mrs. Larson died in 1973. They had no children and the home was put up for sale as part of her estate. Her brother Ole Hegland of Fosston handled the estate. The house was vacant in 1974.

Michael W. King (1978)

Thomas P. Brune, owner (1989)

Lori Winger (1997)

Last sold in 2009.

715 Scott Avenue, Nymore

715 Scott Avenue SE, Nymore – Home of Vernon Hickerson

This home was built in the 1920s. Warren V. Seybert may have been the first owner. He was a printer and moved from here to New York and then to Park Rapids.

This was the home of Vern and Mary Hickerson for over sixty-five years (1930-1995 or more). He married Mary Sherin Sept. 2, 1927, in Bemidji. As a young woman she worked as a telephone operator in Bemidji. He worked as a bricklayer with his father and brother, then went to work at the First Ford Garage in Bemidji, then at Northern Auto Supply. He started his own business in 1945 at Second Street Body Shop in Bemidji and she worked as the bookkeeper until they retired in 1975. At 70 years old, he took up his hobby of violin making. They traveled to fiddling contests and violin makers’ contests all over the United States and Canada, where he won numerous awards. He also played violins in many contests. He and Mary raised three sons John, Jerald, and Frank in the home.

307 Fifteenth Street

This street was a popular area for families because of the location of the North School on 15th Street and the construction of the Bemidji High School in 1921. According to real estate records, the current house was built in 1947 and replaced one which was built in the 1920s.

Samuel D. Myerson (1924-25) Wife Lillian. Sam was born in Russia. He was the proprietor of the Northern Fur and Hide Company.

Frank Arnold (1927-28)

William Lyons and Mary Lyons timber buyer; renter (1930 census)

Ira H. Batchelder and wife Wanda moved to this address early in the 1930s. They were listed here with their children Ira J., Ron, and Joy at the time of the 1940 census. Ira H. was listed on the census as partner and proprietor of a woolen goods manufacturing and retail firm – the Bemidji Woolen Mills which is over 100 years old. He reported that he was working 54 hours a week on average. He was living here at the time of the 1942 draft registration and was listed here in Who’s Who in Minnesota in 1945. Ira J. said that one of his tasks as a youngster was to walk from here to the Woolen Mills before school each morning to stoke the boilers and to walk from the high school to the mills again after school to help as well.

Frank Himmelman (1946)

A new house was built in 1947

Roland J Baxter (1951) (1953)

David A. Jeffrey (1956)

Clifford and Jean Erickson lived here. (1960) (1967) -Cliff Erickson received his education in Bemidji and except for seven years in Alaska, lived in the Bemidji area most of his life. He operated Cliff’s place for many years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, a Shriner, member of the Eagles and Elks lodges. He moved to the cities in 1967. Jean was a homemaker, an active member of the Bemidji Does, and the Order of the Eastern Star. Three sons Don, Jim, and Dale – guessing they graduated from BHS in the late 1950s and maybe 1960s. Jim married Sharon Gean Hofmaster at Bemidji in 1962.

Brian Engelking (1970)

Vacant (1978) (1982)

The property changed hands at least three times since 2000. Sold in 2002, 2006, and 2010.

1318 Bemidji Avenue

Herb Warfield, son of A.A. Warfield, had just graduated from college when he registered for the service in June 1918. He was an electrical engineer. He married Dolly Koors on May 3, 1922. They settled in Riverside, Illinois where he was employed by Western Electric Company of Chicago. At some time within the next few months they returned to Bemidji and built the house at 1318 Bemidji Avenue. They lived here until Mr. Warfield died in 1989 and Dolly died in 1995.

When Herb returned to Bemidji, he worked for the Naylor Co., for a short time, then joined the family lumber business, now known as Robertson Lumber Co. He was a former vice president of First National Bank of Bemidji and for many years developed and managed real estate in the area. He lived in the Duluth-Superior area during World War II and worked in ship building. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Bemidji, Bemidji Masonic Lodge 233, Bemidji Chapter 70 of the Royal Arch Masons, Elkanah Commandery of the Knights Templar, the Zurah Shrine Temple in Minneapolis and the American Legion.

Dolly Koors Warfield was a dedicated member of the First Presbyterian Church, where along with her other church work, served many years as superintendent and teacher of the Sunday School. She was a past matron of the Eastern Star, a fifty plus year member of the P.E.O., Chapter A.T., Hospital Auxiliary Volunteer and belonged to many other clubs and organizations. She was also an active member of the Republican Party and League of Women Voters. She was often called upon when her expertise as a problem solver was needed and gave of herself willingly and unselfishly to help whomever and wherever she could. Dolly had a cheerful demeanor, a keen sense of humor, and lived her life with great zest and dignity.

Herbert and Dolly had two children. Jim Warfield was born April 14, 1923. He grew up here and graduated from Bemidji State University before enlisting in the U.S. Navy as a Seabee. He died in 1988.

Rosemary Warfield was born on January 18, 1925. Rosemary graduated from Bemidji High School in 1942. She studied at Macalester College in Saint Paul, the University of Minnesota, and at the Harrington College of Design in Chicago. She met her future husband Lou Morse while both were students at Macalester. Their love blossomed during the war and they married when Lou, a Naval officer, returned from the Pacific. Rosemary was a talented organist, artist, and home designer. She died in 2009.

Doris E. Tibbetts (2013-2020)

1214 America Avenue

Roy J. Bowers purchased Lot 20, Block 19 for $125 from the Townsite Co. on July 31, 1917. Roy J. Bowers, wife Marjorie, and daughter Marjorie were listed here on the 1920 census. The next year the house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Swanson, 1214 America avenue, who entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner on Sunday at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Norris and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook and family. (Oct 24, 1921)

W. F. Arra (1924-25)

Walter W. Betcher, lineman Minn Elec L & P Co., wife Della (1927-1928)

Donald Leister (1934-35)

Alma Amundsen (1937)

Mrs. Ada Soland (1942)

LeRoy Tuff (1956)

Elmer and Edith Lyons moved here about 1960. Elmer was born June 19, 1913, at Bemidji, the son of Nels and Elizabeth Lyons. He married Edith L. Hanson April 28, 1938, at Bemidji. He was a Bemidji police officer, had a grocery-confection store (St. John’s Store), was a buttermaker, and, for 19 years, a press operator at Nu-Ply. He died in 1986. Edith Lyons continued to live in the home for a few more years. She died April 21, 1991.

Emily Sladky (2011)

Leonard Swanson, Residential, Homestead (2014)

It is currently a rental.

1015 America Avenue

John Williams was living here with his wife Ruth in 1910, and in 1913. Mr. Williams was an excellent stone mason. Born in Canada, his parents immigrated into the United States when he was about five years old. They were both born in Wales.

In 1916, it was the home of Mrs. R. H. Muncy. She hosted an advanced Bible Class at her home in October.

George William Ferrel, renter on 1920 census, sister Ethel, mother Louisa.

G. S. Malone (1920-1921)

Thomas B. Cassidy and his wife Victoria rented the home for at least five years in the mid-1920s but moved before 1930 to Bemidji Avenue.

Edward Jackson, general contractor, and his wife Elizabeth were the owners by 1930. They were the owners and were still there in 1942.

James and Beatrice Lee were long-term owners of this home. They moved to Bemidji in 1947 and Beatrice Lee was listed in the directories for this home through 1978. The house was vacant in 1982; she died in 1984.

Theodore Thorson (1989)

Nicole Beversluis (2011)

Douglas R. Hoover (2013)

Guy Hunter (2020)

1001 Irvine Avenue

Like many other homes in this area, this one was built by E.J. Swedback. It was built in 1903 for Albert Gray, a laborer for Crookston Lumber Company, who resided here in 1904.

It then had a series of owners until the 1930s.

Julius and Jeannette Fahl (1910-11)

P.N. Peterson (1913 phone directory)

C. I. Courtnage (1920-1921)

F. J. Lefaive, G. P. Heinzelmann (1922-1923)

C. D. Triplett (1924-25)

Marion, Glendowyn, Loretta Aldrich, Marion was carpenter (1927-28)

Samuel and Jessie Ross moved from 1015 Park Ave. to this home in the 1930’s. The census says that he was a French speaking laborer, born in France. He came to this country in 1905 and married Jessie Beighley of Nymore on Oct 22, 1913. They lived here for about ten years. They had at least two sons; Leo and Lowell.

The house was owned by Palmer and Erma Moen in 1942. They moved and it became the home of the Desautel family for the next 50 years.

I remember Martha Desautel as a hard worker who helped with the First Friday morning cocoa which the ladies made in huge pots in the kitchen at St. Philip’s School. She was always active in the organizations of the Catholic church.

Martha was born May 4, 1918, to Emma Rock and George Gagner in Brooks, Minn. Her grandfather was John Rock, an elder of the Otter Tail Chippewa. She attended St. Joseph’s Catholic boarding school in Crookston for high school. She moved to Bemidji with her father and sisters, Elaine (Taggart) and Bernice (Erickson) and attended Bemidji State University. She married Narcisse Desautel Oct. 28, 1940, and they settled in Bemidji in 1941.

Narcisse was born in the same neighborhood at Terrebonne in Red Lake County. He enlisted at Fort Snelling on Dec 9, 1944. When he returned, he worked for D C Dunham Lumber Company and then went into trucking. They separated in May of 1956 and he moved to Idaho. After the separation and subsequent divorce, she returned to BSU to complete her studies in business and accounting. She worked as a bookkeeper with Johnson’s Corner until she retired in 1984. She also worked several other second and third jobs to support her family. She was a loving mother, and her children considered her a pioneer “women’s libber.”

In 1974, she assisted with a reception for the Martin and Hilma Belair in celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. She hosted the Women’s Catholic Order of Foresters at her home on Nov 19, 1975.

She loved spending time with her family and often visited New Mexico and Arizona during winters. She enjoyed playing cards, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, hosting meals, traveling and reading. She was still in her home in 1995, but I don’t know how much longer.

The house was home to five children, Emma Jean, Marie, Philip, Janice and Darla. Two daughters, Mary and Denise, died shortly after birth in 1954 and 1955.

1120 Park Avenue

This real estate has a long history. Although the original house must have been built before 1910, the records indicate the current one was built in 1945 while the property was owned by James T. Davis and his wife Inez.

Edmund Jewett owned the property in 1904-1912. He was a bartender for Lachapelle & Kramer. He and his wife Arminta lived here, while Edward Jewett and his wife Annie lived next door and worked for W. A. McDonald at the Model Bakery.

The house changed hands several times in the next ten years.

W. J. McClaffin (1912-1913)

G. F. Robinson (1914-15) Robinson’s house moving and foundation building.

Homer Baltzell was improving his property and decided that he wanted a good lawn fence and steel gate However, he also invested in some Goodyear lawn hose. (1916)

For Rent: House with five lots and good barn. Inquire 1120 Park avenue, or phone 550-W. (Nov 1916)

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Baltzell, 1120 Park avenue, this morning, a daughter. (Dec 18, 1916)

The members of the Royal Neighbor lodge gave a farewell party last night in honor of Mrs. Homer Baltzell, 1120 Park avenue, and presented to her a Royal Neighbor pin Those present were Mesdames Charles Parker, Leon Jewett, L. G Crothers, Julius Meilicke, George French, P M. Peterson, H. Palmer, Maude Peterson, George Elletson, Bert Clark Moritz, George Sterling, Harry Slough, T. J. Slough, John Kittleson, George Paquin, Misses Georgia Smith, Lillian French and Mrs. Baltzell’s sister, Miss Esther Mackey, of Ferris. The evening was spent in cards and music, after which refreshments were served. (Mar 30, 1917)

H. W. Haberman (1920-21)

HOUSE FOR SALE—As good as new. 6-rooms, hardwood floors, city water, 50 x140 ft. lot, growing garden, also household goods. Inquire 1120 Park Ave. (July 18, 1921)

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ripple left Bemidji Aug 3, 1921, for Spokane, Washington, where Mr. Ripple accepted a position. They planned to live near Mrs. Ripple’s sister, Mrs. Baltzell. A number of their friends gave them a surprise farewell party at their home about ten days before they left. There was music, entertainment, and card playing. Friends presented them with a silver berry spoon as a token of remembrance and the esteem in which they were held during their time in Bemidji. About twelve couples attended.

The E. J. Ripple property at 1120 Park avenue, was sold recently through the agency of J. B. Bisiar. H. A. Toensing and family who have occupied it for the past few months will move in a short time to J. W. Dawson’s residence, 1219 Park avenue. (Oct 25, 1921)

This property then belonged to James and Inez (Woodruff) Davis. The family has very interesting history. James Tishomingo Davis was born in 1880 at Fort Byard, New Mexico, thirty years before New Mexico became a state. He first enlisted in the army at Dallas, Texas in 1901. He re-enlisted Feb 1904 at Manila in the Philippines, and at Fort Snelling on April 16, 1907. His service ended as a sergeant in the army on April 18, 1910. One could guess he fell in love with Inez that summer. Mr. Davis was one of the heroes of the rescue squad from Bemidji at the October 1910 forest fire disaster at Baudette and Spooner. Both towns were destroyed. He was employed as a deputy special agent of the Indian bureau, taking a prominent part in the government’s liquor crusade, working out of Bemidji with N. J. Sero.

Inez and her sister Mildred Woodruff came to Bemidji in 1900. They graduated from Bemidji High School in 1907 and were among the group that formed the first Alumni Association for Bemidji High school in 1916. The seniors and graduates of former classes decided to hold an alumni association gathering the second week in June each year, and their banquet site was the Birchmont Hotel.

James Davis married Inez Woodruff on Nov 23, 1910 in Bemidji. The wedding was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Andrews at 1337 Irvine Avenue. She had been working as a stenographer for Charles McCusick and her sister/bridesmaid was a teacher.

He entered service as a locomotive fireman for the M & I on March 14, 1912. They first lived in Mill Park, then on Central Avenue, Nymore, then at 315 7th Street (1918-1921), and about 1921, they purchased the home on Park Avenue and lived here until his death in 1953. Inez moved to Ohio after his death.

In 1930, they had most of the block. There were no other houses on their side of the 1100 block, and only one neighbor across the street named Alfred Hanson at 1101 Park. He and Inez had children: John, Richard, Wade, Kathleen and Patricia.

After the Davis family moved, there were several different residents.

Howard & Shirley Pederson (1956 – 1963). Carpenter.

Marvin H. & Ruth Edevold (1967) He was head of the Community Action Program at Cass Lake.

For Rent: 3-bedroom, oil heat, large garage. $85. (1969)

Leslie Weekly (1970)

For Sale: 1972.

Mrs. Leslie Tso (1974)

Susan Gladen (1978)

It became the property of Arthur and Melouise Fradenburgh in the 1980s. Arthur served 20 years in the US Army Reserve and retired as a Captain.

909 America Avenue

Built in 1913. It was for sale in November 1917: Seven-room house, first class condition, all modern except heat. Call at 909 America Ave.

At the time of the 1920 census, John Bye was the owner. He was a laborer at the box factory, wife Christine, daughters Selma, Jane, Ellen. His brother Andrew also lived with them and worked at the box factory. John and Andrew born in Norway.

The next owners were Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Peterson. (1921-1925) Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Peterson and family, 909 America avenue , have as their house guests, Miss Mabel Johnson of Stanley, Wis., and Miss Anna Perault of Cass Lake, Miss Johnson leaving for her home today. (Aug 16, 1922)

Louis V. Larson and his wife Bertha lived here from 1927 – 1942. He was a scaler for lumber company in 1930; salesman for the Bemidji Distributing Company in 1942.

Herman and Inga Pearson were long time residents here. They were living here by 1953. He was a painter. He died in 1974. Inga Pearson lived here through 1989. She had married Herman Pearson on December 3, 1938. They had three children: Judy, Roger and Jerry. Her jobs included Sales Clerk at S&L; Laundry Service at Birch Hall at BSC and Sales Associate at the Style Center women’s clothing store until her retirement. For 17 years, she thoroughly enjoyed being a volunteer Foster Grandparent at the Kindergarten Center.

Kurt Nelson (1990-1993)

Gwen Bitz (2003)

Roxanne Kirk & T.J. Kirk (2011) (2013)

The house was listed for sale in 2013: Tons of character and charm with this 2+ bedroom 1.5 bath home that is very well maintained. Updated: windows, furnace, siding, etc. Fenced yard, finished garage, central air. Main floor laundry. Den could be used as a bedroom.

917 America Avenue

Catherine Knopke purchased Lots 3 & 4, Block A, First Addition from the Bemidji Townsite Co. for $350 on Oct 1, 1910 and they built this home. After about two years, they sold to Judge M. A. Clark. A few years later, it became the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McLaughlin. He was a logger and later ran a grader for the state highway department. In 1922, Mrs. Vivian McLaughlin entertained the Catholic ladies aide at the home. Children Pearl, Grace, Daniel, and Patrick. They moved to 1016 Minnesota Avenue in the early 1930s.

Byron C. Russell (1934-35)

Fred Alsop (1942)

It then became the home of the Leo Hofmeister family from 1951 or before and was their residence for at least forty years.

Leo C. Hofmeister and Evangeline Murach were married in 1932. While in Bemidji, he worked at the Kenfield Box Factory, Bahr Trucking and was a heavy equipment operator with the Joe McKinnon and Fred Damm Construction companies. He and Evangeline were later divorced. He moved to Helena, Montana, where he worked in construction. They had ten children, including Mary Ann who went to school with me at St. Philip’s and Leo, who was in my brother’s class at St. Philip’s and high school.

After the divorce, Evangeline Hofmeister continued to live in the home for at least 25 more years. She worked as a cashier and waitress in the Bemidji area for many years. After retiring she volunteered for the hot lunch program at St. Philip’s Catholic Church and was also a volunteer grandma at Central Elementary School. She was an avid gardener and plant collector and was known for her embroidery and crochet work. She died in 1997.

1627 Birch Lane

Dr. Dexter Whittemore purchased the practice of the late J. T. Bowers and established himself in the old offices in June 1937. Dr. Whittemore was a 1935 graduate of the medical school of the U of M, interned at Anker hospital, St. Paul, and spent a year of advanced study at the same hospital. He practiced in Cloquet for a year and came to Bemidji as a single man. (June 11, 1937) He set up practice in a building that caught fire in January 1939 and was completely destroyed. He then began an association with Dr. Charles Vandersluis and practiced with him until he entered the service in 1942. He continued the practice alone in an office at 510 Beltrami Avenue. In 1940, he and his wife Ednabelle lived at 917 Dewey Ave.

This house was built for them in 1941 and they lived here for about 20 years or so. During 1941, Dr. T. P. Groschupf, Dr. McCann, and Dr. Whittemore began to discuss the need for a medical clinic downtown. They drew up plans and the new clinic opened in 1947. Dr. Deweese joined them. The clinic continued to grow. Dr. Whittemore served as president of the clinic until his retirement in June 30, 1975. They had two children: Dr. Whittemore, Jr., and a daughter Jill. They moved to Birchmont Drive in 1967.

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gangelhoff and four children were the new residents of the Whittemore home as of January 1967. Mr. Gangelhoff owned a resort at Cass Lake. Ron Gangelhoff reported the theft of gasoline from a parked pickup truck at his home at 1627 Birch Lane on Feb 27 1971.

The home was for sale by Kittleson Realty in summer of 1971.

The home was purchased by Vern Schanilec of Jamestown, North Dakota in the fall of 1971. He became the manager of Johnson’s Corner Drug. A family reunion was hosted by Vern and Faye Shanilec at their home in 1972. He served as president of the Bemidji Chamber of Commerce from 1973-1976. He served on the board of the House of Community, Inc. located at 313 Second street in 1974 which provided housing and care for potential clients of a detox program. Schanilec purchased the Glass Block Drug and luncheonette in February March 1973. He also purchased the Index Stationery Store from Hugh and Lillian McCormick when they retired on January 1, 1975. Vern Schanilec was appointed to the Merit Hearing board by Mayor Doug Peterson in 1976. He moved back to Minto, North Dakota and died there at the age of only 51.

Larry and Ranae Womack lived here (1986-1993)

Dennis and Loretta Yost (1993) (1997)

Sold in 1997

Eric Lund and Dean Beattie (2015)

Introduction — On the Street Where You Live

For about ten years, I have been researching the buildings, residences and growth of Bemidji by reading old newspapers, city directories, and public records. The research focuses on the older parts of Bemidji from Lake Blvd west to Delton Ave., from 1st Street north to 15th Street, Mill Park, the Midway Drive area, and the additions south of the railroad tracks to Lake Irving, such as the Carson Addition. The research took on a life of its own. It may evolve into a book some day, so if you wish to send information or pictures of a place your family lived in, please consider submitting it for possible inclusion on the website and/or future book. The Depot Express, the newsletter of the Beltrami County Historical Society, has carried an article quarterly called “On the Street Where You Live” which you can find on the website http://beltramihistory.org/blog/.

The original townsite was surveyed by Charles Forbes. It encompassed 22 blocks. Most were 25’ lots, 140 ft. deep. Some are laid north to south, and some east to west. It was filed March 7, 1896. The original plat included 1st to 8th St., and Lake Boulevard to America Ave. There were numerous additions before 1900, as this small lumbering town was booming.

Carson’s Addition – Surveyed by Marcus Stoner. Cora B. Carson & G. E. Carson. This includes the land between Irvine Avenue and Park Avenue, from Woodland Avenue on Lake Irvine to Fourth Street, and the south half of blocks 1 and 12, between 4th and Fifth Street. It consisted of 12 blocks. Block 6 and 7 are odd sized and are situated between Woodland and Oak Street. Filed Oct 30, 1897.

First Addition –  Lake Boulevard to America Avenue, Eighth to Tenth Street. Encompassing Blocks 1-10. From Dewey west to America Ave, each block is divided into 24 lots, each 25 ft. wide and 140 feet deep. Between Lake Blvd and Dewey, they are odd sizes. Plat field for record on June 20, 1898.

Railroad Addition, Bemidji Avenue to America Avenue, Blocks 1, 2, 3, each block divided into 12 lots, each 25’ wide and 140 feet deep. Fronts First Street and Gov. Lot 1. Filed March 8, 1899.

Lake Park Addition. From Tenth Street to Twelfth Street, Encompasses Lake Boulevard to Bemidji Avenue. From Lake Boulevard to Dewey, they are 40’ lots, and are 150 feet deep. Block 1 has 15 lots, Block 2 has 15 lots. All are large lots facing Lake Bemidji. Lots between Dewey and Bemidji Avenue are 25’ lots, and are 120 ft. deep. Filed March 29, 1899.

Swedback’s Addition consists of one block south of the tracks on Irvine Avenue. Block 1. Lots are 40’ x 120 ft. and there are 12 lots, except for lot 1, which is an odd triangle facing Railroad Street. This addition is located between Railroad Street and Lake Irvine. Filed July 1, 1899.

City Directories did not include street addresses in 1904. The first Bemidji directory to include street addresses was 1910. Houses faced various directions. Sometimes they were placed at the back of a lot; sometimes they were set back a considerable distance from the street.  Many buildings were occupied by several families. There might be an entrance facing the street, but also an entrance to the back and an entrance to the upstairs.

It is often unclear whether the person or family listed in the newspaper or directory actually owned the building or was a renter. In-depth property records, tax records, and so on would be necessary to do a thorough study of each property. This is not the intent of this column. Newspapers usually supplied information about a resident, but did not necessarily distinguish between an owner and a renter.

The words “avenue” and “street” were not capitalized by newspaper editors in the early decades.

Dates in parentheses indicate the date of an article. Early references make it difficult to determine the exact location of a building or residence. An early example is that of Sam Simpson and another is John McDonald.

Sam Simpson is building a very neat barn near his residence on Bemidji avenue, where he has purchased three or four lots, which indicates that he is going to make Bemidji his home. (Oct 16, 1902)

John McDonald is moving his residence and will face it on Bemidji avenue. The lots it occupies at present will be used as a site for a new residence. (1904)

1008 12th Street NE

Nothing was listed this far west on 12th Street in 1924-25. Chester Campbell was listed at this property in 1942.

Martin Papp was listed in the city directories for this address from 1946-2005. This house was built in 1948 according to the property history.

Martin Papp moved to Bemidji when he was 16 years old. He married Martha Coultas on October 21, 1940. Martha was raised and lived just a block from here at 915 12th Street. Martin and Martha had two sons, Martin and Andrew, and three daughters, Mary Ann, Marlyce, and Judy Kay. When he was 24, he was a bartender for Clifford and Helen Skoog. Martin served in the U. S. Navy during World War II. He worked on the Alaska-Canadian Highway. He also did logging, worked for the Coke Company in Bemidji for several years, and was employed by Bemidji State University. Martin enjoyed bowling, hunting, fishing, reading, gardening and camping. In 1976, he applied for a building permit to add onto this house. Martha died in 1995. Martin Papp, Sr. died August 5, 2005 at his home.

Interestingly, Martha grew up a block away on 12th Street. Her brother Marvin Coultas owned a home at 1020 12th Street in the 1970s which is currently owned by her son Andrew Papp.

This house recently changed owners in October 2020

1011 12th Street

This single-family home was built in 1939. It sets back a bit from the street and has a huge yard. It was the home of Walter and Alice Frost. He was a salesman for McClernan Furniture in Bemidji. They moved here from 723 9th St. They had children Helen, Barbara, Lawrence and Norman. I knew Larry Frost from high school. He was part of a small music combo that played for high school dances and so on. They moved to 713 – 14th St. between 1946-1951.

Cecil Wood (1953)

Stanley and Glendole Tweten lived here in 1956. He was a buttermaker for the Bemidji Coop Creamery. (1956) – moved to Solway

Vacant (1958)

Not listed in 1967

Lloyd Schummer (1970)

Andrew Papp lived here in 1978.

Doyle Himmelright (1982)

619 12th St. NW

J. L. Kemp (1910-1911)

Mrs. C. E. Kemp (1920-1921)

A. T. Boe (1922-23)

C.H. Peterson (1924-25)

Herbert G. Kanne and family lived here from about 1927-1942. He was raised in Odessa, Mn. and married Lois Ferne in Odessa in 1917. They moved to Bemidji in 1923. He worked for the Blue Valley Creamery. Later, he was self-employed as a wood dealer and then a driver for Land O’Lakes Creamery until becoming custodian for the public schools and the college. He and wife Lois lived here with sons Gordon and Roy. They also had a daughter. In 1958-1964, they lived at 523 12thSt. In 1970, he was living in the neighborhood at 807 12th Street, so he didn’t move very far away. In 1971, he was the winner of the Vagabond Weekend Vacation sponsored by 24 area businesses. He then had six weeks to decide where of the 12 different Canadian and American cities he wanted to take his family for a vacation.

Christ Westby (1946)

According to real estate records, a new home was built on the property in 1948.

Chester and Amy Dietel were married in Collinwood in 1902. They were engaged in farming in Nebish for many years but moved to Bemidji about 1941. They lived in this home from at least 1953–1963. Tragedy struck when Chester Dietel and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dietel were killed in a car accident at Cass Lake, May 26, 1963. Services were held for all three at the Olson Funeral Home.

Mrs. Amy Dietel continued to live in the home for several more years before she moved away. She died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1977.

Vacant (1970)

Terrance Holter (1978)

Gary Simon (1982)

Currently, it is a rental home

911 South 1st Street, Nymore

Harold Clementson and his wife Lorraine and family lived here for many years. He taught for thirty years and had a passion for learning. He designed a curriculum for an English class called Man verses Nature out of his concerns for the earth. Over the years he continued to express his concern for the natural world and how it is under extreme pressure as it moves to a predicted 10 billion people in the near future. He also taught basic English, Literature and Social Studies. He encouraged students to think critically about issues rather than simply gaining knowledge.

He was fascinated by all sciences and history but his interest in the earth’s formations later led to creating a rock polishing (souvenir) business that he and Lorraine operated for 52 years. This business soothed his adventurous spirit through mining, spelunking, prospecting, dynamite mastery, archeological digs, trading and much more.

There was a big pasture by the house. He raised Appaloosa horses and did annual roundups to wean and halter break colts for shipment to California supplying spotted horses for cowboy movies.

Lorraine worked at Northern National Bank (Wells Fargo) for many years. She later went into the rock polishing (souvenir ) business (Minnesota Gemstones) with her husband for 52 years.

209 Seventh Street

Lots 13 and 14 were sold by Bemidji Townsite Company to W. F. Street on Sept 3, 1898 for $175. He then sold lot 13 to W. K. Roberts on May 1, 1899 for $200. This lot was just north of the current courthouse.

This was the home of John C. Parker and his wife for about two decades. John C. Parker was mayor of Bemidji in 1910 and again in 1911. He served as a city official for several years. [See John C. Parker under the Pioneers section]. He had two daughters, Ella Parker and Josephine Parker.

The J.C. Parker Company was incorporated in Bemidji on Jan 25, 1915. Corporate members were J.C. Parker, S. F. Parker, and E. F. Parker.

Mrs. J. Ryan, of Bend, Oregon, arrived in Bemidji yesterday and is a guest of the J. Parker home, 209 Seventh street. She came via Minneapolis where she visited friends. Mr. Ryan was a former resident of Bemidji. (Aug  25,1921)

Miss Joseph Parker entertained friends (1921)

Mrs. John Parker – birthday surprise party in 1922.

Residents of 209 Seventh Street in 1930 census. John and Sylvia, Ella, Josephine and her husband Arthur Voshage, and Abbie Murphy, lodger, who was also a teacher and lived with them.

John C. Parker died at his home at 207 Seventh Street in October 1936. The same house seemed to use both the 207 and 209 Seventh Street address in city directories and in the news accounts.

Ella Frances Parker, merchant. Born in Stillwater of John and Sylvia Parker. Taught in city schools at Bemidji from 1911-1918. Asst Cashier at Security Bank from 1918-1925; Asst Beltrami Co. Supt. From 1925-1931. From 1931, treas & gen mgr. of books and stationery store. During World War active in American Red Cross work. Collector of old masters, over 200 paintings in her collection. She lived at this address until about 1945. Ella moved to 421 Bemidji Avenue by 1946.

Jens A. Dale (1956)

Harold & Evie Barrett (1970) (1982)

Resolution by City Council on Nov 26, 2009 to repair or remove structure at 209 Seventh St. (Original Townsite, Block 2, Lot 13)

423 America Avenue

This home was first owned by Andrew Clavin. It was sold to Fred Rhoda in 1907. The postal address for this corner lot has changed several times, as the owner can choose the postal number if the house is on multiple lots. The house has been designated as 423 and 425 America Avenue over the past 100 years, and it is currently listed as 429 America Avenue.

Fredrick William Rhoda was born on July 19, 1869, on a farm in Morrison County. On December 24, 1897, Mr. Rhoda came to Bemidji and with William M. Taber started the city’s first bank, the Bank of Bemidji. It was before the days of incorporated state banks, and so it was a private institution. In 1898, the bank sold out and became what is now First National Bank. In 1898, Mr. Rhoda started the Merchants Bank of Bemidji and operated it until the turn of the century, when it was sold to the Lumberman’s State Bank.

He was helping the county auditor at Bemidji in 1901. He ran for the office of Clerk of Court in the fall of 1902 and was elected by a comfortable margin.

429-America-AvenueMelvina Yunk was born August 11, 1892 in Marinette, Wisconsin. Her family came to Bemidji in 1906. She and Fredrick married in Bemidji on Nov 11, 1907 when Melvina was only 16 years old. The wedding was covered on the front page of the Bemidji Pioneer on Nov 12, 1907: “F. W. Rhoda and Miss Vinie Yunk were married last evening, the ceremony being performed at the residence recently purchased by Mr. Rhoda from A. Clavin. Judge of Probate M. A. Clark performed the ceremony, which was solemnized in the presence of a few of the relatives and friends of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoda left last night on a wedding trip to Duluth and other points.”

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rhoda returned last night from their wedding trip and will make Bemidji their home, occupying the splendid residence recently purchased from A. Clavin of this city. They report having had a pleasant trip. (Nov. 19, 1907)

A lawn social for the benefit of St. Philip’s church was held at the home of F. W. Rhoda on America avenue and Fifth Street Thursday evening. (Aug 15, 1913) Mrs. Mary Yunk of Deer River, Minnesota, came to stay as a guest of her daughter for some time in May, 1914.

Fred was Clerk of District Court for Beltrami County from January 1903 until he died at his home at 423 America Avenue on November 27, 1938. Melvina lived at their home on America Avenue from the time she married until her death on June 12, 1959. Since I lived next door, I remember her sometimes sitting on her screened-in front porch facing America Avenue.

Fred and Melvina had one adopted son, Albert M. who was born September 17, 1918. Master Albert Rhoda celebrated his second birth anniversary Friday afternoon in 1920. A party of eighteen little guests, were invited to play games for the afternoon at the Rhoda home on America avenue. At 5 o’clock a pretty birthday luncheon was served to the little folks. In 1940, Albert, at age 21, was living with his mother at their home at 423 America Ave. Albert was a bookkeeper for a retail lumber yard.

(Information from the Depot Express, Fall, 2014 by Sharon Geisen; articles in the Bemidji Daily Pioneer).

1018 America Avenue

This was the single family home, built about 1910, where the Collard family lived for decades. They were there by 1912 and were in the same house 40 years later. The oldest son, Clayton, lived on the same block at 1022 America Avenue from at least 1951-1981.

Sam Collard has established a Harness Repair Shop in the rear of the city hall. Mr. Collard has had 20 years’ experience in the business and is prepared to render prompt service and give entire satisfaction to all.  (March 22, 1905)

Sam Collard of this city, died Sunday morning from a stroke of paralysis He has lived in this city for about nine years, and is a brother of A L. Collard. He was fifty years old and leaves five children. Four daughters and one son. Mr. Collard had been carrying the mail the past year from the post office to the depot.

The funeral of Sam Collard will be held at the Presbyterian church, at 2 o’clock, Tuesday, September 3rd.
Woodmen Attention!
All members of Bemidji Camp No. 5012, M. W. A., are requested to meet at the Presbyterian church on Tuesday at 2 o’clock, to attend the funeral of Neighbor Samuel Collard.
H. N. McKee, Consul.

Six-year-old Eva Collard entertained a number of her little friends Saturday afternoon at her home on America Avenue, in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Games were played and the children enjoyed a dainty little birthday lunch. The guests were Ardath Bliler, Dorothy Lundgren, Altha Whitney, Bethel Amundson, Beatrice McGregor, Fern
Considine, Helen Bailey and Harriet Taylor. (May 22, 1916)

Mrs. Arthur Eastman, formerly Miss Eunice Collard of this city, will make her home with her mother, Mrs. Emma Collard, 1018 America Avenue. Her husband, Corporal Arthur
Eastman, has left for France. (May 28, 1918)

William Rardin of Waterville, Minn., is expected to arrive in the city today and will visit in Bemidji until Friday. Mrs. Rardin has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Emma Collard of this city for some time and will accompany her husband home. Both Mr. Rardin and his wife were at one time employed in the Bemidji Pioneer Publishing company’s mechanical department, Mr. Rardin as a pressman and Mrs. Rardin, who was at that time Miss Collard, as a linotype operator. (March 11, 1919)

Mrs. Emma Collard, son Clayton (25), Ruth (14), Eva (9), daughter Eunice (22) and son-in-law Arthur Eastman (34) on 1920 census for this address. Clayton Collard and Arthur Eastman both working as surveyors on roads.

Mrs. Emma Collard continued to live in the home until she died in 1953.

1019 America Avenue

This was the home of Dennis Considine and his family for nearly 50 years, although the property was first owned by Mrs. Harriet Clark [1906-1912] prior to the marriage of Dennis and Myrtle Considine.  1019-America-Avenue

Dennis Considine was one of the first three mail carriers for the city of Bemidji. He served for 39 years for the postal service and retired in 1945.

The city mail carriers were the cynosure of envious male eyes today when they appeared on their routes wearing the new regulation shirt waists provided by your Uncle Samuel. The waists are comfortable-looking affairs and are much appreciated by the carriers, Adam Otto, Dennis Considine and J. C. Cobb. They are greyish-blue in color, to match the uniform, and each man has been furnished two. (July 28, 1906)

Dennis Considine was one of three regular mail carriers in Bemidji. (June 5, 1907)

Dennis Considine of this city and Miss Myrtle Hubbell of Schoolcraft, were married on Wednesday, June 12, at the home of the bride’s parents at Schoolcraft. They left on
Wednesday evening on a two weeks’ honeymoon trip. On their return they will go to housekeeping at once on America Avenue. Mrs. Considine is well known in Bemidji, having spent part of the winter here. Mr. Considine is a mail carrier here and has made his home here for many years. (June 14, 1912)

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Considine returned Wednesday afternoon from a two weeks’ honeymoon spent at the Twin Cities and Duluth. They will go to housekeeping at once at 1019 America avenue. (June 28, 1912)

Dennis Considine was born on January 25, 1877 in Clare, Ireland. He and his wife Myrtle had four daughters during their married. He died on December 16, 1957 in Bemidji at the age of 80 and is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Considine lived in the house until his death. Mrs. Considine remarried in 1960 and moved elsewhere with her husband Leo O’Grady.

1113 America Avenue

1113 America Avenue

This was the home of William and Otto Grimm. They built the house about 1920. A complete surprise to Mrs. P. M. Dicaire was the party held at the home of her daughter Mrs. O. W. Gwmm, 1113 America avenue Tuesday afternoon, at which she was the
guest of honor the occasion being her sixty first birthday., Mrs. Grimm was assisted by Catherine Brown. A beautiful scarf was presented to Mrs. Dicaire. (Bemidji Pioneer, Sept 7, 1922)

William Otto Grimm was born in 1896 at Muskegon, Michigan. He moved to Crookston as a boy and moved to Bemidji in 1910. On September 23, 1917, he was married to Bertha Dicaire at Bemidji. He worked as a Millwright for the Crookston Lumber Co. and later worked for the Crookston Stores until his retirement. He died at the age of 75, while still a resident of 1113 America Avenue. He was survived by two sons, William and Larry, and a daughter, Mrs. James (Helen) Gregoire.

1113-America-AvenueMrs. Bertha Grimm continued to live in the house until her death on August 3, 1982. Bertha was born to Peter Dicaire, a tinsmith and storekeeper. The family moved to Bemidji in 1902. Bertha spent her younger years helping with her father’s store at 1101 Irvine Avenue, and the rest of her adult life bringing up her family. While growing up, she witnessed many changes in Bemidji and is considered a pioneer of the Bemidji area.

1200 America Avenue

The Bemidji Townsite Company sold these two lots 13 and 14 to Christa Wallace, a single woman on October 1914 for $300. She built the house and she signed a mortgage for it for $751 on May 25, 1918.

Christa Wallace and Milton Groff  were quietly married at the residence of Rev Blaine Lambert, pastor of the Methodist church, on Saturday evening at 7 30 o’clock on January 10, 1920. “Miss Wallace is well known, having made her home here with her mother while teaching in rural schools and more recently being employed in office work in the city Mr. Groff has been a friend of the family for some years and has been employed at the box factory for some time and boarded at the Wallace home. They will reside at 1200 America avenue.” (Bemidji Daily Pioneer, Jan 13, 1920)

This couple owned the home from then on, although Mrs. Ruth Thole lived there in the 1930s.

“Mrs. Ruth Thole home, 1200 America Avenue, was damaged by fire, when a stove pipe overheated. Three high school girls lived on the second floor. Mrs. Thole occupied the first floor. The house is owned by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Groff.” (Dec 18, 1936)

Milton Groff celebrated his 99th birthday Saturday when a group of relatives and friends called to extend best wishes. Mr. Groff, who is in good health despite his advance age proudly displayed his display of spring flowers and also has planted many gladioli bulbs for his annual harvest of lovely blooms. (July 6, 1962)

On his 100th birthday, his niece, Mrs. Bernice Talevson and grandniece, Mrs. George Smith of Bemidji arranged an open house when a large number of friends called. (July 5, 1963)

Milton E. Groff, Bemidji centenarian, died at his home at 1200 America Avenue just two days previous to his 101st birthday. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, June 30 1863, Mr. Groff built his present home in 1918 on a lot that was thick with jackpine. He married Christa Wallace in Bemidji in 1920. (Sentinel, July 3, 1964)

Mrs. Christa Groff continued to live in the house. She died at age 95 on July 9, 1971.

Mrs Christa Groff, 95, pioneer resident of Bemidji and longtime teacher, died at her home at 1200 America Ave Friday Christa Sabrina Wallace was born at Gloxer, Vermont on Jan 24. 1876, the daughter of Izri and Lucina Wallace. She was married to Milton E Groff at Bemidji in 1920. Mrs Groff taught school for nearly 50 years. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge, the Retired Teachers Association and the Bemidji Women’s Garden Club She is survived by several nieces and nephews including Mrs. Bernice Talevson of Bemidji. One cousin also survives. She was predeceased by three sisters and four brothers Funeral services will be held at the Olson-Schwartz Funeral Home Thursday at 2 p. m. Hugh Martin will officiate Burial will be in Baldwin cemetery at Princeton. Minn. (Bemidji Daily Pioneer, July 12, 1971)

The house was still in the family in the 1980s and was occupied by their niece Bernice Talevson (1982)



406 America Avenue

406 America Avenue

Samuel Robinson and Agnes McConnell were married in 1898. They were two of the earliest residents of Bemidji. He purchased a business lot on the corner of Third St. and Bemidji Avenue on Feb. 1, 1899, and they built this house about the same time. Their daughter Ella Robinson was born in 1898. On the 1900 census, Samuel and Agnes have four children, Mable, Effie, Elliot and Ella living with them.  Agnes was the mother of the three youngest children. Judge Spooner granted an absolute decree of divorce to Mrs. Agnes Robinson from her husband, Samuel Robinson on June 5, 1905, and she was allowed the custody of two children, a boy of eight and a girl of five, presumably Elliot and Ella. On the 1910 census, she and her three children, Effie, Elliot, and Ella, were living at 406 America Ave. The house was described by the Sanborn map company in 1914 as a dwelling, 1½ stories, with a one story apartment and porch, and a small bldg also on the lot. Agnes McConnell Robinson lived in this house for 42 years until her death on May 5, 1941.

Edward Joseph Brouillard moved to the Bemidji area in 1917. He was a private in the infantry in World War I. Upon his return, Ella Robinson and he were married on Sept 25, 1919 and he moved into the Robinson home.During his career, he worked for the Crookston Lumber Co., the Bigelow Lumber Co., Robertson Lumber Co., and for E. E. Kenfield & Sons. He was a member of the Ralph Gracie Post and the Bemidji Fire Department.

Agnes died in 1941 and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery. Edward and Ella continued to live in the home. City manager reported in April 1969 that a contract for purchase of the Brouillard property had been concluded for additional parking for City Hall. The Brouillards moved to the Northland Apartments. Edward died on Dec 24, 1970 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Ella died in Indiana in 1976.

422 America Avenue

In the late 1890’s, a village school was located on the corner where the Fire Station is now located on the corner of 5th Street and America Avenue. A new school was built, but In 1899, there were so many primary students that showed up for school in September, that Miss Moon was assigned to teach the primary students in the old building on America Avenue. To the surprise and shock of the school board, over 70 students showed up for each of the two primary rooms, and they quickly had to decide to hire another primary teacher. (Sept 7, 1899).

By 1914, it was just a vacant corner lot  on America and 5th with small dwelling at back of lot with entrance at 310 5th St. (Sanborn, 1914)

A dwelling was built there in the 1920’s and occupied by Mrs. A. M. Garland (1927-28). In the 1930’s, it was occupied by the Chris Becker family, and as I grew up, it was a popular corner for the neighborhood where many ball games were played.

Chris Becker was a disabled World War I veteran. In 1961, a new roof was put on the Cliff Becker house at 422 America  thanks to an all-day roof-raising given him by the Bemidji Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 160. Becker purchased the materials for the new roof and the Vets, under Commander Warren Soli, volunteered to put on the shingles. (Sept 1, 1961)

Christoph Becker died in 1963. His wife, Marie, died Oct 11, 1968 at Bemidji Hospital. Her  home was still at 422 America Ave.

606 America Avenue

The house at 606 America is no longer there but it had a long history while it existed.

In 1899, Fred Rhoda purchased Lots 15 and 16 in Block 4 of America Avenue for $800. Just months later, in January 1900, W.M. Ridenour bought Lot 16 for $25.

The property at 606 America Avenue became home to Sherman and Susan Bailey by 1904. Sherman, who served as Chief of Police in 1905, worked for the Minnesota State Land Department until retirement. His wife Susan was born in Iowa to Irish parents. Their son Earl, born in South Dakota along with younger brothers Claude and Leslie, lived with them while working as a timekeeper for the Central Lumber Company. Earl served as a wagoner in France during WWI. His brother Claude worked as a bookkeeper for Krueger Lumber and lived nearby at 605 Minnesota Avenue with his wife Hazel.

The house, documented as a two-story dwelling in the 1914 Sanborn Map, was a social hub. The Pinehurst Club of the Pythian Sisters held meetings there, including one hosted by Miss Ida Bailey and Mrs. S.C. Bailey in March 1909. Sherman Bailey passed away at the home on May 9, 1937, from myocarditis. The property then changed hands several times: Elliot Burton (1939-40), Archie Stecker (1953), and Lyle Lortie (1982), with a period of vacancy noted in 1978

Susan Bailey with family pet outside the house.

Susan Bailey with pet outside family home.

Earl Geil with parents Susan and Sherman Bailey

417 Beltrami Avenue

417 Beltrami Ave.

This lot was one of the few lots on the block still unsold during World War I. Charles Battles purchased the lot from the Townsite Company in 1919.

The Consumers Wholesale Supply Co., Howard R. Jones, Mgr., was at this address in 1927-28. It was next occupied by George T. Baker, jewler in 1934-35.

The L. A. Hermanson Co. store was located at 417 Beltrami Avenue. Then Justus Larson of the Larson Co. took over operation of the L. A. Hermanson Co. store on May 1, 1937. The company sold electric refrigerators, radios, Skelgas, washing machines, musical instruments, sheet music, phonograph records and all connected lines.

Irvine Lee opened his shoe store in Bemidji in 1930, and he was at this location in 1941-42. Next, it was the home of Horn’s Café.

Mrs. Clara Allandslee purchased the restaurant from Edwin Horn in September 1947. Mrs. Allansdlee had formerly operated Clara’s Café on Fourth Street between Beltrami and Minnesota avenues. She sold that establishment to Tommy Calhoun in October 1946 and spent a year away from the restaurant business.

It then became Mack’s Shack for a time. The Mack Shack carried cigarettes, cigars and tobacco and sold some of the best greasy hamburgers in town. The location became Steve’s Café operated by Raymond Stephenson in 1953.  [photo from 1956]

Steve’s Café until it moved across the street and was located at 422 Beltrami in 1964. 18777a-Steve's-Cafe-1956-41

Nothing listed in city directory for 417 Beltrami in 1967 or 1974


1001Beltrami Avenue

1001b-Beltrami-avenueIn 1912, the large white house at 1001 Beltrami Avenue was the home of Charles and Lela Vandersluis, owners of the Bemidji Hardware. It next belonged to Thomas J. Burke, the president of Northern Grocery. On May 12, 1922, about fifteen friends of Mrs. Helen Burke surprised her at her home. The guests enjoyed “social conversation” and a birthday lunch was served by the guests, who also presented her with a beautiful fern as a birthday token.  Mr. Burke was about 20 years older than his wife Helen. By 1930, she was widowed but she continued to live in the home with her three children, Margaret, Thomas J. Burke, Jr., and Helen into the 1930s.

This property was purchased for a nurses’ home  in the summer of 1947 and occupied in August of that year. This was a large house that gave a more homelike atmosphere for nurses when off duty. Miss Pearl Engen, Supt. of the Bemidji Lutheran hospital announced on Aug 15, 1947 that ten cadet nurses had moved into the new nurses’ home at 1001 Beltrami Ave. and that other nurses would take up residence there at a later date. Mrs. Harriet was the housekeeper.

In 1959 this home was sold and a three story brick home was purchased just three doors south of the hospital, facing the lake  known as Warfield Hall.

Arthur and Dorothy McLaughlin lived there in 1967. He worked for the telephone company. Nancy McLaughlin was a Nurse’s Aide at the hospital.

The house belonged to Theodore “Ted” Thorson in 1974 and 1980s. He was one of the college music people who instituted the Summer Music Camp held at Bemidji State College.


1002 Beltrami Avenue

1002-Beltrami-(1)Anyone who has walked or cruised up Beltrami Avenue has surely noticed the beautiful stone house on the northeast corner of 10th Street and Beltrami Avenue. John Moberg, one of Bemidji’s most prominent loggers and logging railroad builders, contracted to have the large brick home at 1002 Beltrami built in 1908. The contractor was Thomas Johnson who had

several building projects going on at the same time. While he was building the Moberg house, he was also in charge of a new eight-room house for Earl Geil, a new home on the farm of August Berg, and a new brick building for the Hamm brewing Company. The very next year he was the contractor for the new Carnegie Library.

John Moberg owned one of the first automobiles in Bemidji, brought from North Dakota in 1908, and convinced of the future of this new vehicle built the first garage and began selling Fords. He partnered with C. W. Jewett under the firm name of Northern Automobile Company. Their firm was located at 418 Beltrami Avenue. Moberg retired from the partnership in July 1910, and the business was carried on at this location by Mr. Jewett well into the 1920s.

The Mobergs lived for a time outside of town and apparently rented out the house. Several familiar names were listed at this address after 1916. The Bemidji Pioneer noted that A. M. Hayes was hosting a Christmas party there in 1916. In the fall of 1917, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Denu and Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Beaver moved from their summer cottage at Lavinia to the John Moberg residence on Beltrami, and Mrs. Denu hosted a musical program for the Methodist ladies at her residence in June 1918.  Mrs. Philip Gill hosted the Little Mothers Club at this address in the fall of 1921 and reported “a very pleasant social time, sewing and conversing, after which Mrs. Gill serve a dainty lunch.” In 1922, this ad appeared in the Bemidji Pioneer: To Rent: Brick residence on Beltrami Avenue and 10th street. Inquire of John Moberg, Phone 272.

In 1923 John Moberg was elected mayor and served in that capacity until leaving Bemidji to take up a logging contract in British Columbia. Morris Kaplan served out the balance of Moberg’s unexpired term. In 1924, Moberg was again elected mayor and by 1927, he was engaged in the automobile business. The Mobergs again took up residence in the house on Beltrami Avenue.

The Moberg home next became the long-time residence of Harvey and Inga Hoberg. They moved to Bemidji in February 1927, and he worked for the David Park Company for 30 years as a field manager. After the creamery closed, he operated Harvey’s Café in Nymore. He was appointed chief clerk of the State House of Representatives in 1963 and held this job at the Capitol for eight years. He worked until 1988 as a landscaper for KKBJ radio, which his son, Justin, started in 1980. Their son Duane became a member of the legislature in the 1980s. Inga Hoberg owned and operated My Ladies Dress Shoppe in Bemidji. She also prepared the baked goods during the years her husband owned Harvey’s Cafe.

When the Bemidji Hospital burned in 1929, several of the patients were taken to the Hoberg residence, as it was close and had a large number of rooms. Other patients were taken to the Poor Farm and to hotels around town. The house became the second Lutheran Parsonage in the 1970s.

1100 Beltrami Avenue

The Ladies Aid society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. H. N. Douglass, 1100 Beltrami avenue, Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. (May 29 1907) (Dec 31, 1907)

The Ladies Aid society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. J. Anderson, 1100 Beltrami avenue, for the purpose of electing officers.  (Sept 7, 1909)

1910-1911 J. J. Anderson

FOR RENT: Two houses to be released March first. One located at 1100 Beltrami avenue 1100-Beltrami-Ave2and the other at 1108 Beltrami avenue. Apply at once to Oscar Miner. (Feb 1914)

FOR SALE: Small barn. Suitable for garage, must be moved at once. Inquire of Oscar Miner, 1100 Beltrami avenue. (April 1914)

Mrs. M. Malone and family have moved from 703 Beltrami avenue to 1100 Beltrami avenue, to the Oscar Miner residence. (Sept 4. 1914)

Two Houses for Rent. Inquire within next ten days (Nov 1, 1916)

Wanted: Students for a Music Class (1917)

For sale: Property at 1014 or 1100 Beltrami Ave., for $2,500 in cash if taken this month. Look at these houses if you want a bargain. Address Oscar Miner Grand Forks. (Nov 1917)

Misses Vivian and Leona Hines, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hines, 1100 Beltrami Avenue, have gone to Morden, Man., Canada, where they will spend six weeks as the
guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Elliott. (June 8, 1918)

Mrs. Sarah Marie Chapman, has moved from 1100 Beltrami avenue to 520 Beltrami avenue. (Nov 1, 1918)

Philip Hines, chief engineer at Bemidji State Teachers college, lived in the home at 1100 Beltrami Avenue in 1920, and his wife Adelia was still there in 1956. The family consisted of Philip, Adelia, two daughters Vivian and Leona, and a son Grover. Vivian worked as a clerk at Bemidji Book and Stationery.  Leona married Denis McGenty in 1933. Philip died on April 4, 1939 at the age of 63, but Adelia stayed in the home until at least 1964.  She died in 1973.

The house was for sale in 1970. Advertised as three bedroom, older home with part basement with front and rear porches. 62 ½ x 140 lot. $9700.

1101 Beltrami Avenue

1101-Beltrami-AveThis was the home of Jens Opsahl in 1909. Accordin to the 1910 census, Jens Opsahl, Wife Clara; Sons Roy, Leo, and Morris were at this address. Jens Opsahl, Mgr of the Selkee Land Co., had a place at Lavinia, but he also owned and lived at 1101 Beltrami avenue. (1912)

The house then belonged to John and Jennie (Guthrie) Edwards.  A very quiet, simple home wedding took place on Aug 12, 1920 at the Edwards home when their daughter Miss Basha Edwards was married to Mr. Nelson Norman of Berthold, N. D. After the death of their father, John Edwards, this became the home of the Edwards sisters, Agnes, Real, and Fayal, all early Bemidji business women making their living as milliners. They owned a hat shop in 1930. In 1940, they were all living in the house with their mother Jennie and working at home as seamstresses. How many dresses do you suppose they tailored during World War II, and sewed when the conflict was over and women were eager to dress up with real nylon hose and new fabrics? The Edwards sisters likely knew many of Bemidji’s society women. Agnes and Real were still living in the home in 1966 when Agnes died. Fayal died on July 16, 1970, and the house became vacant. Real died in 1973. Their home became the site of the Battered Women’s Shelter and then the home of a university professor.

1110 Beltrami Avenue

The Elletson family resided at 1110 Beltrami Avenue from 1910 into the 1970s. W. H. Elletson, a carpenter by trade, wife Emma and two sons George and Adam Delbert moved to Bemidji in 1901. They are listed at this address in 1910. Mr. Elletson owned his own shop. George was a postal clerk. In 1920, three generations lived at the house. William and Emma Elletson, son George and his wife Ella and child Maxine; and also son Adam Delbert and his wife. Tragedy struck the Elletson household on July 1, 1921 when William Elletson drowned while bathing in Lake Bemidji. Emma died in 1925, and the house was then owned by Adam Elletson and finally by his widow Mrs. Gertrude Elletson until her death in 1981. Adam died in 1949.1110-Beltrami

1111 Beltrami Avenue


At first this was the home of A. D. Moe, who was regarded as the very best tailor in Bemidji. His business was located downtown.

The ladies aid society of the Norwegian Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrs. A D. Moe, 1111 Beltrami Ave., tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. (Feb 13, 1907)

For Rent: Two furnished rooms cheap. Inquire 1111 Beltrami Avenue. (May 7, 1908)

Sam Cutter, who worked for the U.S. Postal Service and wife Minnie lived at 1111 Beltrami Avenue for at least 25 years. Vera Cutter, their daughter, attended MacPhail School of Music. Vera married Harold Naylor in 1934. They were both excellent musicians. Harold sang at many functions. They had a radio program for a number of years in Bemidji. They lived in the house from 1934 onward. By 1951, they had moved to Park Avenue.

1115 Beltrami Avenue

1115-BeltramiThis house was built about 1905. Anton R. Erickson and his wife Carrie were at this home by July 1907 and lived there until about 1922. This furnished house was for rent in May 1922. .

C. O. Krantz lived there in 1926-1927.

John and Goldie Vinje owned the house at 1115 Beltrami Avenue starting about 1930. John Larson Vinje came to Bemidji in 1898 where he worked in the lumber mills and then was foreman of a railroad construction crew. He later was employed as stationery engineer at the courthouse until he passed away in 1939. Goldie Allen married John Vinje in 1924. Goldie married Ray Hampton in Idaho in 1949. Goldies Beauty Saloon was in operation here from 1940 until her death in 1971.

David McIlwain , wife Betty and six children moved to their new Bemidji home. Feb 1, 1973. He took over as manager of John’s Super Valu.


1410 Beltrami Avenue

Built in 1915.

Marvin and Alice Larson moved here about 1935 and lived here until 1971. Marv Larson was born in Duluth and graduated from Central High School there in 1925. He immediately went into State Insurance Rating Bureau at Duluth. He came to Bemidji in March of 1932 where he became associated with the Halvorson Agency. After the Agency had changed hands several times, Marv took over in August of 1948 and operated it under the name of the Insurance Service Agency before merging with Baumgartner Inc. on May 1, 1967. He was president of the Lake Region Insurance Association for several years. He and his wife Alice and son Bill lived here. Presbyterian Circle was hosted by Mrs. Marv Larson in 1967. Marvin Larson and family moved to Marshall in 1971 to be near their daughter, Mrs. Bob Fenske. They sold their home to Russell and Evelyn Goplin.

Russell S. Goplin and Evelyn Goplin lived here from 1971 to about 1993. They did some remodeing in 1976. At least two sons Erik and Craig Goplin. Russell Goplin was a teacher and Evelyn was the marketing director of the 1st National Bank.

Vacant (1995)

Non-Homestead, Residential (2015) (2020)

803 Bemidji Avenue

In 1901, a builder completed the big white house at the corner of Bemidji and 8th Street. Ole Gennes was the owner of the Svea Hotel as well as a boathouse business and had the first pasteurization plan in Bemidji. In 1903, Ole bought the house for $500 when he became engaged to Mathilda. Ole and Mathilda raised their seven children there: Saverna, Edward, Ragna, Bertine, Harold and Katherine. Ole died in 1943, and Mathilda kept the house and took in B.S.U. students as roomers. Mathilda died in 1974. Saverna Gennes, 91, was the last family member to live in the house. She moved out of the house in 2002.

Sept 11, 1869. Died Nov 8, 1943. Ole Gennes, well known resident of Bemidji, passed away suddenly Monday morning about 9:30. Mr. Gennes had been in poor health for the past year and a half. He was born in Tronjheim, Norway and had lived in Bemidji since the time the family came to America. He had been engaged in the restaurant and creamery business before his retirement some years ago. Mr. Gennes was a member of the First Lutheran church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mathilda Gennes of Bemidji; five daughters, and one son, Sgt. Harold Gennes of Camp White, Ore., three grandchildren and several relatives in Norway.

Mathilda Gennes – B. Aug 15, 1879. Died June 18, 1974.

1202 Bemidji Avenue

The house was built about 1910. Karen Rood, widow of Edward Rood, and her son, Ludvig Rood, who was a traveling salesman, were living here in 1916-1917.

Mrs. John Claffy was here in 1918.

Robert Laughlin Given moved here from Lake Boulevard and were living here from 1920 to 1931. Robert was the president of Given Hardware in 1931.

Robert Deuser and wife Cecelia were renting a home at 1321 Bemidji Avenue in 1930 but had moved to this house by 1934. Cecelia died Feb 4, 1935. Robert Deuser and his son Worrell lived here in 1939. Mr. Deuser then married Nova Hand on Dec. 26, 1944 to at St. Philip’s Catholic Church. He was a long resident of Bemidji, In 1934 he became associated with Leonard and Cyril Dickinson where he managed the sales department for five years. The Dickinsons then sold their interests in the lumber yard to Standard Lumber Co. and Deuser remained manager until his retirement in 1968. At the time of his death in 1977, Mr. Deuser was an appraiser and compliance inspector for the Veterans Administration which he had been doing since 1946.

Mr. Deuser was very active within the Bemidji community, having memberships in the following organization: Elks Lodge, American Legion, which he was a board member, local and national Association of Retired Persons, Beltrami County Historical Society, Bemidji Civic and Commerce Association, which he was also an officer, and Bemidji Town and Country Club where he served as a board member.

He was also a past member of the general advisory committee of the Bemidji AVTI, and while being member of the Rotary Club served as president.

Mr. Deuser was active in St. Philip’s Catholic Church, serving as trustee and participating in the Knights of Columbus.

Nova Deuser was born in Bemidji. She attended elementary school in Shotley and Saum, Minn. In 1930, she moved to Bemidji. She worked for the Hartz grocery store for seven years, J.C. Penney’s, and was a florist at Francis Allen Flowers on and off for 15 years. She was a member of St. Philip’s Catholic Church, Catholic Order of Foresters, Bemidji Women’s Garden Club, Hospital Auxiliary and she was a Girl Scout leader of two troops for several years. I remember her as a lively member of the Does organization of Bemidji Elks Club. My mom often spoke well of Nova. I liked her unique name! In 1980, Nova married Tom Roberts of Bemidji.

Robt Young and Hollie Young lived here from at least 1982-1998. He was president of Young and Davis Drywall Inc.

The house was updated in 1998. It changed owners in 2005, 2008, and in 2013. It is still a well-kept private home.

1404 Bemidji Avenue

This house was built about 1938 for the Clarence Oseid family. The Oseid family moved here from Thief River Falls. He was a wholesale salesman for groceries. They had at least one child, Betty. Mrs. Maude Oseid was active in the local League of Women Voters. They moved to 1201 Beltrami ave.

Walter R. Johnson and his wife Myrtle owned the house from 1956 to at least 1970. He was an engineer for the Northern Pacific Railway. His wife-to-be Myrtle attended beautician school in Minneapolis. On March 19, 1921, they were married. They made their home in Bemidji, where she ran her own beauty shop until her retirement sometime after 1964. It was named Myrtle’s Hi Style Salon Beauty Shop. She was also a cook and homemaker, and a member of First Lutheran Church in Bemidji. After her husband’s death, she married a widower Arthur “William” Gernand in December 1973. His wife Stella had died in 1971.

Art and Myrtle Gernand lived here until their divorce in 1991. He married Leona Frances Smith and they moved to Dewey Avenue. Myrtle continued to live at this address through 2002. She died in Grand Forks in 2003 at the age of 102!

On June 6, 2012, this house was sold. It is currently a rental.

1410 Bemidji Avenue

This was the home of Chauncey and Golda Prange for over 50 years. Chauncey Prange was born on Christmas Day, 1903 and married Golda Getty in 1928. He first came to Bemidji as a senior high school American history teacher in January 1938 immediately after receiving his Master of Arts degree at the University of Minnesota. Prior to taking graduate studies at the University he was employed at Hollandale as high school principal and teacher of history and English. Except for a short period during World War II, Prange’s service in the Bemidji system was continuous. For a short time near the conclusion of World War II he served as senior high school principal. Upon Ray Witt’s return from active duty with the United States Navy, Prange assumed the position of junior high principal, a position he held until his retirement in June 1971. He died at Bemidji on October 22, 1987.

Mrs. Golda Prange died June 1, 1973. She was a member and past president of the Woman’s Study Club; a member of the Bemidji Hospital Auxiliary, the First Lutheran Church and its Women’s Association.

The Prange’s moved into 1410 Bemidji Avenue in 1938 and Mr. Prange was still there in 1982.

608 Bemidji Avenue

The original house at 608 Bemidji Avenue was owned by E. M. Bigelow, head bookkeeper for the Crookston Lumber Company. He put it up for sale in August of 1905.

Raymond H. Schumaker began work at a bank at Brainerd, later going to Cass Lake. In 1905 he came to Bemidji and became associated with the First National Bank as assistant cashier, later becoming cashier. Shortly before he became ill in 1929, he had been named vice-president of the bank. He died April 7, 1929.

Ray and Ida Schumacher with their daughter Georgia lived at 1102  Beltrami Avenue in 1905 but moved to 608 Bemidji Avenue before 1910. The house was owned by R. H. Schumaker from 1910 to 1929. Little Raymond Schumacher celebrated his third birthday with a valentine’s party at the home in 1911.

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gill moved into the R. H. Schumaker residence and were still there in 1919.

Raymond Schumaker married Marguerite Bernick in 1918. Daughter Ruth was born in 1919 and Lois was born in 1921 at Bemidji. Mrs. Schumaker hosted the Mothers club at their home of in 1920 and 1926, she hosted a birthday party for Mr. Schumaker in 1921. (Oct 1920) (Mar 4, 1926)

The house was then owned by Fred Langdon, who had established the ice cream manufacturing plant with a bottling works in 1921 known as Langdon Bottling Works. The Langdon home was moved in the late 1950s to Birchmont Drive.

In 1961, workmen from the Mohler Moving Co. relocated a two story dwelling from 715 Bemidji Avenue to 608 Bemidji Avenue. The house, formerly the A. S. Halvorson residence, was purchased by Norman P. Mohler, co-owner of the moving firm. He planned to convert the building into a home for his family. The house was the second removed from the block preparatory to increasing the playground and parking area adjacent to St. Philip’s church.

1008 Birchmont Drive

1008 Birchmont Dr – Home of Vivian George

E.S. Woodard purchased Lot 34, Blk 4 for $50 from the Bji Townsite Co. on Jan 17, 1901. Materials were furnished for a house that spring. In 1904, it was owned by Mike Johnson in 1904. In 1908, O. Ulseth advertised a small house with two lots for sale cheap it taken quickly. There were four owners before the house was vacated and eventually replaced.

A. F. Brabetz (1910-1911)

H. J. Lamb (1912-1913)

G.M. Geror (1920-1921)

Thomas Sky (1924-25)

Vacant (1927-1915)

The current house was built in 1940

Paul Mosher (1946)

John H. Warford, owner (1951)

Donald W. Schulze (1953)

Wm. Slattery (1956)

Vacant (1963)

Mrs. Vivian George (1964-1982) Died in 1988. Wife of Andrew George. She was a nurse at the Bemidji Hospital.

No Return (1989)

1104 Birchmont Drive

Frank B. Henderson was a plumber in Bemidji. He and his wife Lislia Henderson were listed as residing in a tent near Diamond Point in 1910-1911. Since they were listed in the city directories for 1910-1911 and for 1912-1913 at this address, we can only guess that he started out in a tent and progressed to building a house.

Earl L. Grinols, who later owned Grinols Implement, was listed here in 1914-1915.

E. E. Leighton (1918-1919)

Richard H. Cota and his wife Ellen lived here in (1924-25) and (1927-1928). His occupation was as a meter reader.

The Sanborn fire insurance map shows a house with porches on both ends back and front on Birchmont Dr. in 1928.

Gus Cederberg and family were renters in 1930.

This next became the home of Marie Malland from about 1934-1942. Also residing there were teachers Amanda Malland, Christine Malland, and Helen Malland, who was a bookkeeper for F. G. Troppman.

Wilfred Marks, bkkp Erickson-Helleckson-Vye (1946)

Donald W. Sandry (1951)

Mrs. Delores Sutherland (1953) (1956)

Larry and Mila Shaskey (1960)

Henry W. Williams (1963) (1964). He was groundsman for Bemidji State College. Mrs. Lillian Williams (1967)

No Return (1970)

Vacant (1982)

No Return (1989)

Non-Homestead, Residential (2014)

1112 Birchmont Dr.

This was the home of Thomas P. Garrigan, a Civil War veteran, and his wife Emma. They were the parents of John Garrigan, who died May 16, 1907 after being scalded in a railroad accident. “Engineer John Garrigan, of the Red Lake & Minneapolis railroad, was nearly cooked to death from escaping steam caused by the derailing of the locomotive of the Red Lake line passenger train in the local yards this forenoon. The train was just pulling in from Redby at 11 o’clock this forenoon, when the engine was derailed while passing the switch a few rods from the Red Lake depot. Engineer Garrigan was pinioned between the cab and tender, and in a second was enveloped m a cloud of escaping steam. Although help was immediately at hand, it took nearly ten minutes before the unfortunate man could be extricated from his perilous position. Although frightfully scalded he never lost consciousness and coolly directed the work of his release. He was immediately taken to St. Anthony’s hospital and attended by Dr. Marcum, but internal injuries in addition to burns, make his recovery doubtful. Mr. Garrigan was in the service of the Red Lake road for the past ten years, and ran the first engine when the road was known as the Red Lake Transportation Company. He was a single man and is making his home with his parents in this city. None of the coaches left the rails, and no others were injured, the fireman jumping when he saw the engine derailing. No reason is given for the accident, the switch being locked and apparently in good condition.” (Bemidji Pioneer, May 13, 1907)

Thomas P. Garrigan (1907-1920). They must have moved from here about 1920. They both died in 1931 in Bemidji.

B. F. Fanslow and his wife Amelia lived here in 1924-25.

Sanborn Map, July 1928 – Dwelling with porch at 1112 Birchmont

James Hartman (1927-1928) (1934-35)

Dean S. Mitchell (1939-40) He was an agent for New York Life Insurance (Who’s Who in Minnesota 1945) – came to Bemidji in 1916, moved in 1931, but came back again.

Robert Saar and his wife Hilma (Nelander) lived here from about 1946-1964.

Vacant (1967)

Robt Gramsey (1970)

Charles W. Pauley (1982)

No Return (1989)

It is now divided into apartments for rent.

1203 Bixby AVenue

This home was built in 1910.

Reese Loranger was the resident here in 1920-1921. Mrs. Reese Loranger won several prizes at the county fair in the fall of 1921. The dining room division of the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church is entertaining this afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. E. Reynolds, 805 Bemidji avenue, in honor of Mrs. Reese Loranger, who is soon to leave for her new home in Duluth. Mr. Loranger had been connected with the Bemidji Box Co. until recently. He will now be employed at Duluth. (Sept 27, 1921)

J.D.Winter (1927-1928)

Wm. H. Strand (1934-35)

Mrs. Ella Conger (1937-38)

Andrew Enstad, J. Vincent Johnson (1939-40)

Louis Caskey (1942); also Gerald Caskey, principal; and Kenneth Casey, salesman.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wild moved to 1203 Bixby Avenue in 1945. They were joined by their entire family for the celebration of their 65th wedding anniversary in September 1962. Open house was held at their home on Bixby Ave. Mr. Wild was very active in spite of his advanced age and planted his garden shortly before his death in June 1964.

Alice D. Nelson, a nurse at Bemidji Hospital was the next resident and was there until about 1989, when she moved to an apartment.

Mrs. Nordahl Nelson of Pinewood moved to Bemidji to spend the winter months with her daughter, Miss Alice Nelson, 1203 Bixby avenue in November 1967.

1207 Bixby Drive

Mrs. Sam Olson advertised to sell some furniture at this address (1910)

Mrs. Fuller is guest of Mrs. G. H. Strickland (Oct 17, 1913)

W.A. Currie (1918-1919)

W.J. Miller (1920-1921)

Joseph P. Lahr (1927-1928) (1934-35)

1207-Bixby-AveWilliam and Elizabeth Marose moved into the residence in 1936 and was employed by the Krebs business.  Mr. Marose died on July 20, 1965. Mrs. Elizabeth Marose lived there until her death in 1984.

On June 4, 1924, Elizabeth Krebs married William Marose in Albany. They lived in Albany until 1936, when they moved to Bemidji. She cared for rural Bemidji kindergarten children. An organizer of Girl Scouts in Bemidji, she received a 30-year service pin for her efforts. She was a member and past president of Bemidji American Legion Auxiliary and was past president of the Sixth District American Legion Auxiliary. As a member of St. Philip’s Catholic Church, she was active in its ladies’ guild, including the St. Ann’s Circle. She also was a member of the National Society of Foresters and Bemidji Duplicate Bridge Club. She died Sept 22, 1984.


1211 Bixby Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Witting have moved into one of their houses at 1211 Bixby Avenue. (May 22, 1912)

Adolph Edward Witting (1861-1941); Alice Porter Witting (1865-1960)

A.E. Witting —  $5.00 reward for the return of “Billy”, my Llewelyn setter dog. (1912-1913)

The current house was built in 1916. Mr. Witting was engaged in the lumber and cedar business.

A. E. Witting (1920-1921) (1921-22)

David Park (1927-1928) (1934-35) (1937-38). David J. Park, Creamery was owner/operator of Creamery in Bemidji. Mayor of Bemidji in 1931.

Chas Sattgast (1939-40) (1942)

Charles Richard Sattgast, President of Bemidji State Teachers College (1942 – Who’s Who in Minnesota). Born Mt. Vernon, Illinois on Jan 26, 1899. Married Bertha G. Summers Aug 8, 1923 in Hugoton, Kansas. Became President of BSTC in 1938.

George E. Forsell (1946) George and his brother Paul Forsell were owners of Bemidji Paper Sales at the end of World War II.

Leon Harris (1951)

Eugene Scribner (1956) (1958)( (1964).

Eugene Scribner was a teacher at Bemidji High School for 17 years. He resigned in the spring of 1968. Mr. Eugene Scribner resigned after seventeen years with Bemidji Public School System to become assistant director in the Elk River Science Curriculum project. Dr. Wm. Britton, BSC Professor of chemistry, in his capacity as a consultant is able to provide not only knowledge of chemistry, but many fresh new ideas as to how material can be presented to students in the most interesting and easily grasped manner. They left immediately after the completion of their duties as staff members of the summer institute in Nuclear Science and Radioisotope Techniques at B.S.C., to start writing in Elk River. They are writing new materials to be used in an experimental program: the Elk River Science Curriculum Project. This project is funded by the federal government through the auspices of the Central Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council of St. Cloud Mn. (Aug 16, 1968)

Eugene Scribner was a district deputy of the Knights of Columbus.

Marriage license application by Leo Edward Hughes, 28. 1207 Bixby Ave., and Vickie Lynn Wiseth, 922 Dewey Ave., May 16, 1971.

James Cecil (1970) (1974) (1977) (1978) (1982) (1989); Prof. James Cecil, Bemidji State College, political science department.



1215 Bixby Avenue

Home built in 1910.

Bemidji City Directory Information:

P.A. Hoffman (1912-1913) (1915)  Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hoffman moved to Virginia. Mrs. Hoffman was the daughter of Mrs. John English of Bemidji.

FOR SALE: 5 Room house hardwood 3 floors, 50 ft. east front lot, 1215 Bixby. Price $1800.00. Reynolds & Winter.

Henry McKee (1918-19)  (1920-1921) (1927-1928) (1934-35)

The Mystic Circle held its regular meeting at the home of Miss Catherine McKee, 1215 Bixby avenue, Friday evening, December 15.  After the meeting, members enjoyed dancing and music and a delicious lunch. (Bemidji Daily Pioneer, Dec 1922)

Alf Elliott (1937-38)

Roy H. Larson (1939-40)

Elmer Knutson; John H. McKee (1942)

Geo W. Minkel, Betty Wenzel (1946)

Marvin  Smith; Roger Briar (1951)

C.E. Johnson, John N. Meigham (1956) (1958)

Irving Berg (1964)

Paul T Hoyem (1967)  (1970)

Henry Lindsey (1974)

Barry Yocum (1978)

Ronald Daughterty (1982)


1217 Bixby Avenue

The Ladies’ Aid of the First Scandinavian Lutheran Church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. I. Nygaard, 1217 Bixby Avenue, on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30. (Nov 11, 1910)

Ingbrit Nygard (1912-1913) (1918-1919)

Mr. and Mrs. I. Nygaard returned this morning from the Twin Cities where they attended the amalgamation convention of the Norwegian Lutheran churches. (June 12, 1917)

Mrs. I. Nygaard, 1217 Bixby Avenue, will entertain the Ladies Aid society of the First Scandinavian Lutheran church, Wednesday afternoon at her home. A cordial invitation is extended to all. (Aug 14, 1917)

Ingbrit Nygaard (1920-1921)

Elmer I. Nygaard, eight years and four months of age, died Wednesday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Nygaard. 1217 Bixby avenue. He is survived by his parents and three brothers. Funeral services will be held at home Friday afternoon at 2:30
o’clock. The funeral will be private. (July 7, 1921)

The beautiful new home being erected by I. Nygaard at 1217 Bixby Avenue is nearing completion and is now ready for the plasterers. (1922)  Mrs. Nygaard moved from Bemidji in 1934.

The residence was next occupied by Rev. G. W. Sanstead (1927-18); Rev. Joseph C. Mattson (1934-1942); Rev. Blomquist (1951); Rev. Donald Conrad (1956) and Rev. Vernon Nelson.

It was then owned by Lloyd Kuhrke, manager of People’s Natural Gas. Lloyd Kurhke was named local manager of Peoples Gas Company in June 1967. Peoples purchased the assets of Bemidji Gas Co., a subsidiary of Solar Gas Inc., of Minneapolis last January, 1967. The system in Bemidji serves approximately 700 customers. In another personnel assignment, Lowell Ayres has been named operations manager in Bemidji and will assist Kuhrke in various Peoples activities. (June 28, 1967)


Lloyd Kuhrke was the representative for Bemidji Dairy, distributor of Oak Grove in 1973.  He was retired but still at this address in 1989.

1301 Bixby Avenue

Albert Treichel of Ada purchased the corner lots from C. E. Battles. Mr. Treichel expects to commence building on these lots at once and complete the structure by spring when he will move his family to Bemidji. (Oct 26, 1914) He built one of the smallest houses in the Bemidji area at 672 sq. ft.

Albert and his wife Eliza lived at this residence for decades. In 1930 and 1940, Albert was a caretaker for the city library park. Children: Amanda, Max, Helmuth, Alvina, Bertha and Isa. Eliza died on Feb 21, 1940. Albert died Jan 19, 1945. Helmuth Treichel then lived at the house 1946 – 1957. He was employed as custodian for the Markham Hotel, retired in 1957.

Wm. Okerman lived at the house from at least 1964 to 1970. William Okerman was a surveyor for the US Forest Service.

Arthur Gullette was listed at this residence in the city directories of 1974, 1978, 1982. 1301-Bixby

Arthur Gullette was a professor at Bemidji State College. Mrs. Jeanne Gullette was librarian at St. Philips Catholic School and then a supervisor for the Bemidji Clinic.

1305 Bixby Avenue

Built about 1920. It became the home of Dr. Vandersluis in 1936.

Charles Wilson Vandersluis, Jr. was born in Walker on Nov. 8, 1906. He became an MD in 1935. He married Rosalie McCullough June 1, 1936 in Bemidji. He practiced medicine in Bemidji from 1935 onward. In 1937, he was coroner for Beltrami County. He had an office in the Medical Building.

It was then the home and the office of Marcus Reed, attorney,  from 1951-1967.

Dale Norby (1970)

1305-BixbyMrs. Doris Havumaki was at this residence from at least 1974 to 1989. She was a counselor for Rural Minnesota C. E.  P. She was the widow of Sulo Havumaki.



1311 Bixby Avenue

George W. Slater bought lots 7 and 8 on Oct 7, 1911 for $350 from Townsite Company.

George Slater, an employee of Ottertail Power, and his wife Addie lived at this home until 1944. One of their sons lived in Ohio and they  moved out there to live with him. Addie died in 1946, and George Slater died in 1947.

Slaters sold Lots 7 and 8, Block 9 to Verland and Onolie Allen on Oct 2, 1943.  The property was transferred Oct 12, 1944.

Verland and Onolie Allen sold the lots to Harry and Harriet Moore on Aug 15, 1947; filed and transferred Sept 18, 1947

Harry Moore lived there from 1947 to 1957. Harry Moore was an agent for Standard Oil Company.

Moore transferred the property to Hon. Frederick Weddel and Ruth Weddel on Dec 4, 1957. They owned it for at least ten years. 1311-Bixby

It was then owned by Robert Eudeikis, professor of Bemidji State College,  from at least 1970 through 1989. Mrs. Barbara Eudeikis was a teacher for District 31.


1315 Bixby Avenue

Lots 5 & 6 were sold to Glenn R. Martin on April 11, 1913 for $250 from the Bemidji Townsite Company.

Baptist Bible training class at the home of Glenn R. Martin in Feb 1915. Mrs. Martin was the teacher. Ira D. Alvord, pastor of Baptist church (Feb 6, 1915)

Glenn Roy Martin was a pioneer Bemidji resident. He died at the local hospital following a month’s illness on Sept 26, 1961.

The Martins owned the home for nearly fifty years.

Mr. Martin came to Bemidji in 1906, was employed as a millwright at the Crookston Lumber Company and by the Bagley Manufacturing Co., and Interstate Power Co. before establishing the G. R. Martin & Son mill at Shevlin in 1928. His son, Chester, assumed active management of the mill in 1940 but Mr. Martin continued to go to the mill each day until about six weeks before his death in 1961.

Mrs. Margaret Busse (1964)

Alpha Beta Lambda Fraternity, Klara Marti, James Walk (1967); Mrs. Margaret Busse lived in the rear of the residence.

1315-BixbyRodgers McFarland (1970) (1974)  (1978). Rodgers and Marlys McFarland were the owner/operators of the McFarland Cabinet Shop, and later the McFarland Kitchen Center.


1319 Bixby Avenue

This home was built in 1937 for Anton Hoganson.  He lived there until he retired in 1949.

Anton O. Hoganson was born in Spring Valley, Wisconsin in 1878. He grew to manhood there. He and his brother, John, established the Model Dry Cleaning House at 106 Second Street in Bemidji in April 1909 which he continued to operate until his retirement in 1949. They installed a telephone in May 1909. He was married to Hilda Hanson in Minneapolis in 1912 and she preceded him in death in December 1960. Mr. Hoganson was a long-time member of First Lutheran Church, a member of Civic and Commerce for many years; served on the Bemidji Hospital Board during much of its development period. During World War II, Mr. Hoganson spent a great deal of time promoting War Bond sales and was an avid sports enthusiast his entire life. Toward the end of his life he lived at Lake Plantagenet. He died at the Bemidji Hospital on Feb. 9, 1965, following a brief illness. He had been a resident of Bemidji for over 60 years. Anton and his wife Hilda had two sons, Harold and Donald, and one daughter Mona.

Kermit Lysen (1951)

Wm. Keenan (1956)

Jerome & Valborg Skeim (1964) (1967) (1970). Jerry Skeim was the Beltrami County Assessor from 1957-1969. Mrs.Jerome Skeim was the organist for First Lutheran Church and also directed the choir. He became the Meeker County assessor from 1969 to 1973.

1319-BixbyJerry & Patrick Oelrick (1974)

Dawn Skittone (1978)

Wayne Simmons (1970)

Sandra Traczyk (1982)

Patty Tracy, Ann Haugo (1989)


1323 Bixby Avenue

Lots 1 and 2 were sold to Rose Winter for $500 on Oct 18, 1921.

1323-Bixby-AveThe home is best known as the home of the Thelander family. It was listed in the city directories as the home of Otto Thelander in 1937 onward. He died Dec 27, 1969. it was then listed as the home of Mrs. Cyri R. Thelander, and then was part of the Thelander estate.


1401 Bixby Avenue

This was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rood from approximately 1912 to 1927.

Oliver C. and Lewis. E. Rood,  were, previous to the establishment of their business in Bemidji, for ten years extensive dry goods merchants at Crookston. They carried an immense line of dry goods, shoes, furnishings and notions of the latest styles and textures, and at prices which range from high priced to nominal. They made a specialty of the Foot-Schulz shoe, a Minnesota product.

The Rood Brothers were warm advocates and active workers in the move to secure for Bemidji the proposed Normal School.

Oliver C. Rood was a commercial traveler for the tobacco industry on the 1920 census. The family then moved to Albert Lea, Minnesota.

Other residents were: 1401-BixbyChester J. Clements (1934-35); Peder I. Ness (1937-38) (1939-40); Lorayne Angvall (1942); Geo Licke (1946); Harry Wisdom (1951); Judson Martin (1956)

Donald J. Zuelhke lived in the home for at least 25 years as indicated by city directories from 1964 to 1989. He was a member of the faculty at Bemidji State University from 1953 until his retirement in 1986 and was chairman of the business education department.

He and Lorraine Prosa were married July 31, 1949, at Deerfield, Wis. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, held offices of secretary of the congregation and elder, and was a Sunday school teacher. He was a member of Ralph Gracie American Legion Post 14 and Tri-County VFW Post 1260, both in Bemidji. He enjoyed fishing, golf and playing bridge. Donald Julius Zuehlke died in 1995.

Donald J. Zuelhke was the happy winner of a 23 inch Coronado color television set in a drawing held at the First National Bank. The set was given away by the Bemidji Jaycees with all proceeds of the ticket sale going to support the Beltrami County day Activity Center for mentally retarded children. (Bemidji Pioneer, Dec 27, 1966)

1403 Bixby Avenue

This was the home of James J. Deneen (Who’s Who in Minnesota 1958). He moved to Bemidji in 1953 and became the City Manager. He retired in 1963. He was a member of the Bemidji Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star; a life member of the Elks; member of Shriners of Grand Forks; the Bemidji Rotary and Lions clubs; the International City Managers Association. He was a past president of the City Managers Association of Minnesota.


1413 Bixby Avenue

City Directory Entries:

Albert T. Stevens (1939-40) (1942)

Douglas Sommerville (1946) (1951) (1956)

Leo Cooper (1964) (1967) (1970)

Thos. L. Strowbridge (1974) (1978) (1982) (1989)


1426 Bixby Avenue

This was the home of Leon M. “Pinky” Johnson and his wife Lois  from 1939 to his death in 1987.

Leon Johnson was born April 20, 1904, at Fosston. He graduated from North Dakota State University in 1927 and began teaching at Hankinson, N.D., in 1928. He also taught at Grand Rapids and Floodwood before moving to Bemidji in 1937. He married Lois Vennewitz Dec. 21, 1931, at Alexandria. He taught vocational agriculture at Bemidji High School until retiring in 1968. He was an advisor to the Future Farmers of America Club in Bemidji and coached four teams to national championships in FFA competition.

1426-Bixby-AveHe was a Minnesota Teacher of the Year, past president of the Minnesota Vocational Agriculture Teacher’s Association and past vice president of the National Vocational Agriculture Teacher’s Association. He served on the Bemidji City Council from 1969 to 1972 and was secretary of the Beltrami County Fair Board from 1962 to 1977. He was a member of First Lutheran Church, the Elks Lodge, Lions Club, Curling Club and Bemidji Town and Country Club.

Mrs. Johnson died in 1983. He died June 1987. He was survived by a daughter, Nancy and a son, Leon L. Johnson.

1427 Bixby Avenue

This was the home of George Deibert and his family from 1964 until at least 1989.

Wednesday, May 8, marked the tenth anniversary for Deputy George Deibert with the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Department and began his 17th year of police work in the Bemidji area. These years of service began in 1958 when George became a police officer for the Blackduck community and covers the investigation of every imaginable crime from minor juvenile delinquency to murder. Though now a long-time resident, George is not native to the area. He first came to Minnesota to visit a friend he had met in the Pacific theater during World War IL That visit was followed by several Minnesota vacations until finally, an avid fisherman and hunter, he decided this was the place to be. Originally from Illinois, George served in the Army Air Corp during World War II and was recalled to service for a year during the Korean conflict. After his military service, in which he saw duty in small arms repair, bomb reconnaiscance, and demolition, George worked as an electro-plater in a factory in Elgin, Ill. Tiring of factory work and finding the call of northern Minnesota increasingly irresistible, he applied and was accepted for the position of police officer in Blackduck. George is a graduate of numerous police schools and is known throughout the state for his work with forged checks, as well as for his knowledge of small arm s. He is now the senior deputy with the sheriff’s department. (May 10, 1974)

1427-BixbyHe and his wife Adeline, a native of Blackduck, have lived in Bemidji since he joined the sheriff’s department in 1964. They have one daughter, Janice, age 9, still at home and two married children. The Deiberts are members of the First Presbyterian Church of Bemidji, and George is both a Shriner and a Mason. In addition to fishing and hunting, which he does with considerable expertise according to those who have fished and hunted with him, George maintains a vegetable garden and has a history of raising racing pigeons. That’s right — racing pigeons. (Bemidji Pioneer, May 10, 1974)

1601 Bixby Avenue

The new parsonage of the First Methodist church at 1601 Bixby avenue was officially dedicated on June 16, 1955.

Rev. Lyle Christianson (1963)

Rev. Clair Siple (1967) (1974) (1975)

Rev. Thomas Payne (1977) (1978)

Rev. Marva Hutchens (1989)

Rev. James M. Clausen (1997)

Thomas Skime (2020)

2317 Calihan Avenue

This home was owned from the time of its construction 1950 to 2006 by Fran and Laura Saeger, where they raised three children: Robert, Carol and Janet.

Francis and Laura (Loewen) Saeger moved to Bemidji in 1948 after purchasing the Gamble Store in order to merge it into Lindrud’s. Later, they added The Style Center next door in downtown Bemidji. They were an integral part of the local business community. In 1978, Laura and Fran began spending their winters in Scottsdale, AZ. In 1989, they sold the stores and retired from the retail business world, splitting their time between Bemidji and Scottsdale. In 2006, after 58 years in Bemidji, they sold their home and permanently moved to their home in Scottsdale, close to their children. They traveled extensively, both in North America by car and overseas to Japan, China, the Philippines, and Europe.

In Bemidji, they were actively involved with the First Lutheran Church. Laura initiated a cherub children’s choir, was president of the women’s organization, sang choir, and enjoyed quilting and circle bible studies. She was a member of the Lioness Club and Bemidji Town & Country Club, and a den mother for Boy Scouts. Francis was a member of the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Town & Country Golf Club, Old Car Club, and co-founder of the Koffee Klutch. He enjoyed sports; he scored three holes-in-one in golf and attended many baseball, football and basketball games throughout Minnesota and Arizona. He was an ardent fan of the Twins, Vikings and Suns.

2406 Calihan Avenue

This was the home of Earl and Vesta Kerns.

Earl Kerns came to Bemidji in 1939 as director of the band and the orchestra at Bemidji High School. He started the elementary band program his first year at Bemidji and later initiated the summer marching band program. He also taught baton twirling and later initiated classes for baton and majorettes. Mr. Kerns also started the junior high band performing instead of just practicing. In total, Mr. Kerns accompanied the Bemidji High School band to the state basketball tournament 17 times during his high school career. It is estimated that he taught 350 students each year during his 32 years at the high school.

Earl Kerns died at his home Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1975.  Mr. Kerns was born on September 5, 1905 at Omemee, ND. He grew up in the Devils Lake, N.Dak. area and played in the original Governor of North Dakota Band. He attended North Dakota State University at Fargo and the South Dakota University at Vermillion, S.Dak. He took his undergraduate degree at the University of North Dakota in 1931 and attended Vandercook School of Music in Chicago. On Aug. 2, 1933 he married Vesta Quarve at Fessenden, N.Dak. He received his Master of Arts degree at the University of Michigan and taught school at Fessenden and Grafton. In the fall of 1939 he came to Bemidji where he was a band director at Bemidji High School until retirement. He was a former Jaycee and Lion in Bemidji. He belonged to the Bemidji Elks, the SAE fraternity at the University of ND and was a member of the First Lutheran Church in Bemidji. He also enjoyed hunting and fishing.

Services we’re held Friday at the First Lutheran Church in Bemidji. Mrs. Thelma Bender was organist, Beth Baker played a trumpet solo and David Naylor played a trombone solo.

Vesta Kerns attended St. Olaf College, Valley City State College and graduated from Bemidji State University. She taught Math & Science for 17 years in Bagley, Mn. Vesta died at Bemidji in 2011. She was a frequent world traveler with Elder Hostel Programs. Despite her diminished eye sight, she knitted hundreds of caps for newborns at the local hospital. Her hobbies also included playing bridge, gardening and pressed flower pictures. She was a member of Chapter CZ, PEO 50 plus years and also a member of Delta Kappa Gamma.

The Kerns family included their son, James and a daughter Kristie.

922 Dewey Avenue

This beautiful corner residence began with the delivery of lumber and materials by Swedback Brothers to George W. Stone and the Bemidji Townsite & Improvement Company. These materials were sold, furnished and delivered on Nov 10, 1899 for the erection and construction of a dwelling house on  lots 13 and 14, of Block Ten of Bemidji’s First Addition.

E. L. Naylor purchased lots 13 & 14, Block 2, First Addition on Feb 1, 1902 for $175. Naylor sold this property to M. H. Sullivan on March 31, 1903 for $1200. Sullivan then transferred this same property to James Cahill on the same day.

James Cahill and wife Ida sold these same two lots to O. J. Laqua for $800 in 1904.

Mrs. Emma Stewart, widow, her daughter Capitola Stewart and son Scott Stewart moved into the home by 1910. The Stewart family members lived there for at least fifty years until 1963.

Scott T. Stewart first came to Bemidji  on Feb 6,1904 and went into the restaurant business in the old Nangle building. Mrs. Emma Stewart, Capitola and Scott lived at the store property at 302 Third Street until sold in 1906.  Scott Stewart purchased the Roe & Markusen Grocery at 207 4th Street in 1914. Then for many years he owned and operated the store known as the Campus Food Market at 1101 Birchmont Drive. He retired from business in 1943.

Capitola B. Stewar was born in 1875. Her mother, Emma, was born in Canada. Miss Capitola worked as a clerk at several shops including Berman Emporium, the Bazaar, and finally for Wilson’s on Third Street. Her talent was as a milliner.

The Stewarts were mentioned in the society pages as part of many neighborhood activities.

Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Given of Dewey Avenue entertained at a toboggan party last evening. The guests were Misses Capitola Stewart, Elizabeth Erickson, Ida Virginia Brown, Carrie Armstrong, and Messrs. Scott Stewart, Harry Stark, William Raymond and Thomas Quayle of Virginia, Minn. Lunch was served at the Given home at a late hour. (Feb 13, 1917)

A new club, to be known as the “My America Club,” was organized Tuesday evening at the home of Misses Mabel and Lucy Brooks on Lake Boulevard. These clubs are being organized throughout the United States. The members will take up different lines of work, such making bandages and knitting, various articles for the soldiers. The members of the club are Misses Fail Edwards, Real Edwards, Agnes Edwards, Alma Olson, Thelma Johnson, Clara Sather, Carrie Armstrong, Ida Virginia Brown, Elizabeth Erickson, Emma Gornes, Capitola Stewart, Florence Bell, Mary Bell, Lucy Brooks and Mabel Brooks. The officers are: President Miss Mabel Brooks. Vice president-Alma Olson. Treasurer – Ida Virginia Brown. Secretary – Capitola Stewart. (May 24, 1917)

O. J. Laqua and wife sold the property to Capitola Stewart on March 3, 1924 and indenture was paid and recorded Feb. 13, 1929 for the sum of $2300.00.

Mrs. Emma Stewart appears to have lived there until about 1939. Joe Hartness, the Secretary of Civic & Commerce Association came to Bemidji in 1939 and rented the property for several years.  Meanwhile Capitola lived with her brother Scott and his wife Hallie.

Capitola B. Stewart, unmarried, sold the property to Scott T. Stewart and Hallie A. Stewart on Aug 15, 1947, and continued to live with her brother and sister-in-law. Scott T. Stewart died in 1954. For more on Scott Stewart, please see an account of his life and businesses in Bemidji in the Pioneer category on this website.

Capitola Stewart died in 1956. Hattie Stewart moved away and the residence was occupied by Theodore and Delores Elmore. They purchased the property and then sold it to Robert and Gloria Tibbetts in 1963. Mrs. Tibbetts was still a resident in 1982.

View of the residence with entrance fronting Dewey Avenue NE. 922a-Dewey-Ave


313 Fifteenth Street

Oscar M. Johnson and Agnes Melhorn were married on Dec 8, 1922 in Bemidji. They built their home in Bemidji on 15th Street. Oscar was a well driller and later shop foreman of an auto garage. He passed away in 1966. Mrs. Johnson lived in the house for 68 years before moving into the Beltrami Nursing Home. She passed away in 1990.

610 Fourth St.

This was the home of Isaac Streeter in 1904.

Oliver Anton Rudhe married Hilda Hartin in Bemidji on May 16, 1908. Myrtle was born May 31, 1913. Clarence was born Sept 2, 1918.

By 1920, it was the home of the Rudhe family where they raised their family and lived for  nearly 50 years. Oliver Rudhe was born in Norway; his wife HIlda was born in Sweden. He was a filer for the Kenfield sawmill operation. They moved to Washington in 1965. He died at Cathlamet, Washington on June 21, 1973. His wife Hilda died March 24, 1972. They lived in Bemidji most of their lives. They raised two sons, Alex and Clarence, and three daughters, Helen, Jennie, and Myrtle.

614 Fourth Street

This was the home of Paul and Anna (Peterson) Foucault. They were at this address by 1920.

Paul Foucault was born in Canada. He moved to Bemidji in 1902.

Paul Foucault will move his barber shop to a new location next week. The shop will be in the basement of the First National bank building which has been especially fitted for its occupancy and the location will be one of the best in the city. (May 5, 1904)

Clarence Foucault, son of Paul Foucault of this city, had a narrow escape from death yesterday while he was switching on the M. & I. road at International Falls. Mr. Foucault in stepping from a moving engine slipped and fell just as another engine was coming right behind him. The engine brushed his cap off his head and ground it to pieces. Mr. Foucault suffered a wrenched back and dislocated hip. He was taken to the Northern Pacific hospital at Brainerd last evening. (Feb 21, 1917)

Paul died Aug 20, 1938, age 64. He was a barber in partnership with Sam Baney at 220 Minnesota in 1931. He was a former member of the Bemidji city council, serving for six years, and was a charter member of both the Knights of Columbus and Moose Lodges there, and a member of the Catholic parish.

Mrs. Anna Foucault, widow on the 1940 census.  She was born in Denmark Nov. 3, 1870, the daughter of Christ Peterson. In 1940, she owned the home and had two women boarders. She lived there until her death on Dec 25, 1953. She had been a resident of Bemidji for 53 years.


201 Irvine Avenue South

E. J. Swedback was the first resident at 201 Irvine Ave S. Swedback moved that house to the corner of Eleventh and Bemidji and remodeled it for his home in 1913. A. J. Naylor purchased the lot, and the Bemidji Pioneer socials noted on December 26, 1913 that A. J. Naylor “has the outside work of his new home completed and is occupying it. Mr. Naylor will complete his home gradually, and, when the interior work is complete, will have spent $2,000 on it.” The Naylor family owned the home until about 1960, and the house is still an attractive structure.


707 Irvine Avenue

The Hillgrove/Huck Family owned this home from 1904 to 1975.

William Hillgrove was a stone mason. He and Elizabeth lived at 707 Irvine in 1904. A party was given for about 30 guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hillgrove on Jan 23, 1905.

Children of Mrs. Hillgrove were Florence, age 22, a teacher; Allen, age 19, a telegrapher, Clarence, age 16, a bell boy,  Susan, age 5, and an infant, Severn.

William Hillgrove died in 1911. — After having advanced well on the road to recovery from injuries received from a fall on cedar poles July 31 at Turtle River when four ribs were broken and his collar bone fractured, William Hillgrove fell a victim to pneumonia Thursday and died yesterday. At the time of the injury, Mr. Hillgrove was assisting the D. K. Deal Lumber company in loading cedar poles. He was a mason by trade and was doing work at Turtle River but yielded to a request to aid in handling the poles, and while on top of a car which was being loaded was hit on the head with a pole, throwing him to the ground. While being brought to Bemidji he caught a severe cold which developed into pneumonia. Mr. Hillgrove appeared to be recovering rapidly, and yesterday afternoon while talking to his wife told her he soon expected to be taken home. An hour later he was dead, his heart having given out under the strain of the disease, although double pneumonia is given as the real cause of his death. He is survived by his wife and four step-children. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 8:30 from St. Phillip’s Catholic Church. He was 52 years old. (Aug 12, 1911)

Elizabeth Hillgrove, a pioneer resident,, passed away on January 12, 1945 at the home of Ms. Ernestine Tharaldson, 723 Irvine avenue, following a short illness. Mrs. Hillgrove was born April 17, 1864 at Wellesley, Ontario, Canada, and came to Bemidji in 1904, where she was married to William Hillgrove and resided at 707 Irvine Avenue for many years. She is survived by one daughter. Burial will be held at New Hamburg, Ontario, Canada, her childhood home. The body will be taken there by Miss Huck, accompanied by Mrs. Tharaldson.

Florence Huck lived at the home from the time she was 21 in 1904 until her death in 1975. Florence Lorraine Huck, 92, of 707 Irvine Ave. died June 4, 1975 at the Beltrami County Nursing Home. Mrs. Huck was born March 13, 1883, at Wellesley, Ontario, and attended school in New Hamburg, also in Ontario. She came to Bemidji in 1904 and made her home here since. For a time she taught in the Nebish School and later worked at the W. G. Schroeder General Store for a few years. In 1920 she joined the establishment of Given Hardware in Bemidji and was employed there until they sold in 1952.


823 Irvine Avenue

Henry P. Minton, Frank Minton, and Stella Minton were all teachers living at this address in 1904.

Henry P. Minton, 90, one of the few surviving veterans of the Civil War, died at his home, 823 Irvine Ave., on Sept 5, 1928. Funeral services were held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 with interment following at the Greenwood cemetery. Mr. Minton enlisted in Company A, Eighth regiment of the Peoria cavalry on August 16, 1861. He saw much active service in the fight for the Union and was given an honorable discharge September 14, 1864. He married Mrs. Mattie Minton in December of the same year.

Mrs. Martha E. Minton, wife of H. P. Minton, passed away Feb 5, 1922. Mr. and Mrs. Minton had made their home at 823 Irvine Avenue over the past 20 years. During the past several years, Mrs. Minton was confined to her home by ill health the majority of the time. Mrs. Minton is survived by her husband, a Veteran of the Civil war and a member of the local post of the G. A. R., a daughter, Stella, who has made her home with her parents while teaching in this vicinity, a son, Ernest who lives at Ventura, Iowa, and several other children living in California.

“We stopped at the Minton house on Ninth and Irvine. The same old frame house is still standing, but has been all boarded up for many years. What a shame! It had so much charm. At that spot was the pot at the end of the rainbow for me – the cuckoo clock. How I loved that little bird! Poor Grandmother! I would always make her late getting home from there, begging just one cuckoo, please Grandma.”

The Mintons were an old couple. She was a plump lady and Mr. Minton was frail looking; both had pure white hair. They had one daughter, Stella. She had black hair with corkscrew curls. She let me play with her doll and the trunk full of doll clothes…. After Stella grew up, she wrote stories and sold them. She never married and lived on in the house after the old folks died. Then she sold the house and left. (Memories of Alice Cameron Bowers, North Country, 1989)

Stella Minton appears to have moved between 1942 and 1946. The house was listed as vacant from 1956 to 1982 in the city directories.

1019 Irvine Avenue

This house was built in the 1940s. It was the home of Ray and Dorothy Stephenson until his death in 1983. They owned Steve’s Grill in Bemidji which was located on Beltrami Avenue.

The house was in a pleasant neighborhood near a neighborhood grocery store. There was also a dip in the street at the corner of 11th and Irvine. Youngsters in the neighborhood of 11th Street and Irvine Avenue splashed happily in a miniature lake formed in a low area of the street after a downpour which occurred on Aug 26, 1965. The precipitation was light in most of Bemidji but approached flash-flood proportions in the northern areas.

Photo from 1956.



413 Irvine Avenue

On the west side of Irvine Avenue there was a very large house which was owned by Fred W. Rhoda in 1904, and next by Fredrick Eberlein, a German beer brewer, who was the president, treasurer and manager of the Bemidji Brewing Company. After it was occupied by D. C. Breneman in 1910, it next was occupied by M.E. Smith, owner of the Smith Retail Company located at 424 4th St.  This house was very large and appears to have had two families living there most of the time. On a summer afternoon on July 24, 1913, it was the scene of a small wedding when Miss Alice Senear hosted a wedding for her cousin Carrie Cochran and Mr. Peter Kanz, and the room was reported to be beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers.

By 1918, it was the residence of Reuben “Rube” Miller and family. He was a machinist and had Miller’s  Repair Shop at this address also. He came to Bemidji in 1900 with his parents and operated a gunsmith and locksmith shop with his father until the latter’s death. From 1916-1941, he operated the shop alone. He joined the Bemidji fire department in 1911 and continued until his death in 1941.

Michael Downs, his wife Kathleen, daughter Kathleen and adopted son James all lived here from 1922 to about 1935.  Canadian M. A. Downs came to Bemidji about 1899.  He went into business with George Fleming and formed the firm of Fleming and Downs. By mutual consent, they went out of business in October 1905. Fleming continued the business and Michael Downs then went into business with Fred O’Leary and opened the Downs-O’Leary Grocery Store in 1906. They were featured in the 1909 Souvenir edition of Bemidji. It was considered an exclusive grocery store. It didn’t work out and they went bankrupt on Sept 9, 1909. He went to work as a switchman for the M & I Ry. Michael Downs had married Kathleen Walker on Sept 13, 1904 in Bemidji. They lived at 506 Fourth Street from 1905 until they moved to the Irvine Avenue address sometime during the early 1920s. Michael died by 1935 and his family moved to the Lakeview Apartments.

Wendell and Addie Gregg lived here in 1946, about the time this photograph was taken. It was then purchased by Wilfred and Agnette Marks. Mr. Marks was the agent for Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance (1951). In the 1953, it was the residence of Louise Anderson and the Hair Fashion Studio. There were several owners after that including Herman Ihde and his family from 1956 into the mid 1960s.

417 Irvine Avenue

417 Irvine Avenue

The first resident listed in the 1904 directory for this address was Joseph Barney, a local bartender and his wife. By 1907, it was the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ibertson, the local undertaker and coroner for Bemidji for many years. Mrs. Ibertson entertained the members of the Eastern Star at the Ibertson home in 1907. On Feb 2, 1909, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ibertson celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary on Friday evening with a “crystal” wedding at their home. There were twenty-six guests present and all enjoyed a social evening. The Ibertsons received many cut glass presents in commemoration of their crystal wedding. The Ibertsons then moved and this became the residence of John and Grace (Toombs) Hormann. Grace Toombs who were married in 1911. He was associated with the Peoples Meat Market and then Hormann’s Meat Market on Third Street. His young wife, Grace, died at the house in February of 1914 when she was only 25 years old after a relatively brief illness. Her daughter Grace was only sixteen months old. The funeral was held at the house as was common in that period. Mr. Hormann hired a housekeeper and stayed with his daughter in the house until putting it up for sale in 1920. It was advertised as 5 rooms and bath, on a 50 ft. lot, surrounded with an iron fence. He then married Sophia Larson Gustafson on May 5, 1921 and continued to work as a meat cutter.  They moved to Nymore.

Dr. Ed Franklin and his wife moved into the house. Dr. Franklin traveled in northern Minnesota for Drs. Larson and Larson but spent whatever time he could with his family at the house. His father, Wilbert Franklin, a retired carpenter, was staying with the family in 1924 when he took sick and died at the Lutheran Hospital. Between 1930 and 1942,  Leo and Gladys Phillips owned the house. He was proprietor of a billiards room on Third Street for 24 years. He retired and moved to California about 1946.

Michael and Beatrice (Gould) Corrigan owned the house in 1946. Sons James, John, and Thomas also lived there. In the 1930s, Michael had owned a hotel on Third Street. Michael and James worked for the State Highway Department in 1946. Thomas was a student. John was manager of the VFW.  By 1953, Beatrice was a widow and lived with her son John at this address. He was sales manager for Land O’Lakes Motors in 1953.

By 1956, Ed O’Malley and his family had become the new neighbors and lived there until the house was removed and replaced by the post office. The O’Malley girls were the neighborhood babysitters. Ed O’Malley was a linotype operator at the Northland Times and then for the Bemidji Pioneer.

421 Irvine Avenue

421 Irvine Avenue

Matt Thome, a saloon owner, moved to Bemidji in 1899 and settled with his family at this address. You may have noticed the Thome name on a building or two in town.  His saloon was in the Rex Hotel and then at 400 Minnesota Avenue. When Bemidji was declared to be in Indian country and the saloons were forced to close, Matt did not give up his business interests.  In 1915, he made front page news when special officers discovered and confiscated wines, whiskey and champagne, valued at approximately $200, in the cellar of the residence. The officers upon introducing themselves, went directly to the cellar of the residence, found a barrel containing 35 gallons of port wine and a keg in which they found five gallons of blackberry cordial. In suitcases well hidden were found 4 pints of champagne and 10 quarts of imported wine. In a small hole beneath the flooring of the cellar the officers found 37 quarts of whisky. The entire “plant” was destroyed. Thome retired from business and took up farming in Wisconsin. After that, the house had new owners about every five years until it was purchased by the city from the last owner, Dewey Johnson.

This is currently the site of the U.S. Post Office.

905 Lake Boulevard

F.A. Mayo first owned this property. He has had plans drawn for additions to his residence which will make it one of the most handsome in the city. The building will be enriched with furnace heat, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, stairs finished in hardwood, etc. Boyd & Gilbert are the architects. (May 30, 1901)

For Sale: Cash or terms, F. A. Mayo’s home on Lake Boulevard, No. 905—also two nice rooms to rent over Barker’s Drug store. P. J. Russell.

The home was sold to Dr. Rowland Gilmore on Apr 10, 1906.

In the coming to this city of Dr. Roland Gilmore, Bemidji has not only gained a physician who comes recommended as one of more than ordinary skill, but as well a man of character and good standing. Dr. Gilmore has for the past few years been in practice of medicine at our neighboring town of Fosston, but feeling the desire to broaden out in the pursuit of his profession, he began to look about for some place where he might enlarge the sphere of his work, and happily decided upon this city as the scene of his future endeavors. The doctor has engaged a suite of office rooms in the Miles block. (Bemidji Pioneer, Nov 20, 1902)

The Episcopal Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Dr. Gilmore, 905 Lake Boulevard Thursday afternoon at 2:30. The ladies are cordially invited to attend. (Aug 31, 1909)

Mrs. Roland Gilmore, 905 Lake Boulevard, was hostess at a well appointed 7 o’clock dinner last evening. The rooms were prettily decorated, the color scheme being red and white. White carnations and red candles enhanced the appearance of the dining table. Covers were laid ‘for nine, the guests being Messrs. and Mesdames T. J. Burke, P. J. Russell, John Parker and Miss Ella Parker. (Jan 10, 1911)

The Gilmores lived here until about 1935. It then became the home of Patrick (P.J.) Russell, attorney. Mr. Russell died Nov. 2, 1945.

Bjorn L. “Barney” Hakkerup, widely known Bemidji resident who spent his entire life in this city, passed away at his home at 905 Lake Blvd. on Sept 25, 1947 following an illness of nearly one year. Born in Bemidji March 16, 1908, the deceased was 39 years old at the time of his death. He attended elementary Bemidji schools and graduated from the city high school and the State Teachers college. Until ill health forced him to retire he was associated with his father in the photography business, handling the commercial photography end of the business at the studio on Beltrami avenue. The Hakkerups sold the studio in 1946.

In 1951, it was the home of Herman Ivers and his wife Marie. They owned Andy’s Diner in Bemidji. The house was vacant in 1956.

The house was inhabited by 1958 by Eben Calder. Mr. Calder was born in Scotland. He taught for 31 years for the Bemidji State University, retiring in 1982. In 1984 the house was still occupied by retired BSU business instructor, Eben Calder.


703 Lake Boulevard NE

This house was first owned by E. F. Crawford, an attorney. The house was a log home built about 1895 that was moved in from the Wolf Lake area in 1903 or 1904.  Mr. Crawford left the Bemidji area a few years later and moved to a farm in Virginia near Washington, D.C.

Clara Fisk was a resident of the home in 1908.

Mrs. Ike Black entertained at her home at this address in January 1911.

From 1911 to 1931, the property belonged to hardware owner Charles E. Battles. He and his wife Kittie lived there through 1930.

The house next belonged to Sewell Wilson of Wilson & Co. Shop for Women. He was born in Baltimore in 1892. He entered the army July 1917 and served overseas for one year. He was discharged in June 1919. After returning to the states, he started the Wilson Company. He married Martha Eldridge on Sept 12, 1929 in Chicago. He raised his family here.

By 1956, the house belonged to Robert and Hazel Oas. Oas was the proprietor of the Hartz Store until it burned and then was owner of the City Meat Market.


711 Lake Boulevard

Andrew and Grace Warfield came to Bemidji about 1899 from Duluth.

Andrew Warfield bought lot 8 and 9, Blk 22 in July 1901 for $500. They were settled at this address by 1905.

Charles Scrutchin purchased the Warfield’s first house on Lake Boulevard in 1913. He had the house moved to a vacant lot on Bemidji Avenue and Ninth Street.

Probably the finest private residence to be built in Bemidji in 1913 was that of Andrew Warfield, on the lakeshore, it being a two story brick structure and costing $10,000. (Dec 26, 1913)

The Warfields lived there until they died. Andrew Warfield died in 1955; Mrs. Grace Warfield died in 1957. It then became the nurses’ dorm for the Bemidji Hospital and was named Warfield Hall. 711-Lake-Blvd


909 Lake Boulevard

In 1915, J. M. Richards lived in a two story home and in 1918 sold it to Q. A. Brooks, who added an apartment to the front for a disabled family member, and later an apartment to the rear for a newly married daughter.

In 1937 it was owned and operated as The Lake Terrace Apartments by Mrs. Luther Olson, later Katie Cords.

By 1956, under the ownership of Herman Saar, it was known as the Saar Apartments.


700 Minnesota Avenue

This property appears to have been owned by the Irwin family. John W. Irwin was a Scotsman, born in New Brunswick, Canada. [or Maine] He became known throughout northern Minnesota as a partner in the Irwin & O’Brien Lumbering operation, and Irvine Avenue in Bemidji is named for him.

In 1900, the family was boarding at Markham Hotel – Occupation: Lumbering, Wife Hattie, born May 1964 in Missouri.  Son, age 6, Walker Irwin, born May 1894 in Minnesota.

In 1905, the Irwin family lived at 700 Minnesota Avenue. Two sons, Walker and Kenneth. Occupation: Lumbering. He was a Charter Member of Bemidji Elks Lodge 1052 in 1906.

“The friends of J. W. Irwin, who has made his home in this city for the last ten years, are congratulating him on the fine showing which is being made by his fast little pacing mare, “Isinetta.” “Isinetta” was bought by Irwin from W. J. Phelps in this city in 1906, and considerable local interest is taken in the horse since she became the property of Mr. Irwin. The little mare was carefully trained by Mr. Phelps and has at all times exhibited a world of speed.” (1908)

Fast Horse Owned By J. W. Irwin in State Fair Feature Race. (1910)
Bemidji horsemen and other local sportsmen who are lovers of horse racing were greatly interested in the outcome of the free-for-all pacing race, which was the feature event of the speed program at the state fair Monday afternoon. This interest was occasioned by the fact that the owner of Isineta, one of the speediest entries in the race, is owned by J. W. Irwin, for many years a resident of Bemidji and known all over Beltrami county as a member of the big logging firm of Irwin & O’Brien. Mr. Irvin purchased Isineta from “Dad” Phelps, the veteran driver of Minneapolis, five years ago, when “Dad” was participating in the races which were being held on the fairground tracks in Bemidji. (1910) Along with Walter J. Markham, J. W. Irwin purchased the St. Louis Hotel in Duluth on Dec 4, 1911, and he planned to be an active manager of the hotel.

By 1909, the property at 700 Minnesota was owned by W. W. Browne.

Waldron W. Browne was born in Georgia in Sept 1867. He was married to Bertha Mehring on October 16, 1899 in Hennepin County. They lived in Bemidji in 1900. They appear to have purchased the property from J. W. Irwin. In 1909, Browne advertised the building on the property. For Sale: A snap: Building 16×32, new sills siding and floors, $300. Cash if moved at once. 700 Minnesota Ave. (1909)

Waldren Brown owned the Armstrong Café. They had twin girls, Verna and Vera Browne, born April 27, 1908. A new single family dwelling was built in 1910.

In 1910, he purchased the Orpheum Vaudeville Theatre in Jamestown, North Dakota, only to have the property destroyed by fire the first night it was open. That was December 8, 1910. The family moved to Stony Plains, Alberta, Canada in June 1912.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gill moved into the house and advertised for a girl for general housework for family of two. Mrs. Philip Gill (July 20, 1912). They appear to have lived in the house for several years. It was next owned by the G. W. Harnwell family.

Gordon Harnwell married Edith Kate Wismer. Their son George was born in Minneapolis in 1907. The family lived in North Dakota in 1910. By 1916, they were at 700 Minnesota Avenue.

The Win One class of the Methodist Sunday school will give a “Batlatnat” social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harnwell, 700 Minnesota avenue, Monday evening, Oct. 30. The purpose of the social is to have a get-together meeting and boost the work of the class. (Oct 23, 1916)

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harnwell, 700 Minnesota avenue, named Jean Constance Harnwell on June 12, 1917.

The Women’s Home Missionary society of the Methodist church will meet at the G. W. Harnwell home, 700 Minnesota avenue, this evening at 7:30 o’clock. All members are
requested to be present. (Oct 4, 1917)

The Home Guards and Mother Jewels of the Methodist church will meet with Gordon Harnwell, 700 Minnesota avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock., Everyone welcome. (May 3, 1918)

The Harnwells moved to 923 Beltrami Avenue before 1920. He was the manager of a lumber company in Bemidji. Their children in 1920 were George, Howard, Alice, Lillian, and Jean.

By 1921, 700 Minnesota Aven was owned by Dr. McCann.

Dr. and Mrs. D. F. McCann and family have moved in from their summer cottage at Birchmont to their residence at 700 Minnesota Avenue. (Aug 26, 1921)

Dr. and Mrs. McCann Entertained friends at their home (1922)

The owners in the 1930s and the 1940s were the Stout family.

James DeGarmo Stout was born at Clear Lake, Wisconsin on April 19, 1898. During WWI, enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He was married to Selma Ajer in Wisconsin in October 1923. In 1925, he was employed by J.C. Penney in Bemidji. They lived at Grand Forks Bay in 1927. He became the manager of Penney’s in Bemidji in 1929. In 1942, he was listed in Who’s Who in Minnesota, 1942. He was a commander of the American Legion.

President Charles Sattgast and his wife Bertha moved to this house between 1951 and 1953. Mrs. Bertha Sattgast died in 1957.

President Charles Sattgast left BSTC the fall of 1943 to begin training at Fort Custer. Michigan. Sattgast returned to the campus after military leave to officially resume his duties as president of the college. At this time work was progressing on the new laboratory school which opened in 1950 and Bemidji State Teachers College was entering the greatest period of growth and expansion in its history. Mrs. Bertha Sattgast died in 1957. Dr. Sattgast remarried in 1959. Under his guidance the college campus grew from 20 acres to 74 acres. A graduate program was started and was flourishing in 1964. He encouraged a start of the liberal arts programs. Plans were on the drawing board for the A.C. Clark library at the time of his death. He sincerely wanted Bemidji State to be and felt that it was “the friendly college.” Charles Sattgast died in 1964.

After Sattgast’s death, Mable Sattgast remained in Bemidji, where she stayed active in civic affairs. In August 1974, she was named Bemidji’s Woman of the Year and the city’s outstanding senior citizen. She left Bemidji and headed for California in 1975.



706 Minnesota Avenue

Original lot (Block 2, Lot 16) sold by the Bemidji Townsite Company to Joseph S. Swan on Mar 27, 1901, for $125.

J. S. Swan residence sold to L. Lauritzen (Oct 30, 1902)

Louis Lauritzen (1904)

For Sale; Six room house and two lots. 706 Minnesota Ave. (1909)

Residence of J. H. Fallon and wife Louise (Hetland) Fallon, residence (1913)

Joseph Henry Fallon was born in Reedsville, Mass. He came to Bemidji about 1904 to work as a scaler in the lumber camps, and later to work as claim agent for the M & I railroad. He was married in Bemidji on Nov 11, 1907 to Miss Louise Hetland, a sister of Mrs. C. M. Bacon of Bemidji. Mrs. Fallon operated a hat shop in Bemidji for many years.

Mrs. Fallon has been quite ill at her home but is slightly improved (1921)

Mr. and Mrs. David Rose came to Bemidji in 1920. Mrs. Rose hosted a Presbyterian church meeting at this residence in 1922.

David Rose was an engineer for the State Highway Department. Lived there from at least 1922 until he died Feb 5, 1975.  Mrs. David (Eleanor) Rose continued to live there. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Women’s Study Club, First Presbyterian Church and the church circle. She died in 1986.


713 Minnesota Avenue

J.A. McDonald purchased Lot 6, Block 3, Original Plat on June 5, 1900 from Bemidji Townsite Company for $125.

E.H. Smith, C. M. Smith (1904)

Andrew Larson (1913)

The Andy Larson family moved in from their summer home at Waville on Saturday and are now occupying their city residence at 713 Minnesota avenue (Oct 25, 1920)

Miss Viola Otto of Milwaukee, until recently employed at the First Wisconsin National bank of that city, is visiting at the home of her father, Major Adam E. Otto, and family, 713 Minnesota avenue, for an indefinite period. F. C. Otto, son of Major Otto, and his wife, visited at the Otto Home during the early part of the week, having motored here from their home in Minneapolis. (June 28, 1922)

Ruth Otto died at the family home on July 12, 1922.

Viola Otto and Robert Henry Blum were married at the home on July 19, 1922.

Major Otto and Mrs. Hilda Evans were married at the home on Sept 22, 1922.

L.S. Hanson (1927-1928)

Mrs. Fannie Brown, Ida Brown, piano tchr (1934-35)

Earl Scanlon (1956) (1970) (1974) (1982). Earl Scanlon was very active with the Bemidji Curling Club. Earl Scanlon died on Nov. 28, 1984.

714 Minnesota Avenue

Built about 1910. This was the home of the Tom Symons family.

In 1909, Tom Symons moved with his wife and daughter, Margaret, to this city. The year following his arrival in this city he accepted a position as traveling salesman for a Minneapolis concern until March 21, 1916, when he purchased the Dairy Lunch restaurant on Beltrami Avenue. He died in 1916. Funeral services were held from the residence, 714 Minnesota avenue. (April 5, 1916)

Home of Howard Ferrell (1927-1928)

Mart F. Creager, Howard Ferrell (1934-35)

Woodrow Garrison (1956)

Jens Dale (1970) (1974)

716 Minnesota Avenue

Excavation has begun for two new elegant residences on the corner of Minnesota avenue and Eighth Street. The firm of O’Leary & Bowser will each construct one there. (Aug 22, 1901)

Lots purchased by Nellie O’Leary from Townsite Co. on  April 7, 1902. Lots 21 & 22, Blk 2, Original Townsite. P.J. O’Leary came to Bemidji in 1898 and opened a general store together with W. N. Bowser. The two gentlemen retired in 1909 although their store continued in a new brick block under the corporation name of O’Leary-Bowser Corp.

P. J. O’Leary was born about 1867 in Canada, married Nellie Doran, and was one of the leading businessmen of the town for several decades. The O’Leary family lived in this house until his death in 1929. 716-Minnesota-Avenue

P. J. O’Leary is another of the oldest old-timers. He might even admit that he has been here so long that he knows of no other place where he could live that long. Not any more at least. He is another one of those fellows who might be induced to take part in the pageant. (Aug 8. 1922)

P. J. O’Leary (1927-1928) He died in 1929.

Mrs. P. J. O’Leary and her son Arthur, a county engineer, moved to 722 Minnesota Avenue after Mr. O’Leary’s death.

Rev. Wellington Boyle (1934-35)

Carl S. Ludvigson (1956) (1970)(1974)

Ethel Ludvigson (1982)

722 Minnesota Avenue

Blk 2, Lots 23 & 24, Original Townsite. Purchased by Philip J. O’Leary from Townsite Co. on April 7, 1902.

Excavation has begun for two new elegant residences on the corner of Minnesota avenue and Eighth Street. The firm of O’Leary & Bowser will each construct one there. (Aug 22, 1901)

Carl Winblad (1934-35)

Mrs. Nellie O’Leary and her son Arthur moved into this house after Mr. O’Leary died in 1929. They lived here in 1935, 1940. She died Dec 20, 1946.

Geo Robson (1956)

Bemidji Music Co., Geo Robson (1970)(1974) (1982)


1001 Minnesota Avenue

Joseph Patrick Duncalf purchased this lot for $130 on Dec 12, 1902. Filed Aug 17, 1903. Mr. Duncalf purchased several lots in the neighborhood as an investment.

This fine-looking Victorian home was built before 1904 by one of best-known architects and contractors in Bemidji. Thomas Johnson came to Bemidji in 1898. Mr. Johnson was awarded the contracts for some of the finest buildings in the community. He designed and built the Markham Hotel, the Charles Nangle building, the Northland Cold Storage Plant for Hamm’s; and the number of residences he built between 1898 and 1909 were estimated to be in the hundreds. In his family life, his wife Bertha died Nov 22, 1907. They had three daughters named Myrtle, Elizabeth and Ottelie. He hired two Kinseth sisters who were servants in the house after his wife’s death.

The home was sold about 1914 to L.B. Wilson who was the proprietor of the Fair Store. They were here a few years but moved to 1015 Bemidji Avenue in April 1917.

The next owner was Mrs. Belle Brown who rented out the residence. In November 1917, she advertised a nicely furnished front room upstairs, with or without board. Strictly modern house.

Mr. and Mrs. William Clish rented Mrs. Belle Brown’s residence and took possession June 1, 1919. Mrs. Brown went to conduct a summer hotel at Waville, across the lake, and expected to open up for business the first of June as well.

William Clish and family; Dr. Justin Tuomy and family were lodgers (1920 census)

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Foley lived here in1923-25, but then purchased a home at 1215 Bemidji Avenue and moved there in June 1925.

Ralph H. Dickinson (1927-1928) (1931-1932)

Manville Reff (1934-35)

Alf Dybvig, Harvey Rock, Claude Williams (1942)

Mrs. Bernice Brouillard, Mrs. Mary Fick, Harry Johnson, Flora Malzahn (1946)

Estill I. Snapp and wife Katherine moved to Bemidji from Richmond, Kentucky. They owned this house from 1953 to at least 1967. He owned Snapp’s Sporting Goods.

Robt Grant (1970)

Wayne & Doris Stinson were owners and residents of the house in 1978.

Joel and Joyce Buzick (1982)

Apartments (1995)

1016 Minnesota Avenue

This house was built about 1900. It was owned by Arthur Corcoran (1904)

Little Miss Lorraine Aldrich entertained a few little friends at her home, 1016 Minnesota avenue, yesterday afternoon, it being her seventh birth anniversary. Games were played and a birthday lunch served by Mrs. Aldrich, and they all had a happy afternoon. She received a number of pretty gifts from her guests. Those present were Joe and Edith Naugle, Netta Strande, Jane Bye, Raymond McMahon, John and Luman Aldrich (Nov. 26, 1921)

E.O. Nordby (1927-1928)

Patrick McLaughlin (1934-35)

Susie and Arnold Anderson were married in January of 1942. They were at this address by 1956. Arnold Anderson; Susie’s Sewing Shop (1956)

Susie Anderson operated Susie’s Sewing and Monogramming from her home on Minnesota Avenue for her entire life. She had a uniform shop, made quilts, covered furniture and made draperies.  Her most memorable work was all the monogramming she did on bowling shirts, high school letter jackets, fraternity jackets, Elks shirts and items from the Bemidji Woolen Mills.  One of her monograms, the Fireman’s Prayer Flag, still hangs in the Bemidji Fire Hall.

Arnold died April 5, 1983. Susie died later in Spokane.


1018 Minnesota Avenue

This family home was built in 1912.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Eastman of Superior, Wis., arrived in the city yesterday to make their home at 1018 Minnesota avenue. (Oct 23, 1919)

For Sale: 1018 Minnesota Avenue, fine bungalow, 7-rooms and bath, hardwood floors garage and wood house, 87 ½ ft. lot. (April 27, 1920)

This was the home of Jack and Vera Falls in 1921 until at least the mid 1930’s.

Tharsille Villemin, widow of Civil War veteran Constant Villemin, died on Nov 30, 1931 while living at this address her daughter Vera and son-in-law Jack Falls.

Richard and Margaret Skinner lived here for many years. He taught at Bemidji High School from 1945-1983. At the high school, he developed and, for several years, taught a one semester course in Canadian studies, the only such course in Minnesota offered at the high school level at that time. Margaret Skinner was a very popular teacher and also taught for years at the Bemidji High school.  The Skinners moved about 1995. He died in 2004.


1019 Minnesota Avenue

This property is a small house built in 1908. It was owned by A. L. Bergum in 1912; L. A. Runyan in the 1920s, and by John Dunton in the 1930s.

Fred and Bessie Everson lived in the house for about 20 years. He had worked as a Nailerman for the Box Factory. They spent their retirement years in this house.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everson were honored at their home Sunday on their 60th wedding anniversary when a group of relatives called to extend their congratulations and served dinner. (Oct 17, 1973)

Fred Everson died April 18, 1974; Mrs. Everson died on Dec 23, 1980.


1019 Minnesota Avenue

1019 Minnesota Avenue, Bemidji
E.J. Swedback purchased lot 3, Block 5, Second Add’n from the Townsite Co. for $75 on Aug 21, 1905. E. M. Hoff owed tax and penalty of $18.89 on Lot 3 of Block 5 as of Feb 1908. The home was built in 1908 and changed ownership every few years until Eversons moved into it in the 1940s.
Horace and Pearl Bishop. He was a carpenter (1910-11)
A.L. Bergum (1912)
George & May Kusba, employed by Doran and Doran. (1916-17)
Richard and Hilma Mar (1920-1921) He was a switchman for the M & I Railroad.
C. A. Runyan (1927-1928)
John Dunton (1934-35)
Victor & Hazel Lynne (1939 (1942) He was a linoleum layer for Ibertson’s.
This was the home of Fred & Bessie Everson from at least 1946-1980. They moved from renting a home at 1101 Minnesota Avenue to this address sometime between 1942-1946.
A fish house owned by Fred Everson was taken from Lake Bemidji near Diamond Point in December 1964. Also taken were a stove and a sled on which the fish house was sitting.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everson were honored at their home on their 60th wedding anniversary in 1973 when a group of relatives called to extend their congratulations and served dinner. Fred Everson was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and spent his youth there. He came to Bemidji in 1907 and was engaged in woods work for some time and then was employed by the box factory for several years. In 1939, he was listed as a machine operator for the Bemidji Wood Products Co. He was listed as a nailerman for the box factory on the 1940 census. He retired in 1958.
He married Bessie Tharaldson on Oct 14, 1913. He became a member of the First Lutheran Church in Bemidji in 1914. They had a son Russell, a daughter Verna, and a son who died in infancy. Their daughter Verna Fearing died in 1973. Fred Everson died April 18, 1974.
Mrs. Bessie Everson’s name was mentioned frequently in the newspaper in connection with the Mother-Daughter Art club, and the Bemidji Hospital Nursing Unit Auxiliary. She was often a hostess or member of an auxiliary committee. She died on Dec 23, 1980.
Randolph Bauer (1982)
No Return (1989)
Kevin Deveskovi (1995)
Maria Renollet (1997)

1109 Minnesota Avenue

Roy Bliler built a house there before 1910. His daughter Ardath was born there in 1910. That was before there was running water, sewer or sidewalks in the neighborhood. Roy Bliler became County Surveyor in 1910, a position he held until his death in 1927. They lived in the home until his death.

Everybody is invited to attend the Baptist Ladies’ Aid meeting Wednesday, October 30. It will be entertained by Mrs. R. K. Bliler and Mrs. Geo. Smith, at the home of Mrs. Bliler, 1109 Minnesota avenue. (1912)

Mrs. M. D. Stoner of Brainerd came to Bemidji yesterday and was a guest of Mrs. R. K. Bliler at her home, 1109 Minnesota avenue, until this morning when she returned to her home by auto accompanied by R. K. Bliler, division engineer of the Highway, Department, and Miss Ruby Edwards-, who has been acting as stenographer in the maintenance office in Bemidji, who has been transferred to the Brainerd office. (May 16, 1922)

1110 Minnesota Avenue

Albert Halverson moved here to 1110 Minnesota Avenue before 1910. He & Hattie Halverson were already living nearby in 1905 at 1215 Beltrami Ave. He was working as a teamster for a retail grocery in 1910. They had two children, a son William or Wilton and a daughter Luella. He was a clerk for C. E. Battles in 1912. They moved to 1209 Bemidji Avenue before 1916 and to Bend, Oregon before 1920.
Carl and Alice Rygg were listed as owners in 1920-21.
For Sale: Good warm, 6-room house at 1110 Minn. Ave.; partly modern, 2 lots, good location. (October 11, 1923)
Philip H. Thomas and wife Rose lived here from about 1924-1935. He was the proprietor of the Bemidji Monument Works in 1927 and later he was an insurance agent. A midnight fire caused considerable damage to the P. L. Thomas home at 1110 Minnesota avenue in July 1934. They moved to Odessa, Minnesota before 1937.
William & Olga Christianson were owners in 1939-40. He and Olga Krog were married in Beltrami County in 1907, so they were long-time residents of the area. He was an auto dealer and proprietor of Christianson Motor Company at 321 Bemidji Avenue from at least 1927-1939. Harry and Dagny (Christianson) Flint were renters at 1110 ½, so it was a two-generation home. William died Dec 19, 1939 and is buried at Greenwood.
Mrs. Olga Christianson lived here until her death on May 19, 1962. Harry & Dagny Flint (1946) (1953) Harry Flint died in 1957. Mrs. Dagny Flint, widow of Harry, continued to live here for another thirty years. She was a clerk for the US Selective Service Beltrami County Board. She was an active member of First Lutheran Church in Bemidji and was also a member of the Eastern Star and White Shrine. In 1989 she moved to South Carolina, so she had lived here fifty years, first as a daughter, and later as a wife, and then as a widow.
Vacant (1995)
No Listing (1997)
It was last sold on Jan 11, 2018.
It is currently a single family residence.

1202 Minnesota Avenue

This was the home of George and Harriet (Allen) Campbell for about 48 years. There are many references to her as she was very active on the Bemidji scene. He was an attorney but had a quieter profile!

Miss Harriet Allen was born in Canada and came to the U.S. in 1893. She taught school in and around Grand Rapids for six years. Then she taught at Cass Lake for three years before she came to Bemidji and taught first grade in Central school for five years. At the age of 35, she married George W. Campbell May 30, 1907 and three children were born to them, a son who died in infancy and two daughters, Lois Jane Campbell and Katherine Campbell Hendrickson.

Mrs. George Campbell hosted one of the cottage meetings associated with the Evangelistic Campaign by Rev. H. R. McKee in 1910, and a “thimble bee” later in the year. She organized the Presbyterian boys at her home in February 1912. Officers elected were president, Glen Conger; secretary, Edwin Simons; treasurer Elbridge Lord. The organization was named the Triangle club and met for a social evening on the Fourth Tuesday of every month.

Mrs. Campbell acted as librarian of the city library when it was located in the basement of the courthouse. She also substituted in the public schools of Bemidji at times and in 1928 entered Bemidji State Teachers college and completed a four-year course in 1931. Following this, she again entered the Bemidji school system where she taught for a number of years.

She was one of the founders and charter members and later held the office of president of the Women’s Study Club of Bemidji. She died Nov 9, 1943 at the Bemidji Lutheran Hospital. George W. Campbell died at his residence here in Dec 1950.

The residence then had Jack and Marie (Cahill) Luoma as its owners and residents. Did the house have a certain Karma that contributed to love of community and sociability?? The Luomas lived here from at least 1953 to 1975. John Luoma as teacher and coach was well known by all, and Marie Louma was a shining light wherever she went or what she put her hand to. In addition to her work as a church musician, Marie taught music at the Lab School and Bemidji Middle School. Students who had never sung, found themselves singing in school musicals, musicians from all area churches came together for ecumenical concerts, St. Patrick’s Day revelers crooned along with Marie’s lively accompaniment, grown men who had never performed, dressed in full costume, took to the stage and had the time of their lives; all because of Marie’s persuasive personality and sheer love of music.

As noted in Jack’s obit, their home was full of wonderful noise: balls bouncing, pianos playing, phones ringing, screen doors slamming, big wheels rolling and always, children’s voices. Everyone was welcome at the Luoma’s and more than one young friend found a safe haven there. Jack’s coaching career was successful with a winning record, an undefeated season, many trips to state tournaments, and membership in both the BSU and BHS Athletic Halls of Fame. He shared countless funny stories of the people he met and places he went. He had a hard time telling these stories because he laughed so hard trying to recount the tale that often he couldn’t get out the punch line. His laughter was infectious and his audience ended up laughing right along with him.

Six children grew up at 1202 Minnesota Avenue. The house was for sale in July 1974, and the Luomas moved to Big Turtle Lake about 1975-1976.

Mike Christopher of 1202 Minnesota Avenue hooked a pair of large mouth bass while fishing out at Luoma’s Big Turtle Lake Resort in June 1976.

The house was for sale in 1977 by Dickinson Realty.

Johnson, (No first name) 1978

Vacant (1982)

Rev. Stephen Sedgwick owned it in 1989.

Karen and Todd Skyberg owned it in 1997.

Tamara L Rintala (2020)

1212 Minnesota

This was the home of Dr. George Palmer and his wife Mable Palmer and then of H. Z. Mitchell.1212-Minnesota-Avenue

Dr. George M. Palmer moved to Bemidji about 1907. He took over the dental practice of Dr. Foster, the pioneer dentist of Bemidji. His office was located in the Miles Block. He was the commodore of the Bemidji Boat Club in 1909.

The Women’s Study Club held a successful meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. M. Palmer, 1212 Minnesota Avenue. The topic for the afternoon was “Art,” with Mrs. L. A. Ward as leader. Papers dealing with this subject were read by Mrs. C. R. Sanborn, Mrs. A. E. Witting and Miss Beatrice Milts Two new members were added to the roster of the club, they being Mrs. R. L. Given and Mrs E. H. Denu. The afternoon was brought to a delightful close by the serving of refreshments by the hostess. The Club will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. F. S. Arnold. (Feb 14, 1911)

Dr. Palmer was head of the Beltrami County Public Safety Commission during the first six months of 1918. Dr. Palmer left for the battle zone in France on June 13, 1918 on behalf of the Y.M.C.A. war work. He returned home in 1919.

Henry Zehring Mitchell purchased Dr. Palmer’s residence as of June 1, 1919. “Mrs. H. Z. Mitchell and daughter, Melissa, and son, William, who- have been visiting Mrs. Mitchell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Whitney for a few weeks, returned to Bemidji today. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have moved into their new home, having purchased Dr. G. M. Palmer’s residence, 1212 Minnesota avenue.” (June 4, 1919)

H. Z. Mitchell married his wife Grace Whitney on June 23, 1914 in St. Cloud. Mitchell came to Bemidji in 1917 to become a partner with  Walter Marcum in publishing the Sentinel. In 1924 the partners purchased the Bemidji Daily Pioneer from which Mr. Mitchell retired in 1948.

H.Z. Mitchell was still living at this home when he died at age 80 on Feb. 28, 1965.



1312 Minnesota Avenue NW

There was no listing in 1934-35. It then became the home of Thomas Mohler. Whether he built the house or moved the building from elsewhere is unknown, although as a house mover, he may have moved it from elsewhere.

Thomas Mohler (1935) (1940) (1942) (1946) – Sons Kenneth, Leonard, Thomas, Norman, Donald and Mark. Contractor for cement work and house mover.

Lynden Tishman, wife Rose, lived here in 1953. He was the owner of the Bemidji Dental Laboratory. He moved to 219 ½ 4th St.

Leroy Herzog (1956)

Reuben D. Braaten and Beverly, produce mgr for Hartz Food Store (1958) (1960)

Marlyn “Marty” Martinson (1970) (1982)

Sold in 2018

324 Minnesota Ave NW

Charles F. Vandersluis opened a hardware store at 4th and Minnesota avenue under the name of the Bemidji Hardware company on March 30, 1915.

The building faced Minnesota Avenue with a 25-foot front and extended back for 60 ft. but it was crowded to the doors with merchandise. The building soon became too small, and he purchased the adjoining lot with the intention of building a larger building. War came and he had to wait a few years.

In 1922, he put up a new two-story building with a 50-foot front on Minnesota avenue, and the old building was moved back and remodeled to face Fourth street. Five years later, a major fire burned out the store. Vandersluis repaired the building, cutting off the second floor to make it into a one-story structure.

Mr. Vandersluis was well known in Bemidji long before he established himself in business here. He was a traveling salesman for a hardware firm and paid regular visits to this section of the country. He made his first trip to Blackduck before there was any railroad there and had to walk part way to the village. The first time he slept at the Markham hotel, the beds had not arrived yet, and he and others with him slept on the floor.

Mr. Vandersluis established residency in Bemidji in 1905 and built the house that was at 715 Bemidji Avenue. Bemidji Hardware continued for decades. The store was remodeled in 1969 and became Swedmark Hardware.

700 Minnesota Avenue

J. W. Irwin, president of the Beltrami County Agricultural society, and an enthusiastic horseman, lived here with his wife Hattie and a baby in 1905. In 1906, he acquired one of the fastest harness mares in the state, “Isinetta.” In doing so, he traded “Dan P” and a considerable cash balance.

In 1909, Waldron W. Browne and wife Bertha owned the property. They advertised a building 16×32, new sills siding and floors, for $300 cash if moved at once. Waldron Browne owned and operated the Amstrong Café. They had twin girls, Verna and Vera born on April 27, 1908 in Bemidji. A new single family dwelling was built in 1910. The building is a two-story stucco home on a corner lot.

In December 1910, Browne purchased the Orpheum Vaudeville Theatre in Jamestown, North Dakota, only to suffer a major fire the very first night of his venture. . The stage and all its scenery was totally destroyed and the smoke and water damaged the whole building that was not touched by the fire.

In honor of the 46th anniversary of his birth, a party was given W. W. Brown at his Minnesota avenue home in September 1911. Mr. Brown was presented with a rare and beautiful gift in the form of elks’ teeth cuff buttons. A birthday dinner was served, the tables being decorated, Elks-colors predominating. Toasts were drunk to the continued health, happiness and prosperity of Mr. Brown. The family moved to Stony Plains, Alberta, Canada in 1912.

Philip Gill and his wife lived there from 1912-1914.

Gordon and Edith Harnwell were residents from 1916 onward. He was manager of a lumber company in Bemidji. The Women’s Home Missionary society of the Methodist church met at the G. W. Harnwell home on Oct 4, 1917. The Home Guards and Mother Jewels of the Methodist church met there on May 4, 1918. They moved to 923 Beltrami Avenue in 1919. Their children were George, Howard, Alice, Lillian, and Jean.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker and family moved from 906 Mississippi Avenue to this home in April 1919. In 1920, the residents were John C. Parker and wife Sylvia, daughters Josephine and Ella Parker; and a lodger named Abbie Murphy.

“Corporal Mayer is calling pretty regularly at 700 Minnesota avenue, boys. First it’s one and then the other. He must be a good diplomat.” (June 17, 1920) Was Corporal Mayer courting one or both of the Parker daughters?

Dr. and Mrs. D. F. McCann and family moved in from their summer cottage at Birchmont to their residence at 700 Minnesota Avenue in August 1923 and lived there until 1925.

James DeGarmo Stout and wife Selma lived at this residence from 1935-1951. In 1925, he was employed by J.C. Penney in Bemidji. He lived at Grand Forks Bay in 1927. He became manager of Penney’s in Bemidji in 1929. He was a Past commander of the American Legion. He was included in Who’s Who in Minnesota, 1942.

President Charles Sattgast and his wife Bertha moved to this house between 1951 – 1953. At this time work was progressing on the new laboratory school which opened in 1950 and Bemidji State Teachers College was entering the greatest period of growth and expansion in its history. Mrs. Bertha Sattgast died in 1957. Dr. Sattgast remarried in 1959. Under his guidance the college campus grew from 20 acres to 74 acres. A graduate program was started and was flourishing in 1964. He encouraged a start of the liberal arts programs. Plans were on the drawing board for the A.C. Clark library at the time of his death. He sincerely wanted Bemidji State to be and felt that it was “the friendly college.” Charles Sattgast died in 1964. After Sattgast’s death, Mable Sattgast remained in Bemidji in this house, where she stayed active in civic affairs. In August 1974, she was named Bemidji’s Woman of the Year and the city’s outstanding senior citizen. She left Bemidji and headed for California in 1975.

The house was then occupied by Duane Moran, area forest supervisor of the State Division of Forestry, and Ann (Bourdon) Moran. Ann was married to Duane Moran for more than 50 years, a union that was blessed with six children. Ann’s greatest accomplishment was opening her own antique shop in downtown Bemidji, which she ran for 28 years. Despite the complications that Ann faced with her illness, she continued to manage “AnnTiques” until two months before her death on Nov 17, 2012.

Ann was an incredibly generous person and found great pleasure in scouting rummage sales for not only antiques, but toys, clothing and treasures for her grandkids. She knew what every grandchild collected and loved contributing to their hobbies. Ann was an accomplished cook, a trait she passed down to all six of her children, which made her extremely proud.

The house changed owners in 2017.

901 Minnesota Avenue

On the Street Where You Live

901 Minnesota Avenue

This home was built about 1920. August E. Ellison, salesman for Swift and Co., and his wife Inga lived here from about 1924 to his death in 1938. He was united in marriage to Inga Dullum at Brainerd in 1906. He traveled for Swift and Company for 36 years and was a charter member of the Bemidji unit of the United Commercial Travelers. He had been suffering with heart trouble for some time when he collapsed on Mar 15, 1938. He was piling wood in his basement as it was sawed outside. His wife and the sawyer, Charley Trodler, found him covered with wood. Dr. D. F. McCann was called, who in turn called County Coroner Dr. Charles Vandersluis. He was 60 years old. His wife Inga continued to live here until she remarried on August 6, 1945 to John A. Carlson.

Leo T. Kennedy and his wife Lillian, owners of Bemidji’s Nehi Bottling Company on Midway Drive, lived here briefly. They were the bottlers of Royal Crown Cola and Nehi beverages. Patricia, a daughter perhaps, was bookkeeper for Nehi Bottling. Did you know that In the early 20th century, the national advertising logo of Nehi was typically a picture of a seated woman’s legs, in which the skirt was high enough to show the stockings up to the knee, suggesting the phrase “knee-high”, to illustrate the correct pronunciation of the company name! These were the heyday years for Nehi beverages with many references in movies, and it was linked to some top names in entertainment like Bing Crosby, Joan Crawford and Bob Hope . When I hear of Nehi grape, I immediately think of Radar O’Reilly on Mash and the many episodes on TV that we enjoyed.

Albert Melvin Erickson and his wife Ella lived here from about 1950-1963. Mr. Erickson worked for the Bell Telephone Company from 1923 to 1963. He started with the telephone company in Thief River Falls, doing clerical work. He was promoted to installer repairman and then to manager of telephone offices in Wadena, Buffalo, Appleton and Grand Rapids. He completed his career in Bemidji where he held the position of service supervisor.

Adren Mann and Evelyn Mann lived here from 1963-1968. He was an insurance agent for Wausau insurance. Evelyn retired from Bemidji ISD#31 after 25 years in the lunch program. She and Adren were also the owners of Morell’s Trading Post until 2000. Evelyn loved the casino and bowled on Monday Night League for many years. Their children are Roxanne, Julie, and Sandra.

Another Bell Telephone company family moved here in 1968 and lived here from 1968-1983. Daniel Theodore Donahue served in the US Navy during World War II. He married Rosella Genette on October 8, 1949, in Faribault. He retired from Northwestern Bell after 35 years, having worked in Faribault, Owatonna, and Bemidji. They moved to St. Cloud in 1983. Children Diane, Steve and Benjamin. Steve was a pitcher for the American Legion team in the summers of 1970 and 1971.

Mrs. Donahue competed with her partner Miss Nancy May in the blind partner tournament of the Ladies Division at the Bemidji Country Club on June 23, 1971. Mrs. Donahue must have had a terrific temperament to be able to play golf only four days before her daughter’s wedding. Diane married David Collins in a nuptial high mass at St. Philip’s Catholic Church on June 26, 1971. I would have been a wreck! The next spring Steve came home for an Easter visit from Mayville State College in 1972.

Other owners were:

Thomas Larson, owner (1989)

Twyla Suomala, new resident (1995)

Changed owners in 2010

Geri Anne Ellison (2014)

239 Mississippi Avenue S

Who remembers the Heldstab Ice & Fuel Company? Three of the seven Heldstab brothers (Chris, Ted, and Willard Heldstab) formerly located in Crookston arrived in Bemidji in November 1936 to take over the Tom Smart Ice company. Tom Smart planned to extend his interests in the gravel business, operating a washing and distributing plant, and had just recently purchased a gravel pit west of the city.

In 1939, Ted was the manager; Chris and Willard were both foremen. In 1942, Chris was the manager; Ted was the driver, and Willard was the foreman.

After World War II, Chris and Ted were still with the Heldstab Ice & Fuel Company at the end of Mississippi Ave. So,, but Willard was a driver for the Fire Department. They all lived at the end of Woodland Avenue South on Lake Irving.

Willard and Louise Heldstab built the house at 239 Mississippi Avenue about 1955. By 1958, he was the desk sergeant for the City Police Department.

Willard married Louise Deufault in Crookston on April 21, 1935. They moved to Bemidji in 1936 when the Heldstabs took over the ice company. Willard was a WWII Veteran. He died Oct 6, 1965 at Bemidji Hospital. Louise continued to live in the house until moving to the Northland apartments. She enjoyed volunteering at St. Philip’s Catholic Church and school. She was also a member of North Country Regional Hospitals Auxiliary, Red Cross Grey Ladies and American Legion Auxiliary. She outlived seven brothers and seven sisters. She died in 2008. They had three sons, Guy, Dale, and Bruce.

There was a small stone building that looked like a guest house behind it. It may have been used for storing ice.

Stanley Bryant owned the house by 1989 and owned it until his death in 2013. Stanley had many interests. Outdoor activities ranged from riding his motorcycle to hunting partridges, waterfowl, and fishing. He was also an avid reader on any topic that interested him. He enjoyed telling jokes and funny stories. In high school he did an impersonation of Elvis Presley for the entire school assembly. Stan was a six-year veteran of the U.S. Navy. He was a long time employee and retiree of Potlatch Corporation.

1101 Mississippi Avenue

Frank Freeman, teamster, reportedly lived at this address in 1907. In testimony given regarding a neighbor, he said that he had lived at the address for seven years. That was in 1914. His wife died at the address in 1909.

Mrs. Freeman Buried. Funeral services were held over the remains of Mrs. Frank Freeman, who died Wednesday morning with tuberculosis, yesterday afternoon at the Freeman home, 1101 Mississippi Avenue, and the body was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery. Reverend S. E. P. White, of the local Presbyterian church, conducted the services at the home, which were attended by the Roosevelt Lodge, No. 1523, M. B. of A., in a body, the lodge ceremonies being observed at the grave. (Feb 1909)

Frank Freeman died May 23, 1915.

Frank Freeman, 47, for many years a resident of Bemidji, residing at 1101 Mississippi avenue, died suddenly Sunday afternoon as a result of heart failure. He was walking to his home from the business district and had reached Sixth Street and Minnesota avenue when he staggered and fell into the arms of John Peterson. Mr. Freeman was carried to a room in the Home Laundry building and died a few minutes later. Death has visited the Freeman family three times during the past several months. Maud, 19, was drowned a few weeks ago at Brainerd when the boat in which she was riding tipped over. Grief over Maud’s death is believed to have hastened that of her father.

David C. Searl and Marion Searl moved to this house about 1921. David Searls died about 1928 or 1929 and Mrs. Searl moved to Springfield, Missouri. They were still listed in the 1927-28 City Directory at this address.

Stafford Chapman lived here in 1934-35. 1101-Mississippi

Warren Koxvold, Koxvold Body Shop (1956)

For Sale: Three bedroom home. Corner lot, Modern. Priced to sell, Warren Koxvold, Bena. (August 1964)

Louis Revoir (1970) (1982)


1103 Mississippi Avenue

Lot 4 sold by C. F. Ruggles to Harry M. Young on Sept 16, 1899 for $35.  (7/238)

For Sale: Six-room house at 1103 Mississippi. A snap if taken at once. (1910)

Leon Jewett (1912)

Joseph H. Paquin owned the house from at least 1927-1935. Fire following an explosion of mysterious origin almost completely destroyed the J. Henry Paquin home at Mississippi avenue and Tenth Street. No one was home when the explosion occurred. The blast shook homes within a five block radius. (Apr 26, 1935)

A new home was built on this lot in 19381103-Mississippi

It was owned by Oliver Erickson (1956) (1970) (1982)


904 Mississippi Avenue NW

This house was built in 1900. In Sept of 1912, the neighborhood was worried when two small boys, age three years, were lost for several hours and caused their parents some worry. The boys were Julius Venne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Venne, 904 Mississippi avenue, and Ralph Quenneville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Telesphore Quenneville, 1005 Mississippi avenue. They were found late in the afternoon wandering down the Great Northern yards.

By 1922, the house was occupied by Honorable Sigvard M. Koefod and his family. Koefod was appointed as Judge of Probate by the office by Governor Preuss and ran for reelection in 1922. The family was still there in 1940.

Mrs. Dorothy Schauls lived there from at least 1970-1982.



416 Scott Avenue SE, Nymore

This was the address of Hans and Josephine (Anderson) Torkelson from 1927-1942. Both were born in Norway, but married in Crow Wing County in 1905. They lived in Pequot in 1910 and on Grant Avenue in Nymore in 1920. He was a carpenter and a construction foreman for the railroad. They had seven children, Mallard, Ruth, George, Forest, Kenneth, John, and Ruby. By 1940, the only child left at home was 15-year old Ruby. Mrs. Anderson’s brother Fred lived with them at this address. Hans Torkelson died in 1945, and the house changed owners.

Alfred “Fred” Lindstrom and Florence (Geror) Lindstrom were the owners in 1946. They had four children. He died on Jan 15, 1951. Florence then married John B. Gibney in 1952.

John B. Gibney and Florence Gibney were here until at least 1958. Mr. Gibney was a Bemidji person. During WWII, he served in the Aleutians, France, Germany, Norway, and Italy. After the war, he returned to Bemidji and worked in the construction trade. John and Florence divorced; Mrs. Florence Lindstrom was listed as the owner in 1960. She remarried in 1960 and Mr. Gibney remarried in 1966.

One of my sources says the current home at this address was built in 1960. If so, I’m not sure what happened to the original one. Karen Lund, do you know?

Florence Lindstrom married Clayton Swanberg on Oct 22, 1960 and the listing in the city directories changed to Clayton & Florence Swanberg, and Roland Lindstrom from 1963-1971.

Florence and Clayton moved to “the farm” in 1971 where they lived until she went to Neilson Place in May 2003. She worked at Bemidji Laundry for 17 years and Ken K. Thompson Jewelry for 16 years.

Her obituary says that she enjoyed her flowers, gardening, chickens and ducks, and providing food and coffee for guests. She also enjoyed the color pink and doing things with her daughter and granddaughter. She was a member of the Women of the Moose since 1969 and a lifetime member of the North Star Riders Saddle Club.

Florence had three sons, Lyle, Kenneth and Roland, and one daughter, Karen Lund, a member of our “You Might Be From Bemidji” site.

The Jaranson Agency advertised the house for sale in December 1972: Three bedroom, priced to sell at $65,000. Large lot across from Lincoln School.

The house was next owned by Denny Carlson from 1973 to about 2000. Denny was the owner of Beltrami Parts and Supply, our Napa man. My husband and I bought parts from Denny for years. We owned Montes Garage in Federal Dam, and even if I gave a vague description, Denny usually knew what I was trying to describe and ask for!! My youngest son recalled a White Chevrolet S-10 with oversized blue and white Napa cap on the top of it. He bought all his tools for school at the Vo-Tech from Denny at Napa.

The house was sold in 2009 and again in 2015.

711 Scott Avenue SE, Nymore

This was the home of Roy and Grace Castonguay for about forty years, and for Glenn and Pearl Skime even longer.

Roy Castonguay and Grace Dean were married in Koochiching County on May 12, 1915. Roy came from Grand Falls, Mn. and settled in Bemidji at 711 Scott Avenue. Roy was employed at the Chicago Box Factory in the 1920s. In the 1940s, he and his son Crenton both worked for the Bemidji Wood Products Co. Roy and Grace had a large family including Crenton (1917), Gladis (1919) Olga (1922), Walter (1924), Anna Laura (1927), Mary Mabel (1928), Emogene (1929), and Henry Peter (1934). Roy died June 5, 1952 and Grace lived there a bit longer.

The home then became the home of Glenn Skime and Pearl Sanderson, who were married May 15, 1956. I think my dad took their pictures at Wattles Studio. I thought Pearl was one of the prettiest brides I had ever seen.

Glenn worked with his father Elmer at the Nymore Locker Plant. In 1970, he started a second career as a fire fighter for the city. He closed the locker plant in 1971. He continued as a firefighter until retiring for health reasons in 1982. He also retired from the volunteer department, where he served on his off-duty days for 26 years. He served in several elective offices on the volunteer fire department and had been an assistant chief as a firefighter. He was an avid outdoorsman, enjoyed hunting, and fishing and restoring old vehicles, especially fire trucks. He died in 1996. He and Pearl have three sons Gary, Jeff and Kelly.

Pearl Sanderson started out as leader in high school. She was a senior when I was a sophomore. She was class secretary at BHS as a junior, and class treasurer as a senior. She was on the yearbook staff and graduated in 1955. I remember her also as a teller at the First National Bank — always easy to deal with at the window. It was another aspect that I admired. She has set a fine example of a BHS graduate, a working woman, a pleasant senior citizen, and a friend to many.

715 Scott Avenue SE

715 Scott Avenue SE, Nymore – Home of Vernon Hickerson

This home was built in the 1920s. Warren V. Seybert may have been the first owner. He was a printer and moved from here to New York and then to Park Rapids.

This was the home of Vern and Mary Hickerson for over sixty-five years (1930-1995 or more). He married Mary Sherin Sept. 2, 1927, in Bemidji. As a young woman she worked as a telephone operator in Bemidji. He worked as a bricklayer with his father and brother, then went to work at the First Ford Garage in Bemidji, then at Northern Auto Supply. He started his own business in 1945 at Second Street Body Shop in Bemidji and she worked as the bookkeeper until they retired in 1975. At 70 years old, he took up his hobby of violin making. They traveled to fiddling contests and violin makers’ contests all over the United States and Canada, where he won numerous awards. He also played violins in many contests. He and Mary raised three sons John, Jerald, and Frank in the home.

100 – 102 Second Street NW

Ole E. Anderson and John Croon purchased Lot 1, Block 19 on May 4, 1899 from the Bemidji Townsite & Improvement Company (1/481) and paid $750 on a second deed as of Feb 1, 1901 (9/135)

This became the Lakeshore Hotel and Saloon with proprietors and business partners John E. Croon and Ole E. Anderson, who were brothers-in-law.

Petition granted in November 1901 to build a six-foot sidewalk from the old post office building [near Markham Hotel] to the Lake Shore Hotel.

Notice of Dissolution — Notice is hereby given, that the firm of Anderson & Croon is dissolved this date by mutual consent. O. E. Anderson will continue the business of the late firm and will collect all debts due the firm and will pay all indebtedness of the same. Dated January 2, 1902

The Lake Shore Hotel is being enlarged by a large and substantial addition to the rear (Oct 23, 1902)

John Croon moved to Dwight, Wisconsin where he conducted a general merchandise establishment for two years. He moved back to the Bemidji area in 1905. John Croon then took up logging and owned a saloon in Northome until returning to Bemidji where he and his wife Anna Croon ran the Nicollet Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. James Burns leased the Lake Shore hotel in March 1904. Ole Anderson, who had conducted the hotel for some time past, left with his wife and child for Regina Canada. They spent a month visiting friends in Bemidji a year later, and then returned to Craik, Northwest Territory, where he owned a valuable farm.

Lake Shore Hotel, run by Louis Anderson, propr. (1910-1911)

Lake Shore Hotel was run by Duncan McDougal, Propr., 102 2nd Street (1912-1913).

Early Sunday morning thieves walked boldly into the Lakeshore hotel, picked up the cash register, and walked out without waking the clerk and five men who were seated in chairs in the lobby sound asleep. At six o’clock the clerk awakened and discovered the loss and immediately notified the police. No trace could be found of the guilty parties although the south section of the city including the lakeshore and tracks were thoroughly searched. Later in the morning, the register was found between the Great Northern and Soo tracks by a Mill Park resident. It had been kicked open and the contents amounting to $73 removed. A check of $30 was included in the amount taken. (Pioneer, Dec 4, 1913)

Lakeshore Hotel consisted of two buildings, the main hotel, 100’ deep by 24” wide, with separate building 1/1/2 stories high on alley, but connected by a bridge between them. (Sanborn Fire Map, 1914)

Lake Shore Hotel, run by Henry Johnson, propr. (1916-17)

Henry Johnson of the Lake Shore hotel was arrested on a charge of selling liquor without a license. Pled guilty and paid a fine of $25. (March 23, 1916)

Lake Shore Hotel, Verne O. Kane, Propr., (1918)

Patrick Stapleton took over the Lake Shore Hotel on August 5, 1918. Before he and his wife and 8 children came to Bemidji, they lived at Riga, North Dakota, about 27 miles east of Minot. He ran a store at Riga and post office. Before that they were at Mantador, ND, and before that at Wild Horse, Colorado on a homestead for about seven years.

In 1920, he was arrested for an alleged liquor violation [Prohibiton Days!] and housed as a temporary inmate at the Beltrami County Jail at the time of the 1920 census on Jan 8, 1920.

A week later when the census taker visited the hotel, he was listed again on the 1920 census as the owner/operator of the hotel on January 15, 1920.

Pat Stapleton put in some improvements starting in March 1921 by excavating under the hotel and putting in a full basement 140 feet long. He raised the building and put in full basement walls and one cross wall. He remodeled the old part of the rear; put 28 feet on the rear part of the building. Removed the old front and put in a brick front and glass, installed a heating plan. The building faced north on the corner of Second and Bemidji Avenue. The front room was the soft drink parlor, about forty feet long, and 24 ft. wide. At the back bar, he sold cigars, candy, tobaccos, fruits and nuts. There was a show case, a writing desk and two tables, chairs and two card tables. A door led into the basement off of that room and another door led upstairs and into the hotel lobby, that is, the next room.

Pat Stapleton described the hotel: The hotel lobby is where I have my register and waiting room, and there is a baggage room off of there, about 14 feet.  There is a stairway is between the hotel lobby and the front room landing upstairs. Dining room is behind the lobby which takes up the entire width of the building. The dining room is about 24’x30’ and contains four tables and a chiffonier. Behind that is a kitchen. About 14’x 24. There were five bedrooms on the ground floor in the new part back of the kitchen.

The first room is a bath room, and there are two bedrooms on the east side and a front room that we use for a front room for the family, south of the kitchen attached to the building. That is in the new part of the building, two stories, connected to the hotel. This has a door leading to the street, a door to the kitchen, and another one to the alley. There are thirty (30) sleeping rooms upstairs all told. Bathroom and toilet and a sideboard for the linen in the hall. Pretty much fully occupied by customers.

Peter Turcotte started working as clerk the 22nd of September 1921, started on fair week.

Stapleton was accused by Hendrickson, a detective in town, and charged with the crime of selling intoxicating liquor to Henry Hendrickson at his place of business on the evening of November 15, 1921. Convicted but appealed. Full testimony in Case #9975, 1922. Minnesota Historical Society – State Archives.

In 1928, he was one of nine barrooms that were shut down. Injunction preventing business of any kind being conducted on the portion of the property used as a barroom. One of nine alleged nuisances to be padlocked after raid on Dec 29, 1927. Abatement proceedings were started by the state on Feb 7, 1928 to close up the places. Sheriff Andrew Johnson  made a complete inventory of all the personal property in the nine alleged nuisances, which will be sold upon the order of the court. Fixtures, goblets and glasses, tables and chairs, are included in the list of belongings which will be disposed of within a short time. (Feb 15, 1928)

Lake Shore Hotel and saloon, Pat Stapleton (1934-35)

Edgewater Hotel ? (1940 Census). Patrick Stapleton, owner/operator. Pat’s Service Station, managed by Bernard Stapleton, was also at this address. One of the frequent visitors to the Hotel was Paddy the Pig, an old lumberjack who was well known in Bemidji.

In 1946, the Lake Shore Hotel was listed with Otto H. Stahl as proprietor, apartments only. The Uptown-Downtown Tavern was operated in connection with the hotel by the Stahls.

Patrick Stapleton died Dec 1, 1952 in Bemidji and is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery.

About 1948, Maurice and Ella Ross purchased the former Lake Shore Hotel building. The building had a colorful history, and supposedly the upstairs rooms were haunted. The business name, Morell’s came from using parts of both names, Maurice and Ella.

Lobo, the wolf, was originally in the bar of the hotel while it was owned by Pat Stapleton. Many tourists took photographs of themselves and their families with the animated statue in front of the Trading Post in the 1950’s. Lyle and Phyllis Wolter bought the business in the 1970’s. It next belonged to Abe Mann. About 1981, Morell’s Chippewa Trading Post moved to its present location on 3rd and Bemidji Avenue because of the renovation of the Midway Drive area.

205 Second St. NW

Ted Smith’s Three Guardsmen/ Dahl’s Cafe/ Snider’s Cafe/ Clementine’s

The building which has been used since last fall as a billiard hall and bath parlor, and owned by Ted Smith, is being refitted and made modern in every respect. Messrs. Conley, Moe and Smith constitute the firm, and they are all hustling, courteous and popular gentlemen, which will redound to the popularity of the new saloon. (See full description of the Three Guardsmen under Saloons category)

Andrew Dahl closed a deal whereby he comes into possession of the old Guardsman saloon on Second Street, which was recently operated by John Freeman. He will operate two saloons until license for the Street Building expires in June. (4/19/1907).

Although the building was owned by Andrew Dahl, the building no longer housed a saloon but it became Olson’s Cafe owned by Iver B. Olson by 1920.

The I.B. Olson restaurant and rooming house on Second Street between Minnesota and Beltrami avenues has been improved by a new brick front, while the interior of the building downstairs has been greatly improved with the addition of new furniture. The rooms on the second floor are now being made over and the exterior of the building is still to receive further improvement.  ( no date)

I.B. Olson after a period of some six months has again taken over his building on Second street and has had it thoroughly remodeled and repainted inside and out. He expects to again go into the restaurant business and will open his place of business in about another week, according to present plans. Mr. Olson has gone to considerable expense to having the building fixed up and expects to make his venture a success as he proposes only to run a first-class café. He is a former restaurant man and needs little introduction to Bemidji business circles. Friends are glad to see him again in this line.  The basement of the building has been fixed up and will be used by the Holland Furnace Co. A carload of furnaces has arrived here and the place will be used as a distributing center. I. H. Mixer will  be in charge. He recently arrived here with his family from Saginaw, Mich., and will make his home in this city. The family is now living in a cottage on Grand Forks Bay. Mr. Mixer formerly lived near Baudette and is well acquainted in this section. (June 16, 1925)

Iver B. Olson owned Olson’s Café at the time of his death in 1931.

Iver Dahl purchased this café business and it became Dahl’s Café. Iver Dahl was a resident of Bemidji since 1906. Before owning Dahl’s Café, he was the proprietor of the Great Northern Hotel located at 207 Minnesota Avenue.

Work began on an enlargement of Dahl’s Café and rooming house adding 35 feet to the rear of the structure. (May 7, 1935)

Iver Dahl died in April 1948 at Jackson, Miss., while enroute home from a vacation trip, and Mrs. Ragnhild Dahl then ran the café. The café was under new management in December 1954 by Sophia Snider and a Mr. Rowles.

Mrs. Clifford (Sophia) Snider moved to Bemidji in 1922 where she worked as a cook for the Stapletons at the Lake Shore Hotel and also at Kaplan’s Bemidji Hotel. She sold pastries and baked goods to area residents for eleven years until 1941. She worked at Munsingwear for several years as an inspector. In 1947 she started cooking at the Markham Hotel and was employed there for a few years. She was also a cook at the Third Street Café. In 1952, she bought and operated Sophia’s Diner until 1953.

In 1954, Mrs. Snider purchased Dahl’s Café and renamed it Snider’s Café, which she operated successfully until her retirement in 1967. Allen Snider, Sophia’s son, took it over at that time.

Louise Snider, daughter of Sophia Snider, worked at the café during her teen years. She married Clifford “Kip” Norden in 1956. She continued working at the restaurant while raising her family. When Kip died in 1975, she cooked at St. Philip’s school cafeteria, eventually making the decision to purchase Snider’s Café in 1976. She operated the café until her retirement in 1990.

Anna Blaufuss moved to Bemidji in 1944. She worked at Snider’s Café for 35 years.

The café then became Clementine’s in the 1990’s. It is currently the site of the Cantabria Coffee House.

117 Twelfth St

This was the home of Cliff Morlan, the beloved Pioneer sports writer in Bemidji from the late 1930s to the 1970s. He played football for the Bemidji Normal School. Cliff entertained the community, sports and non-sports fans, with his Cliff’s Column on the back page of each paper. Many of Cliff’s items were about the high school basketball teams and Minnesota’s winningest coach, Bun Fortier, who lived across the street.

Earlier residents included Henry Unruh and his family. (1910-1912) He was a bank cashier who came to Bemidji and then moved on to another banking job and community. Their daughter Vera Elizabeth was born on July 31, 1911 in Bemidji. Other residents before Cliff Morlan were Mrs. Young (1913), Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olin (1919), C. A. Phelps (1920-1921), Mr. and Mr. Roy Danielson (1922) and Mrs. Betsy Roe (1934-1935)